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2019-11-21 09:01 网络整理 教案网

2.掌握下列句型:Recycling paper is really easy.It’s hard to stop riding incars.We really shouldn’t use paper napkins, you know .【自学检测】翻译下列短语。1.停止开车____________________2.使用纸巾____________________3.再利用书本和纸张___________________ 4.缀苣裚___________________5.关掉灯___________________6. 带 上 你 自 己 的 袋 子___________________7.ϴͷ____________________8.ֹͣ譥___________________【知识生成】1. I stopped using them last year. 去年我就停止使用他们了。【解读 1】此句子的时态为一般过去时态,常与其连用的时间状语有:yesterday/ last week/ last month/ last year/ …ago…【举例】He waited for you here three hours ago.三副以前他在这里等你。

【解读 2】stopped 为 stop 的过去式。在英语当中动词的过去式分为规辕和不规凿化,不规允总数椿过 200 多甘鞘褂闷德屎芨摺V殖扇啵1.第一类不规允的三种形式同形, 如:cost cost cost/ cut cut cut/ hurt hurt hurt2.第二类不规允的过去式和过去分词同形,如:bring brought brought/ catch caught caught/ lead led led3.第三类不规允的原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同,如:begin began begun/ break broke broken/ grow grew grown/ ring rang rung/ wakewoke / waked woken 此外还有少数不规允的过去分词与原形相同,如:come came come/ become became become/ run ran run【当堂检测反馈】翻译1.stop riding in cars_________________2.recycle books andpaper.3.当你离开房间时关灯_______________________________________________4.不要用餐巾纸______________________________________________________5.当你洗头发时关闭淋浴芲_________________________________________________ 【拓展提升】用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.Tom and Mary_______________ (come) to China last month.2.Mike(not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night.3.Mary______________(read) English yesterday morning.4.There________________(be) no one here a moment ago.5. ________________(recycle)paper is really easy.6.It’s hard to stop________________(ride)in cars.7.Don’t________________(use) paper napkins.8.You can take your own bags when________________(shop).二.根据首字母提示完成单词。1.We can help to save the environment by rthe books and paper.2.Jack’s parent are so poor that they can’t ahis education.3.Eating too much junk food is hto your health.4.Killing a whole shark only for a bowl of shark fin soup is too cforsharks.5.We should do something to stop people from lrubbish.6.We must riron and steel.7.We really shouldn’t use paper n.8.Turn off the nights when you la room.9.Turn off the swhile you are washing your hair.【学习内容】We’re trying to save the earth . Section B 2a-2e【学习目标】掌握 gate; bottle; president; inspiration; iron; work; metal; creativity;throw away; put sth togood use; pull…down; an old boat turned upside down; be an inspiration to sb; setup a website; a “metalart” theme park; be known for 等单词短语。

【自学检测】 单词、短语翻译。1.扔礯_____________10.擅长回收_____________________2.不再需要_____________________11.开一家小店_____________________3.投入更好的使用_____________________12. 建 立 一 站_____________________4.有一复造力的头脑_____________________13.在网上砡___________________5.推倒_____________________14. 使 用 旧 物 的 新 方 法_________________6.倒转,颠倒_____________________15.噎而砡___________________7.由…制咨_____________________16. … 的 重 要 性_____________________8.旧的玻璃瓶_____________________17.带来快乐_____________________9.籣___________________18. 一 点 创 造 力_____________________【合卓】Step 1 2a 情景导入Which rubbish can be recycled?________________________What have you deal with your rubbish in everydaylife?_________________________________Step 2Para.1 Wang Tao uses materials from old cars to make beautiful art pieces.Para.2 Many old things can be put to good use. Para.3 Jessica Wong uses old clothes to make bags. Para.4 Amy Hayes built a house out of rubbish. 【当堂检测反馈】 翻译下列句子 1.许多古老的建筑物已经 被菜。

(pull down)2.那辆新车将于下釜始投入使用。3.鲁迅谆给常4.不晋们,老师也被邀请参加聚会。5.这腐设立于 1998 年。【拓展提升】根据汉语提示完成单词。1. The man was stopped by the guard at the(磑f the school.2. The(?Xi Jinpin was found having breakfast at QinFeng breadrestaurant.3. Lei Feng has been an(皌o all of the teenagers.4. The young man has created many art(譻ince he finished college.5. The old man set up a factory to recycle the waste(健二.单项选择。( )1.Not onlyMiss Li like music, but (also) shesports.A. /; likesB. does; likesC. does; like( )2.On the one hand, we need.A. createB. creativeC. creativityD. created( )3. The man built a house________trash.A. outB. ofC. intoD. out of( )4. We often call________Mr. Recycling.A. heB. hisC. himD. her( )5. We have never visited the museum, but we have______it.A. stood forB. belonged toC. heard aboutD. kept on( )6.—What do you think of my shirt? It______cotton. —It looks nice on you.A. is made inB. is made forC. is made ofD. is made by( )7.—It’s difficult for village children to cross the river to school.—I think a bridge______over the river.A. should be builtB. will buildC. is builtD. was built()8.The girl_______an English song in the next room is Tom ’s sister.A. who is singingB. is singingC. sangD.was singing( )9.Can you lend me the novel________the other day?A.that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked aboutD. is;【学习内容】We’re trying to save the earth. Section B 3a-self check【自学检测】翻译下列词组1.停止乘小汽车2.回收纸3.用纸巾4.好好利用5.用垃圾建造房6.倒置7.经营小生意8.回复,归还9.旧玻璃瓶10.拆下11.一复意的大脑12.开一戈13.更受欢迎的作品14.给他人带来欢乐【合卓】重点短语:1.make a difference 泼;影响 2. take part in 参加 3. turn off 关掉4. pay for 付费;付驰5. cut down 减少6. lead to 通往;导致7. hear of 听说8. cut off 切除9. throw away 扔掉10. put sth. to good use 好好利用某物 11. pull…down 不摧毁12. turn…upside down 上下颠倒;倒转 13. bring back 恢复;使想起14.be full of 充满15.close down 关闭16.play a part in 扮演角色17.clean up 蠢生18.instead of 代替19.used to 过去常常……20.be harmful to …对…有害 21.the food chain 食物链 22.at the top of 在…顶部凰23.take action 采取行动 24.set up 建屏?设立 25.be known/famous for 因…而闻名【拓展提升】单项选择( )1.He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he______ yet.A. didn’t arrive B. doesn’t arriveC. isn’t arriving D.hasn’t arrived( )2.Ba Jin, one of the greatest writers in China,_______as “People’s Writer”.A. is regarded B. has regarded C. is regardingD. regards( )3.—Where is Tom?—He______in his room.A. is readingB. readsC. readD. was reading( )4.—May I go out now, Dad?A. canB. may—No. You______let your mother know first.C. needD. must( )5. Her son______Coke, but now he_______milk. A. used to drink; is used to drinkingB. used to drinking;drinksC. is used to drinking; used to drinkD. is us ed to drink; isdrinking二.根据所给首字母写潮单词。