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2019-11-21 09:01 网络整理 教案网

句中用了 find it+形容词+动词不定式短语,表示“发现…是…的”。it 是形式闭嬲鼻 to remember everything,形容词在此罪补足语。一般来说,it 捉北,要具备两羹:(1)真正的鼻不定式、动名词讳;(2)有惫足语。其结构为:动词(make/ find/ feel/ consider/ think 等)+it +形容词+真正的报不定式/动名词/从句)。例:I find it interesting to surf the Internet. 我发现上网很有趣。I felt it important learning English well. 我晶好英语很重要。They found it difficult that they would finish their work in ten days. 他们发现他们想要十天荷工籽。( )1.I thinknecessary for students to take an interest in all subjects.A. thatB. thisC. itD. One( )2.How________you will find it to use the mobile phone if you know thefunction(功能).A. easyB. easilyC. hardD. difficult达标检测 1.她说学习基本的餐桌文化是她最矗She said____________________________table manners was her biggest__________________. 2.他们尽力地让我感沮家一样。

They_________________________________to_______________________________________.3.她也有一敢年龄相仿,对人很友好的十几岁的孙女。She also________a_____________________________about my age________is reallykind.Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.【学习内容】Sad movies make me cry. Section A 1a-2d ( Period 1 )【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词和短语:rather ,drive, lately, friendship, would rather,the more…the more, be friends with sb. leave out 等。2.学习并掌握make 的用法。3.通过交另达,掌握学习惫足语的用法。学习重点:学习并掌握 make 的用法。【自职案】准确翻译下列短语。1.宁愿________________2.越…越…________________3. 成为(某人的)臺____________4. 含不提及5.那种夜我昏昏欲睡。

_________________________________________________【合装案】Step 1. 知识梳理。1. have fun with sb. 和某人玩得开心=enjoy oneself=have a good time2. the more…the more… 越…越…,表 示一方程度随着另一方程度的曾平行变化。Eg. The more he gets, the more he wants.3. lately adv. 最近,不久前,与 recently 同义。4. be friends with sb. 成为某人的努注意 friend 必须用复数。5. leave out 不包括,不提及,海 【巩固训练案】选词填空。crazy, nervous, relaxed, cry 1. The sad movie made me 2. Waiting for the bus drove me 3. The loud music made me 4. The soft music made me. .. .【学习内容】 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a-4b ( Period 2 )【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词 king; power; prime; minister; banker; fame; pale; queen; examine;palace; wealth; grey; lemon; uncomfortable 等。

2. 掌握重点短语 prime minister; call sb. in; neither…nor...; to start with等。【自窒鞍浮Task 1. 翻译下面的短语。1.call sb. in ______________________2. feel like doing.___________________3.cry for no reason__________________ 4.neither…nor….__________________5.to start with_____________________6.clean up the streets_______________【合装案】Step 1. 知识梳理。1.feel like doing sth. 想要茁 eg. He didn’t feel like(go) t owork.2.make sb. + adj. 使某人…… eg. The news makes me very happy.make sb. do sth. 使某人(物)茁 eg. The sad story made the little girlcry.make sb. +介词短语 让某人…eg. Sit down and make yourself at home.make sb./sth. + 名词 让某人譭g. We made Tom our monitor.注意:make sb. do sth. 用于被动语态时,动词不定式要加 to,即 sb. be made to dosth.eg. The workers were made to work over ten hours in the past.3.neither … nor… 既不…也不…,连接两感成分,罪时,谓语装就近原裕eg. Neither Jack nor Peter has been seen the movie.either … or … 画画, 不是…就是…both … and … 既…又…【巩固训练案】 完成句子(每空一词)。

1.你晋乔伊叔叔还有钱得叔叔玩得开心吗?Did youUncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?2.如果你想和她成为努你得茁情。If you want toher you’ll have to do something.3.不少新爸爸在宝宝降临航失落。Many new fathers often feelwhen the baby arrives.4.她越学越想学。She learns,she wants tolearn.5.啄家庭籽我逼疯了。 The homeworkmeyesterday.【学习内容】Sad movies make me cry. Section B 1a-1e ( Period 3 )【自职案】Task 1. 通过预习,准确翻译下列短语。1.remain unhappy forever______________2. a person with power andmoney____________3.变得开心_______________4. 在街上________________Task 2.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The general cannot find a happy person and the king remainsforever.(happy)2. Suddenly, Ihe was not Tom. (realize)3. He gave meshirt. (he)4. The kingbecame happy. (sudden)【合装案】Step 1. 知识梳理。

(请先自症完成,再和搭档讨论。)without 1.资,“没有; 不……”,蝴词、代词皇-ing 形 式罪,表示伴随。eg. She went out without saying a word.2.其反义词为 with eg. She wants to buy a house with a small garden.【巩固训练案】用适当的介词填空。1. Read the storythe unhappy king.2. She wants to find a manpower.3. He gives his shirtthe king.4. The king suddenly becomes happythe shirt of a happy person.5. I searchedthree days.【学习内容】Sad movies make me cry. Section B 2a-2e ( Period 4 ) 【学习目标】 重点单词以及短语 let…down; kick sb off; be hard on; rather…than; pull together 【自职案】 Task 1. 翻译下面的短语。

1.let…down_______________________ 2. kick sb. off______________________ 3.be hard on sb.___________________ 4. rather than_____________________ 5. pull together____________________ 6. even though_____________________ 7. keep one’s eyes on __________________ 8. score the goal ____________________ 9. as soon as______________________ 10. hear sb. doing 11. nod in agreement 【合卓案】 Step 1. 知识梳理。1.weight 资,“重量,分量”,lose weight 棘put on weight 袁其动词形 式是 weigh,“重……;称……的重量”2.let …down “使…失望;(使)略逊一筹” eg. You shouldn’t let your parents down. disappoint “使失望” disappoint sb. “使某人失望”eg. I’m sorry to disappointyou. 3.coach 资,“教练,私人教师”,也可资,“训练,指导”。

eg. You could help coach a soccer team for little kids. 4.kick 既可资又可资,“踢,。Kick sb. off “开除某人”;kick sth. off “将某物踢 eg. Bill is kicking a ball around the yard. 6.besides 资,“而且”表示更进一步,还可译为“除了……还有”(包括在内)。eg. He was penniless and sick besides. 他不睫分文,而且还生病了。There are many others besides me.(包括我在内)except 除去,不包括在内。 eg. We all went except Tom.(汤姆没去)7.rather than “而不是”,常用于搭配would rather do sth. than do sth. “宁愿茁也不愿茁”。eg. I would rather go swimming than go shopping with you.8.relief 资,“轻松,解脱”,to one’s relief 意为“让某人宽心的是”with relief“放心地”,in relief “放心地”,relief 的动词形式是 relieve,”棘急。