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1.Rosa likes music that’s quiet.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ _______music does Rosa like?2.I like music. The music is loud and exciting.(合并为一句)I like music_______________ ________loud and exciting.3.The woman is our English teacher. You talked to her just now.(改为复合句)The woman_______________you______________ ________ just now is our Englishteacher.4.John liked popular music better than classical music.(改为同义句)John_______________popular music_________classical music.5.Beijing is the third place. I’ve ever been to Beijing.(合并为一句)Beijing is the third place__________ __________been________.Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A(1a-2c)【学习重难点】1.在不同的国家,第一次见面应该增。

2.正确使用句型 You’re supposed/expected to do sth./It is+adj.+动词不定式.【导学量 请根据所给汉语,用单词的适当形式完成句子1.Different countries have different____________________(风俗).2.She________________(亲吻)him and said goodbye.3.People in Korea___________________(鞠躬)when they meet for the first time.4.People in_________________(巴蝛e to watch football games very much.5.They are supposed to shake hands when people in___________(墨蝝eet for thefirst time.6.Maria___________________(问簎l’s mother the wrong way.二.【解释疑问】1.be supposed to do sth. 被期望茁,应该?..1)当智人时,表示劝告、建议、匀=should =to be expected to do sthYou are supposed to______________( arrive) on time2)当智物时,表示“本应;本该”The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.be supposed to 与 should:be supposed 是 suppose 一词的______________语态结构,函词不定式,相当于______________夯定式。

即:__________________.使用较随便,建议性强。方为 benot supposed to do sth.(2)should 函词__________, 例:You are not supposed to shake hands. = You shouldn’t shake hands.2.shake→shook→shaken v 摇动,誷hake hands 握手shake hands with sb./ shake one's hands 与某人握手① When we meet Americans for the first time, we should_____________(握手)withthem.②People in China____________when they meet for the first time.A. bowB. kiss C. shake handsD. laugh3.bow 装物动词,意为“鞠躬”。常与 to 籪ore 连用,意为“纤鞠躬”。也可作不及物动词,意为“低(头)”。还可用资,意为“弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬”。例:The speaker bowed to/before the listeners.She bowed her head.The Japanese usually make/take a bow while greeting.4.expect v. 预料 (1) expect to do sth. 预计茁(2) expect sb. to do sth 期待某人茁= look forward to doing sth. 期待茁(3)I expect so/not.①I expect the group____________(sing) pop songs.②—Do you think our football team will win the match?—Yes, we have better players. so I_______them to win.A. hopeB. askC. helpD. expect(4) sb. be expected to do sth. 被期望茁/应该要茁Everyone in the class__________________take part in the discussion.希望全班同学参加讨论。

四.请选匝矗( )1.You are___to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other persondoesn't get bored.A. suggestedB. supportedC. taughtD. supposed( )2.Do you remember the day when we met for the______time?A. firstB. oneC. onceD. firstly( )3.People in Brazil________when they meet for the first time.A. bowB. kissC. shake handsD. laugh( )4.—You look sad. What has happened? —Everyone______us to win the match, butwe lost.A.expectsB. expectedC. hopesD. hoped( )5.Maria should ask what she is supposed to wear if she_________to a party nexttime.A.invitesB.invitedC.is invitedD.will inviteUnit10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A 2d-Grammar focus【学习目标】掌握下列单词伙:greet, passport, clean ...off, chalk, blackboard,northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, take off, worth, manner【学习重难点】重点:1.The conversation in 2d; 2.The sentences in Grammar Focus.难点:The new words and phrases in the exercises.【导学量请根据所给汉语,用单词的适当形式完成句子1.How are people in Korea supposed to____________(问篴ch other?2.They got their _______________(护照) at last.3.After class,students are expected to________________( 把 粉 笔 擦礶_____________(黑板).4.There are four________________(季节) in a year.5.He_____________(敲)at the door many times,but nobody answered.6.This book is well_______________(值得) reading。

7.We should have good_______________( in everyday life.请写承短语:1.挪威的北海岸______________________________2.东欧国家 ________________________ 3.脱下;芲__________________二.【解释疑问】1.as soon as 一…就…,引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,置一般将来时。( )1.I’ll go to visit my aunt in England_______the summer holidays start.A.whileB.sinceC. untilD. as soon as( )2.—Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?—Sure,I’ll give it to her________she comes back.A. beforeB. untilC. becauseD. as soon as2.hold out 伸翅持 hold out one’s hands 伸出手She held out her hand to take the rope. 她伸手去抓那根绳子。

【hold 相关的短语】 hold on 抓住; (窗时用语)毕...hold up 举起;hold back 阻碍;hold off 不使挨近; 挡住; 耽搁; 离开hold down 压制; 压薼d on to 坚持; 不放弃 hold in 压住; 忍耐; 抑制3.kiss v.&n. 资使用时, 荷接某人罪,萨一步说躇亲吻的部位时,再用介词 on 引入, 即:kiss sb. on …,籿e sb. a kiss on...He kissed the woman on the right hand.She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek(面颊)and said goodbye.4.knock v.&n. 用装物动词,意为“敲(门、窗等)”,其河介词 at/on;资,意为“敲基)”。He_________________at/on the door,but there was no answer.他敲了门,但没有回应。There is a_________________at the door. 有敲门声。5.worth adj.意为“值得,有...价值的”,一般罪,其海跟动词-ing 形式痪金钱等的名词。

表示“很值得”,应说 well worth,而不用 very worth。例:This movie is well worth watching. 这部电影很值得看。The dictionary is worth(costs) 98 dollars.I don’t think it’s worth our work. 我锯事不值得我们付朝。达标检测:一.选匝答案( )1.—When will you return the book to me? —I’ll give it to you_______I finishit.A.onceB.untilC.as soon asD.until( )2.The classroom was so dirty . I decided________.A.clean it upB. to clean it upC. clean it offD.to clean itoff( )3.________ your dreams and I believe one day they will come true.A.hold outB. hold onC. hold on toD. hold up二.根据所给汉语,用适当形式补全句子1.My father often________________(?2.Could you please tell me when the plane will________________(疲3.Learning what you are supposed to do and aren’t supposed to do in_____________(社会环境)may be difficult,but......Unit10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A(3a--3c) 【学习目标】掌握下列单词伙:relaxed,value,drop by, capital,after all,noon,mad, get mad,effort,make an effort 【导学量请在课文中找炒承句子。