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2019-11-21 09:01 网络整理 教案网

1.I’ll never forget the farm. I visited it in 2003.I’ll never forget the farmin 2003.2.The building is a middle school. It stands near the post office.The buildingnear the post officea middleschool.3.The man teaches us English. He comes from Hainan.The mancomes from Hainan.4.The book is interesting. You lent it to me yesterday.The bookyesterday is interesting【学习内容】I like music that I can dance to. Section B 1a-1e 【自学检测】从方快词并用其适当形式填空。recent, explain, loudly, usually, who1. Mr. Zhang is a good teacher whothings very well.2. What interesting songs did you listen to?3. The girlcoat is red is my good friend Han Mei.4. The radio is too. Please turn it down a bit.5. My father went to work by bike as.【 知识生成】1. I like clothes that are unusual. 我喜欢不寻常的衣服2.—I like movies that are sad. I love Titanic. 我喜欢悲伤的电影。

我喜欢《泰坦尼克号》。—Oh, I don’t. I like movies that are scary. 我不,我喜欢恐怖电影。【当堂检测反馈】1.他喜欢不平常的衣服。 He likes clothes.2.他喜欢把事情解释的清楚媚祝He likes writersthings well.【拓展提升】 一.用 that 籵 填空。1. Lin Hui likes books ________________ are short.2. Mike prefers clothes________________are comfortable.3. Rose loves foods______________are unusual.4. I like people________________are interesting.5. She doesn’t like movies________________she can’t understood.6. I like friends________________ play sports二.根据汉语提示填空。1.He________________(更喜欢)studying with a group. 2.The________________(乙)who can write his own songs is popular. 3.He’s afraid to see movies that are ________________(令人恐惧的). 4.I had an ________________(不平常的)experience 头 Beijing. 5.He likes the jacket that ________________(有)pockets. 三.按要巧句子 1.What do you think of it ?(同义句) __________ do you __________ _______? 2.We don’t like the boy who talks too much.(对划线部分提问)__________ _________ _______boy_________you like? 3. Rose likes music. She can dance to music.(改为复合句)Rose likes music__________ ________ _________ ____________ ________. 4.Lily prefers this kind of music.(改为一般疑问句)_________Lily______________this kind of music? 5.He loved groups that play quiet and gentle songs. (对划线部分提问) ___________ groups __________he love? 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. 我不喜欢吓人的影片。I don’t like movies___________ ___________ scary. 2. 你为什么喜欢郭敬媚书? Why do you like books______________ _________ _______________by Guo Jingming? 3. 我喜欢演奏改那赣。I like the band _________ __________ all kinds of music.【学习内容】I like music that I can dance to. Section B 2a-2e【学习目标】1. sense, pain, reflect, perform, pity,total,in total,master, praise,recall,wound,be known for, get married 等单词短语。【自学检测】 单词、短语翻译1.查阅,抬头看______________________ 2.总共,合计____________________3.结婚_______________________4.挣钱5.用这种方式 _____________________ 6.到….年龄_________________________7.某人的一生【合卓】A: What kind of musical instruments did Abing play?B: He could play many instruments, but he is best known for playing the erhu?【 知识生成】1.Chinese folk music 中国敏乐2. a piece of music 一首乐曲3. sense a strong sadness and pain 感净种强烈的悲伤与痛苦4. look up 查阅5. his musical ability 他的异赋6. develop a serious illness 患上一种严重疾病7. get married 结婚8. during his lifetime 在他生前9. in total 总计10.China’s national treasures 中国的民族瑰宝【当堂检测反馈】 根据汉语提示填空完成句子1.但是那是我曾经听到过的最动人的耶一。

But it was one of the mostpieces of musicI ’ veever.2.那仪 1893 年弛无锡市的一镐乙阿炳写的。The musicby Abing, a fork musicianbornin the city of Wuxi in 1893.3.阿炳的《二泉映月》是所有伟逮胡演奏能手所必演奏和称赞的遥Abing’s Erquan Ying yue is a pieceall the great erhuplayand praise.【拓展提升】 一.根据汉语提示写呈。1. The sad music makes me(感綼 strong sadness .2.In the future ,I’m afraid robot will be our(?3. It’s a(可惜)he can’t spend a good time with us.4.The teacher(表扬)the girl.二.选允的短语的正确形式填空。make money such as in this way during one’s lifetime by age1.—How did Abing? —By playing music to support his family.2. He likes junk food,potato chips, hamburgers and so on.3.,he h as made much money.4.ThefamousinventorEdisonhadover1000inventions.5.18, he become a famous writer.三.单项选择。

( ) 1. Abing was knownhis musical skills.A. asB. byC. forD. of( ) 2.the end of this year,I ’ll save 60 thousand yuan.A. AtB. ByC. InD. On( ) 3. Who gotthe blind musician Abing?A.marryB. marryingC. married withD. married to( ) 4. The music whichon the erhu speciallyme.A. played; move B. was played; moved C. played; moving D. was played;moving( ) 5. This is one of the tallest buildingI’ve ever seen.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where【学习内容】I like music that I can dance to. Section B 3a-self check【自学检测】一.翻译下列词组1.衣而称赞某人__________________ 2.触动人们的心灵___________________3.感受悲伤_____________________ 4.最以…而著_____________________二.根据汉语提示完成单词。

1. We have planted 100 trees in(总计)in a week.2. He put a bandage on the(伤口)himself so that it wouldn’t losemuch blood.3. It’s really a(可怜)that I can’t attend your birthday partynext week.4. This song made him(回忆苨 happy life with his wife.5. The teacher(表扬)me for my progress in my English.【拓展提升】单项选择( )1.He is the only one of the students who________from that country.A. comeB. comesC. comingD. to come( )2.Jack likes_________.A. two pieces of musics B. two pieces of music C. two pieces music D .twopiece of music( )3.I love singers________write________music.A. which; their own B. who; own their C. who; their own D. which; owntheir( )4.We always have_______homework on weekends.A. manyB. a lots ofC. plenty ofD. number of二.用动词的正确形式填空1.Song Zuying is a great_________________(music).2.I lost my little dog, which brings me______________(painful).3.They prefer_______________(skate) to swimming.4.My mother likes the singer who_______________(play) the piano well.5. I__________________(prefer)oranges when I was young.三.句型转换。