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古代中国的政治制度表 康熙《皇舆全览图》与西方对中国历史疆域认知的成见(13)

2018-02-25 12:07 网络整理 教案网


(33)参见J.B.Du Halde,The General History of China Containing a Geographical,Historical,Chronological,Political and Physical Deion of Empire of China,Chinese-Tartary,Corea and Thibet Including an Exact and Particular Account of their Customs,Manners,Ceremonies,Religion,Arts and Sciences the Whole Adorn'd with Curious Maps,and Variety of Copper Plates,London:Printed for J.Watts,the third edition,1741,Google电子书。


(35)参见J.B.Du Halde,The General History of China Containing a Geographical,Historical,Chronological,Political and Physical Deion of Empire of China,Chinese-Tartary,Corea and Thibet Including an Exact and Particular Account of their Customs,Manners,Ceremonies,Religion,Arts and Sciences the Whole Adorn'd with Curious Maps,and Variety of Copper Plates,Vol.4,pp.86-87。




(39)图见Boleslaw Szczesniak,The Seventeenth Century Maps of China:An Inquiry into the Compilations of European Cartographers,Imago Mundi,The International Joural for the History of Cartography,Vol.13,1956,pp.116-136。

(40)参见汉斯·艾黎(Hans Aili):《1694年的〈中国长城〉与1697年的〈中华大帝国研究〉——瑞典两篇最早的有关中国的学术论文考》,见复旦大学历史地理中心:《跨越空间的文化——16—19世纪中西文化的相遇与调适》,上海:东方出版中心,2010年,第118—126页。

(41)l'Empire de la Chine单张图,索书号为2205.1749.2,法文,哈佛大学图书馆地图室藏。

(42)REGNI SINA vel SINA PROPRIA,地图集中的一幅,索书号为Mt18.43,1750年,拉丁文,哈佛大学图书馆藏。古代中国的政治制度表

(43)A Map of the Empire of China(from the best authority),《中华帝国的地图》(来自最权威的资料),1785年,纽约公立图书馆收藏。