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两河流域文明和尼罗河流域文明 远东希腊化文明的文化遗产及其历史定位(14)

2018-02-20 06:01 网络整理 教案网

(28)有关图片参见Hidden Afghanistan,under the direction of Pierre Cambon in collaboration with Jean-Francois Jarrige; with scientific contributions by Paul Bernard and Véronique Schiltz,Amsterdam:Nieuwe Kerk,2007,pp.228-275(catalogue:nos.147-228).

(29)P.Leriche and S.Pidaev,"Termez in Antiquity," in Joe Cribb and Georgina Herrmann,eds.,After Alexander:Central Asia before Islam,pp.190-191,Figure 9.

(30)关于此碑文的历史信息和文化内涵,见Rachel Mairs,The Hellenistic Far East:Archaeology,Language,and Identity in Greek Central Asia,pp.106-117,190; Rachel Mairs,"The places in Between:Model and Metaphor in the Archaeology of Hellenistic Arachosia," in Sujatha Chandrasekaran,Anna Kouremenos and Roberto Rossi,eds.,From Pella to Gandhara:Hybridisation and Identity in the Art and Architecture of the Hellenistic East,Oxford:BAR,2010,pp.177-189.

(31)P.Leriche and S.Pidaev,"Termez in Antiquity," p.313,Figure 1.

(32)Pliny,Natural History,6.18.47.


(34)参见Paul Bernard,"An Ancient Greek City in Central Asia," pp.148-159.

(35)Otto ,Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamaea(336-188BC),Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991,p.27.图片可见李铁生编著:《古希腊币》,北京:北京出版社,2013年,第89页图8—10,第90页图8—12,第108页图9—9,第111页图9—16,9—17。

(36)Ian Carradice and Martin Price,Coinage in the Greek World,London:B.A.Seaby Ltd.,1988,pp.106-107,109.

(37)F.L.Holt,Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions,Berkeley:University of California Press,2003,Plate:2-5; J.Boardman,The Greeks in Asia,London:Thames-Hudson Lit.,2015,p.57(illus.28).