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两河流域文明和尼罗河流域文明 远东希腊化文明的文化遗产及其历史定位(13)

2018-02-20 06:01 网络整理 教案网

(18)Pliny,Natural History,6.18.46-47.

(19)Pierre Leriche,"Bactria,Land of a Thousand Cities," in Joe Cribb and Georgina Herrmann,eds.,After Alexander:Central Asia before Islam,p.133.笔者2014年9月曾到铁尔梅兹地区残存的哨所和城堡遗址考察,参观了当地的博物馆,目睹了发掘出来的希腊式陶器、钱币、雕塑等。关于该城遗址的发掘和研究,详见P.Leriche and S.Pidaev,"Termez in Antiquity," in Joe Cribb and Georgina Herrmann,eds.,After Alexander:Central Asia before Islam,pp.179-181; G.M.Cohen,The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India,pp.277-278.

(20)Arrian,Anabasis of Alexander and Indica,3.30.6-7; 4.3.6; 4.6.3.


(22)关于二者的认同,详见G.M.Cohen,The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India,pp.252-255.


(24)Isidore of Charax,Parthian Stations,pp.14,18,19.Demetrias城是公元前2世纪初侵入阿拉科西亚地区的巴克特里亚国王德米特里所建。详见G.M.Cohen,The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India,p.272; W.W.Tarn,The Greeks in the Bactria and India,1951,p.94.

(25)参见Paul Bernard,"Ai Khanum on the Oxus:A Hellenistic City in Central Asia," Proceedings of the British Academy,vol.53,1967,pp.71-95; Paul Bernard,"An Ancient Greek City in Central Asia," Scientific American,vol.246(Jan.1982),pp.148-159.

(26)Pierre Leriche,"Bactria,Land of a Thousand Cities," pp.131-132.

(27)B.A.Litvinskii and I.R.Pichikian,"The Hellenistic Architecture and Art of the Temple of the Oxus," Bulletin of the Asia Institute,New Series,vol.8,1994,pp.47-66.图片也可参见