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罗马帝国崩溃 韦森:近代西方世界兴起原因的再思考(11)

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[8] Hayek, F. A., 1967, Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

[9] Hayek, F. A., 1976, Law, Legislation and Liberty: the Mirage of Social Justice (II), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[10] Hayek, F. A., 1979, Law, Legislation and Liberty: the Political Order of a Free People (III), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[11] Hegel, G. W. F., 1991, Elements of the Philosophy of Rights, trans. by H. B. Nisbet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


[12] Kennedy, Paul, 1987, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, New York, NY : Random House. 中译本:肯尼迪:《大国的兴衰; 1500年到2000年的经济变化和军事冲突》,梁于华译,世界知识出版社1990年出版。

[13] Landes, David S.,1969,The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present, Cambridge University Press.

[14] North, Douglass., 1981, Structure and Change in Economic History, New York: Norton. 中译本:诺思,《经济史上结构与变迁》,陈郁、罗华平等译,上海:三联书店。

[15] North, Douglass & Roberts P. Thomas, 1973, The Rise of Western World: a New Economic History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 中译本:诺思、托马斯,《西方世界的兴起》,厉以平、蔡磊译,北京:华夏出版社1999年出版。

[16] Rosenberg, Nathan & L. E. Birdzell Jr., 1986, How the West Grew Rich: the Economic Transformation of the Industrial World, London : Tauris. 中译本:罗森堡、小伯泽尔,《西方致富之路:工业化国家的经济转变》,刘赛力等译,北京:三联书店1989年出版。

[17] Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1934,The Theory of Economic Development : An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Ccredit, Interest, and the Business Cycle, trans. from the German by Redvers Opie. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press. 中译本:熊彼特,《经济发展理论:对利润、资本、信贷、利息和经济周期的考察》,何畏等译,北京商务印书馆1965年出版。