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华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(22)

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72. Approximation theory and spline function , Contemporary Mathematics, 163(1994), 139-154.(MR, 94m: 65007).

73.(with Z.X.Luo) C1 smooth interpolation on the element with curved sides (II), Jour. Dalian Univ. Tech., Vol.34, No.2(1994),--202.

74. (with Z.X.Luo) A nodal basis of Cu -rational spline functions on triangulations, Approx. Theory & its Appl., 10:4(1994), 13-24.

75. (with Z.X.Luo) Geometric continuity between adjacent rational patches, Numerical Math. A Jour. of Chinese Univ., 16(1994), 97-106.

76. (with R.van Damme) Curve interpolation with constrained length, Computing,54(1995),69-81. ( SCI[1995-1d]; EI[1995-097669]).

77. (with T.Qi) Edge numbering for connected interpolation of inner vertices, Jour. Math. Res.& Exp., Vol.16, No.1(1996), 111-116.

78. (with X.N.Luo, R.M.Wang and Z.X.Su) The $C^{1}$, $C^{2}$ interpolating spline suces for designing complicated outlines, Math. Applic., 9(3)(1996), 315-320.

79. On piecewise algebraic curves, in << Advanced Topics in Multivariate Approximation >> (eds. F. Fontanella, K. Jetter, and P.J. Laurent), World Scientific Pub., 1996, 354-361.

80. (with Z.X.Luo) Rational shape functions for C1 -interpolation on quadrilaterals, Computer Math. Applic., Vol. 32, No.9(1996), 55-66. (SCI, EI)

81. (with G.H. Zhao) An introduction to the piecewise algebraic curve, Theory and Application for Scientific Computing , Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Vol. 2(1997), 196-205.