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华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(17)

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24. Quasi-positive linear operators and approximation of unbounded functions, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol.23, No.2(1980), 163--176. (MR, 83a: 41028; ZM, 1981, 438.41003).

25. (with Y.S. Zhou and D.X. Chui) A collection of papers on the space physics, Science Press, Beijing, 1980, 137--156.

26. (with S.T. Wu) On a problem of rational spline interpolation, Numerical Mathematics(a Journal of Chinese Universities), No.2(1981), 165--175. (MR, 82m:65010).

27. (with C.K. Chui) Bases of bivariate spline spaces with cross-cut grid partitions, J. Math. Research and Exposition, 1(1982), 1--4. (MR, 83e: 41013).

28. (with C.K. Chui) A generalization of univariate splines with equally spaced knots to multivariate splines, J. Math. Research and Exposition, 2(1982), 99--104. (MR, 85b: 41008).

29. (with T.X. He) The asymptotic estimation of Hermite-Fejer operators with Tchebyshev knots, Mathematicae Numerical Sinica, 5(1983), 260--266. (MR, 85j: 41056).

30. (with T.X. He) The asymptotic estimation of Hermite-Fejer operators with Tchebyshev knots (II), ibid., 5(1983). (MR, 86j: 41001).

31. (with C.K. Chui) Bivariate cubic B-splines relative to cross-cut triangulations, CAT Report# 4, Texas A & M University, Sept. 1981., Chin. Ann. of Math., 4B(4) (1983), 509--523. (MR, 85m: 41018; SCI[1984-1c]).

32. (with C.K. Chui) On smooth multivariate spline functions, Math. Computations, 41(1983), 131--142. (MR, 84f: 41011; SCI[1983-5c]).

33. (with C.K. Chui) Multivariate B-splines on triangulated rectangles, J. Math. Analysis and Applications, 92(1983), 533--551. (MR, 84e: 41009; SCI[1983-3c]).