华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(21)
62. (with Z.X.Su) On parallel computing concerning the bivariate splines, in " Proc. the Conference on Computational Mathematics"(ed. Y.L.Zhou), Tianjun, China, 1991, 728-731.
63. (with Z.X.Luo) Structure and application of algebraic spline curves and suces, J. Math. Research & Exposition, 12(1992), 579--582.(MR, 93i: 65030).
64. Smooth curve and suce interpolation, in Proc. Asian Math. Conf. 1990, (Eds. Z.Li, K.P. Shum, C.C. Yang and L. Yang) World Scientific, 1992, 474-477.(ISTP[1992-p. 53954]).
65. (with R.M.J. van Damme) Curve interpolation with constrained length, Tech.Report 1079, Dept.of Appl. Math., University of Twente, September 1992.
66. (with J.Q. Tan) On interpolating multivariate rational splines, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 12 (1993), 357--372. (MR, 95b: 65022; SCI[1993-4d];EI[1994-12449887]).
67. (with Z.X.Luo) Classes of basis of C1 -rational splines over triangulation, Jour. of Dalian Univ. of Tech., Vol. 33, No.6(1993),621--627.
68. Multivariate spline and its applications in science and technology, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, Vol.LXIII (1993), 213--229.
69. Non-linear approximation by spline functions, Proc. of the first China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics (eds. Z.C.Shi and T.Ushijima), World Scientific, 1993, 184-191.
70. (with X.N.Luo) Lagrange multiplier method for applying in engineering, Mathematics in Practice and Theory, No.2(1993), 51-56.
71. (with X.Q.Shi) Decomposition method for studying multivariate splines, Journal of Math.Research & Exposition, 14(1994), 215-216.