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华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(12)

2017-02-11 07:11 网络整理 教案网

44.Numerical singular integrals by splines, Department of Information Engineering, The Nagoya University, Nov.12, 1996.

45.Multivariate approximation by splines, Mathematics Department, The Kyoto University, Nov.13, 1996.

46.An introduction to piecewise algebraic curve, The "RIMS" Symposium on Theory and Application on Numerical Analysis in Science and Technology, held at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The Kyoto University, Nov.13-15, 1996.

47.An introduction to the multivariate spline and its applications, Mathematics Department, The Kagoshima University, Nov.18, 1996.

48.The intersection of two piecewise algebraic curves, Mathematics Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dec.12, 1996.

49.The spline methods for computing singular integrations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Dec.16, 1996.

50.Some topics in computational geometry, An invited talk on the International Congress on Contemporary Mathematics (organized by Professors Shing-Tung Yau, and Lo Yang), Dec.12-16, 1998, Beijing, China.

51.An introduction to multivariate spline, Mathematics Department, Kuwait University, Feb.14, 1999.

52.On piecewise algebraic curves, Mathematics Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait University, Feb.18, 1999.

53.2D quasi-interpolating operators and their applications, Mathematics Department, Kuwait University, Feb. 22, 1999.

54.On Computational Geometry, An invited talk, Workshop on Scientific Computing, June 27-30, 1999, Hong Kong, China.