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华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(20)

2017-02-11 07:11 网络整理 教案网

53. (with X.Q.Shi) The conditions on existence of the spline space S21(△n), Kexue Tongbao, 22(1988), 1753.

54. Some problems on Multivariate Approximation, Proc. of the Fifth Conference on Approximation Theory of China (Journal of Henan University), 1988, 31--38.

55. (with X.Q.Shi) A kind of cubic interpolations in n-dimensional finite element method, Journal of Henan University, 9(1989), 173--179.

56. (with X.Q.Shi) A kind of cubic C1 -interpolations in the n-dimensional finite element method, KEXUE TONGBAO, 33(1988),Issue 19, 1657. (Jour. Math. Res. Exp., 9(1988),173--179.) (SCI)

57. (with T.X.He, X.Y.Liu and S.C.Wang) An integral method for constructing bivariate spline functions, Journal Comp. Math., 7(1989), 244--261.(MR, 91h: 65027). (SCI)

58. (with X.Q.Shi) Su+1u suce interpolation over triangulations, in "Approximation, Optimization and Computing: Theory and Applications" (eds. A.G.Law & C.L.Wang), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.(North-Holland), IMACS, 1990, 205--208.(MR, 93k:41014)

59. (with X.Q.Shi) Geometric continuity on curves and suces, ibid, IMACS, 1990, 163--164.

60. (with X.Q.Shi and X.N.Luo) The mathematical model for transforming load based on different grid points, Journal of Mathematics for Technology, Vol. 6,No. 3(1990), 1--7.

61. (with X.N.Luo) C1 and C2 interpolation suces by bi-cubic splines on quadrilateral partitions, in " Proc. the Conference on Computational Mathematics"(ed. Y.L.Zhou), Tianjun, China, 1991, 699-702.