华罗庚的数学老师_华罗庚数学奖2016_刘应明 华罗庚数学奖(10)
20.Applications of the multivariate spline to science and technology, Second invited talk on "New Aspects of Numerical Analysis in the Light of Recent Technology", Sept.13-18, 1993, Stresa, Italy.
21.Open problems, Third invited talk on "New Aspects of Numerical Analysis in the Light of Recent Technology", Sept.13-18, 1993, Stresa, Italy.
22.A series of lectures on Multivariate Approximation, Mathematics Department, University of Milano, Sept. 21--Oct. 24, 1993, Milano, Italy.
23.Localized Methods for Constructing Smooth Suce Interpolation, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, Oct. 12, 1993.
24.Survey on multivariate spline, Mathematics Department, University of Torino, Italy, Nov. 4, 1993.
25.Survey on multivariate spline, Dip. Energetica, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, Nov. 9, 1993.
26.Localized Methods for Constructing Smooth Suces, Dip. Energetica, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, Nov. 10, 1993.
27.Multivariate spline and its applications, Mathematics Department, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, Nov. 12, 1993.
28.Localized Methods for Constructing Smooth Suces, Mathematics Department, University of Torino, Torino, Italy, Nov. 24, 1993.
29.Some topics on multivariate spline, Dip, Energetica, University of Firenze, Firenze, Italy, Nov. 26, 1993.
30.Survey on multivariate spline, Mathematics Department, University of Roma, Roma, Italy, Nov. 30, 1993.
31.Curve interpolation with constrained length, Mathematics Department, University of Roma, Roma, Italy, Dec. 2nd, 1993.