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联合国安理会成员国 双语:中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国联合声明(4)

2018-01-12 09:05 网络整理 教案网

— 关于中东和平进程,两国确认,根据联合国决议,支持基于国际社会承认的边界、安全共处、以耶路撒冷为两国首都的两国方案。

– On the peace process in the Middle East, they confirm their support for a two-state solution, under which the two states live side by side in security within internationally recognized borders, with Jerusalem as their capital, and in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.

— 关于伊朗,两国重申坚持并维护2015年7月14日在维也纳达成的伊朗核问题全面协议,呼吁协议有关各方履行其承诺,全面遵守其国际义务。

– On Iran, they reaffirm their commitment to and their readiness to uphold the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action concluded in Vienna on 14 July 2015, and call on all parties to implement their commitments and to fulfill all their international obligations.

— 关于非洲,中法两国支持包括萨赫勒五国在内的非洲国家和区域、次区域组织解决非洲和平安全问题的努力,包括打击恐怖主义,愿继续为非洲大陆实现持久和平与可持续发展作出贡献。

– In Africa, they support the efforts of African countries, African regional and subregional organizations as well as the G5 Sahel to address the issues of peace and security in Africa, including the fight against terrorism, and will continue to contribute to the achievement of lasting peace and sustainable development throughout the African continent.


5. China and France emphasize that terrorist threat knows no borders. They reaffirm their commitment to the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international cooperation. They will continue to support international initiatives to mobilize under the auspices of the United Nations all forces in the fight against terrorism in all its forms. They also recall the importance of combating terrorism financing. On 26 April 2018, France will organize an international conference in Paris on this theme, to which it will be pleased to see China participate.