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stay inflation 外贸开发信(网站内的语种比较多 这种网站建设要注意(6)

2018-01-20 15:05 网络整理 教案网

过去双方合作皆互利互助,能获您的眷顾作我公司于巴林的独家代理,殊感荣幸。据知您公司两服务技师曾到我公司米兰工厂受训。信任您公司在取得代理权后,仍会持续重视合格 售后服务人员的训练。现随信附上协议 草稿,请查实各项条款,惠复是盼。能加强 业务,我亦感觉欣喜,前次到访巴林,蒙盛情招待,不胜感谢。祈盼您莅临米兰时,容我一尽地主之谊。 此致敬礼

6.借引荐建立 业务关系

At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair.While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. DouglasGage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teachingaids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovativeapproach to marketing. He attributed his owncompany's success to your excellent distributionnetwork which has served him for several years. We need anorganization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Ourteaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in allsubjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularlysuccessful. You may have reservations about American teaching aidssuiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a completerange of British English versions. I enclose an illustratedcatalogue of our British English editions for your information.Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be inLondon during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we couldarrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.本用初参观哈洛加特玩具交易会时有幸与教导玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯?盖齐先生一谈,提及本公司正物色代理人营销教学器材一事。

盖齐先生赞美贵公司积极营销产品,不断推出新的倾销法子 ,并把其公司的成绩归于贵公司完善的经销网络。贵公司的经验,正能替本公司在英国经销产品。本公司生产初级教导各学科的教导器村、专利产品梅特里克教学器材更傲视同侪。除美国教学器材外,亦备有全套英式英语版教材,适宜当地市场,贵公司无需忧虑切合市场需求。现附上配有插图的英式英语版教材目录,盼抽空细阅,并赐闻名贵意见。本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否布置见面,就以上建议作一详谈? 此致敬礼
