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祈使句反义疑问句_过去完成时反义疑问句_i think反义疑问句(20)

2016-11-30 12:02 网络整理 教案网

His gratitude and devotion to the Party is endless.他无限感觉,无限忠于党。

⑤“one and a half +复数名词”做主语,谓语动词用单数。

One and a half pears is left on the table .一只半梨剩在桌子上。

One and a half days is all I can spare.一天半是我所能挤出的全部时间。

注意:“one or two+复数名词”做主语,谓语动词用复数。

One or two days are enough to see the city.参观该市一两天就足够了。

There are one or two things I want to talk over with you .我有一两件事想跟你商量。


有生命的集体名词 (如people,police,cattle,militia)作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。

Cattle are also kept. 还养了一些牛。

There are many people there. 那里有很多人。

The police are looking for the thief. 公安人员在搜寻那个小偷。

All the people of the world want peace.全世界人民都渴望和平。



Zhang’s family is rather big, with twelve people in all.张家很大,一共12口人。

The family are sitting at the breakfast table. 这家人正坐在早餐桌旁。

My family is a large one. 我家是个大家庭。

The class are doing experiment in the lab. 全班同学正在实验室里做实验。

The class has won the honour. 这个班获得了荣誉。

The Chinese people is a great people.中华民族是一个伟大的民族。

(4) 名词化的形容词作主语



这类形容词有:old, young, rich, poor, blind, deaf, dead, sick等。

The rich are not always happy. 富人也有不开心的时候。

The wounded is a policeman. 受伤者是一名警察。

The beautiful is not always the same as the good. 漂亮的不一定就等于好。

(5) 表示时间、距离、金钱、重量等的复数名词作主语


Twenty years has passed since we left school. 我们离开学校已经20年了。

Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money. 一万美元是一大笔钱。