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祈使句反义疑问句_过去完成时反义疑问句_i think反义疑问句(19)

2016-11-30 12:02 网络整理 教案网


Three and five makes /make eight.三加五等于八。

Time and tide wait/waits for no man .岁月不等人。



The United States is in North America.美国在北美洲。

The Arabian Nights is read all over the world.《天方夜谭》是流传世界各地的名著。

The New York Times has a wide circulation.《》销路很广。


The Alps rise over 4 countries.阿尔卑斯山脉跨越了四国。

Niagara Falls are not as high as Victoria Falls.尼亚加拉瀑布没有维多利亚瀑布高。

The Smiths were also invited.史密斯一家人也受到了邀请。

There are 3 Marys and 2 Roberts in my class.我班有三个叫玛丽、两个叫罗伯特的学生。


physics, politics, mathematics, economics, athletics, electronics等。

Politics is now taught in all schools.现在各学校都开设课。

Economics is a science of the way in which industry and trade produce and use wealth.经济学是研究工业、贸易生财和用财之道。


What are his politics?他的政见如何?

The economics of national growth are of the greatest importance to all modern governments.国家发展经济的原理对现代各国都重要。

③news,maths,plastics,physics,works,means(方法),the United States等虽然以-s结尾,但意义上作为单数看待。

“News of victories keeps pouring in as our army advances,” the company commander said. 集团军司令说:”


Mathematics/Physics is a required subject for us.


Every possible means has been used to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.



Bread and butter is a daily food in the West .面包抹黄油是西方人每天的食品。