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一 人教版英语3-6年级上下册资料
























3人教版英语六年级上册Unit 1教学反思

Unit 1 How can I get there?

● 教学反思

第一单元的教学内容不是很难。单词主要有:postoffice, hospital, bookstore, science museum, cinema; turn left, turn right, gostraight, crossing。句型主要有:Where is the ...? It's next to/ near the ... How can I get there?Turn left/ right at the ...









Unit1 How can I get there? A Let’s learn 说课稿

Good morning, dear judges. I’m thesecond examinee. It’s my great honor to have this opportunity to interpret myteaching design here. My topic is Unit 1 How can I get there? According to the New Curriculum Standard, I willinterpret my teaching design from the following parts, such as teaching aims,teaching procedures and so on.

I. The analysis ofteaching material

The first part in my presentationis the analysis of teaching material. (Firstly, please allow me to talk aboutthe analysis of teaching material) This lesson is chosen from part A Let’slearn of Unit 1 of PEP Primary English, book 7, and the main topic of thislesson is to ask and answer the way. After learning this lesson, students willbe able to know how to help others find the way. Therefore, this lesson playsan important role in their studying.

II. The analysis ofstudents

After analysis of teachingmaterial, let’s move to the next step: analysis of students. Students are thesubject of our class. Students of this period are active and curious. They areinterested in new things after learning English for 3 years. They have somebasic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach moreimportance to the communication with them.

III. The analysis ofteaching aims

According to the New Curriculum Standard in English, Iset the teaching aims as follows:

Firstly, knowledge aim: studentscan understand the basic meaning of some new words, such as crossing, turnleft, turn right, go along and so on.

Secondly, ability aim: studentscan use some simple expressions and target language to communicate in dailylife.

Lastly, emotional aim: studentsare willing to help others after class.

IV. The analysis ofteaching key point and difficult point

Then, I want to put forward thekey point and the difficult point of this lesson. Students can apply these newwords and sentences naturally and appropriately.

V. The analysis ofteaching methods

Now I want to talk about theteaching methods. Communicative Approach, Tasked-based Teaching Method and TPRTeaching Method will be adopted in this lesson to active my students.

VI. The analysis ofteaching aids

To help students learn better. Iwill mainly use pictures and tape recorder as teaching aids.

VII. The analysis ofteaching procedure

Next, let’s focus on the mostimportant part of this lesson, the analysis of teaching procedures. It consistsof the following steps: warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening,post-listening, summary and homework.

Now, let’s go to the first step, warming-up.In this step, I will divide students into groups Monkey 1 and Monkey 2, the onewho gets banana first is the winner. Then I will sing a song named penguin’sGame. After listening, students should tell me what they have heard in thissong. Then I will tell students this song is about directions. This song isclosed related to the topic of this lesson. Besides, It’s very interesting forstudents. They would be very glad to pay attention to this lesson.

Then, let’s come to the secondstep, pre-listening. I will draw a map and some buildings on the blackboard.Imagine I’m a foreigner and get lost. Let students help me find my way. Then Iwill show them some new words such as, turn left, turn right, crossing and gostraight through many actions. And a word game will be arranged. It’s a bombgame. If I say a word, students should read after me quickly. But when I readthe boom word, students should be quiet. Through this activity, students willbe attracted and know how to read and use the new words.

Now let’s talk about next period,while-listening. There are 3 activities in this step. The first activity isextensive listening. I’ll ask students to listen to the tape, then find out themain idea of this conversation. The second activity is intensive listening. Iwill ask students to listen to the tape once again. And try to find the answer,“Where is the Italian restaurant?” The third activity is to read. Studentsshould read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciation. Throughthis section, students could develop the ability of grasp detailed informationand cooperation spirit. They will join more class activities actively.