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赫里福德世界地图(Mappa Mundi)介绍

2019-11-10 15:04 网络整理 教案网

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在新兴的商业航空运输时代,帕克的离谱批评会被看做是20世纪晚期最大的错误,正如20世纪早期宇航员西蒙纽科姆(simon newcomb)所认为的:比空气重的飞行看起来还会继续不可能。关于早期紫砂款式问题的研究,有学者认为明代早期产品款式大都用竹刀刻写,明代晚期出现印章款。泰勒起义1453年 东罗马帝国灭亡,英法百年战争结束十五世纪 桑海兴起十五世纪晚期 英法中央集权国家形成,圈地运动开始1480年 俄罗斯摆脱蒙古控制14-15世纪欧洲出现资本主义萌芽14世纪末朝鲜王朝建立1487-1488迪亚士远航到达非洲南部沿海1492哥伦布远航到达美洲1497-1498达伽马远航到达印度1519-1522麦哲伦船队环球航行16世纪早期印度莫卧儿帝国建立1520-1570西欧宗教改革1566-1581尼德兰革命1600英国东印度公司建立17世纪初期荷兰侵入印度尼西亚,法,英,荷开始在北美掠夺殖民地。


Did you know?The Mappa Mundi contains over 500 drawings, depicting 420 cities and towns, 15 Biblical events, 33 plants, animals, birds and strange creatures, 32 images of the peoples of the world and eight pictures from classical mythology.









The Red Sea and the Exodus

On the map there is a clear pathway through the Red Sea. This marks the route of the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt and towards the ‘Promised Land’. If you follow the meanderings of this route, you’ll see where the Israelites got lost in the desert and then, finally, found their way to the ‘Promised Land’. For medieval Christians, this story spoke of passing through the water of Baptism, undertaking the journey and wanderings of life, and then, finally, finding salvation.


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Babylon and the Tower of Babel

The imposing city of Babylon, with its five elaborate storeys, is the largest structure on the map. The Bible gives details about Babylon’s impressive size and construction, and similar details appear in the text on our map.

As well as representing the city of Babylon, the topmost tower of the drawing on the map is labeled ‘Tower of Babel’. The story of the Tower of Babel tells how, in their arrogance, people sought to build a city with a tower so high that it would reach the sky, but God punished this overreaching pride, causing humanity to speak in different languages.





Columns of Hercules

According to myth, the Columns of Hercules were located at the Strait of Gibraltar and marked the western extreme of the inhabited world. Tradition has it that the words‘nothing further beyond’ were written on the pillars. Roman versions of the myth tell how Hercules, with his superhuman strength, crashed through Mount Atlas to reach the Garden of Hesperides, joining the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The split rock became known as the Columns of Hercules.



Golden Fleece

The myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece is a tale of quest, adventure and superhuman heroism. Jason and his Argonauts sailed westwards from Greece in their ship the Argo. Their quest was to find and bring back the magical fleece of the Golden Ram. Along the way Jason encountered both love and duplicity, but finally brought the fleece back to Greece. On our map the Golden Fleece is shown on the coast of the Black Sea. It is possible that the legend has a connection with the colonisation of the Black Sea coast.




In Greek mythology the Cretan labyrinth was built by Daedalus to contain the Minotaur, a bull-headed, man-eating monster. The myth tells how King Minos pledged to appease the Minotaur’s voracious appetite by regular offerings of seven young men and women, but Theseus entered the labyrinth and heroically slayed the monster. In the Middle Ages, many cathedrals had a labyrinth set out in the floor paving. Pilgrims would walk the labyrinth as a spiritual pilgrimage, and it is likely that this sort of labyrinth would have been known to medieval viewers of the map.


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