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赫里福德世界地图(Mappa Mundi)介绍(3)

2019-11-10 15:04 网络整理 教案网


水赤链游蛇又名水游蛇,昼夜均有活动,善游泳,捕到猎物后在水面吞食,以泥鳅、鳝鱼等为食,亦食蛙类及蝌蚪,有红黑相间斑纹,腹部偏红色,背部偏黑色,喜栖息与池沼及流速较缓河流边树根洞穴、水稻田埂鼠洞或鳝鱼洞穴中,冬季冬眠时常多只共存与一穴。指由食泥或穴居的蠕虫、软体动物或其他无脊椎动物等留于沉积物中的管状或柱状洞穴保存而成的化石。在世界上已知的21,000种穴居动物中,目前还没有发现飞行的真洞穴动物,真洞穴动物一生都生活在洞穴中,而像蝙蝠那样的半洞穴动物在外界环境中也能生存 据国外媒体报道,近日在克罗地亚一处洞穴...。

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Cynocephali (Dog-heads)

Stories about men with the heads of dogs and barking voices are many and varied, and go back to classical antiquity. Some medieval travellers and writers describe the Cynocephali as ‘barbarians’, who can be tender one minute, but agressive and uncontrolled the next. In one medieval legend from Wales, the Cynocephali can be interpreted as werewolfs. In some other legends, St Christopher is reported to be a giant with a head like a dog.






On the map, Hereford is pictured as a small, indistinct building on the river Wye. It seems to have been almost rubbed off the vellum, and some scholars think this might be due to the pointing fingers of Herefordians or pilgrims over the centuries as they located the city. Recent scientific tests on the map’s wooden frame (displayed in the exhibition) suggest that the map was probably made in or near Hereford.




Jerusalem, represented by a circlular battlemented wall enclosing eight towers or gates, is the place of the crucifixion and the centre of the map. The book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible says: ‘Thus says the Lord God: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the centre of the nations’, and the Hereford map is just one of a number of medieval maps that show Jerusalem as the centre of the known inhabited world.




Rome is very large on the map, and clearly important. It is where St Peter and St Paul were martyred. St Peter was the first Bishop of Rome, and popes who came after him were seen as his successors. In the Middle Ages, Rome was central to the spread of western Christianity. The text on the map reads: ‘Rome, head of the world, holds the bridle of the spherical earth.’




With its multiple towers and pinnacles, Paris is the largest and grandest structure in Europe. Its significance can perhaps be explained by its medieval university’s importance for the study of philosophy and theology. Many of the principal medieval theologians and religious leaders worked and studied in Paris, including St Thomas Cantilupe, bishop of Hereford 1275–1282. Sadly, at some time in the past, the area around Paris on the map has been badly scratched.


凭借着众多楼塔和(哥特式)尖顶,巴黎成为欧洲建筑规模最为宏大的城市。其重要意义或许能被解释为在中世纪大学学习哲学和神学的重要性 。许多中世纪的神学家以及宗教领袖于巴黎工作及学习过,其中就包括1275年至1282年的赫里福德主教圣托马斯坎蒂卢普。可惜的是,曾经在地图的此处一带被严重刮损过。
