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2022-10-14 04:19 网络整理 教案网

Fourth, the shortcomings:

1. The new curriculum reform concept is rarely used in practice. Although everyone's thoughts and concepts have undergone great changes, the implementation of the new curriculum reform concept is still less, and more traditional teaching methods are used in the classroom, giving students little time and space for active exploration and thinking. .

2. In teaching, teaching cannot be carried out in a targeted manner; usually, the training of thinking questions and the guidance of learning and teaching methods are not enough.

V. Improvement direction and specific measures:

In the future teaching, I will not only strive to be a good teacher of students, but also be a friend in students' life. In classroom teaching, pay more attention to the underachievers, give them more appreciation and encouragement, enhance their self-confidence, and make their grades catch up.

1. Update the concept of curriculum reform and improve teaching

The design of teaching materials and the proposition requirements of the senior high school entrance examination require us to improve teaching methods and learning methods as soon as possible. Therefore, our teaching should not only focus on the development of students, but also pay attention to the cultivation of students' abilities.

2. Consolidate the foundation and improve the ability

Learn to summarize and compare knowledge, and grasp its internal connections; at the same time, it is necessary to clarify the learning objectives and specific requirements at different stages, and to integrate knowledge within and between disciplines by comparing the key points, difficulties and key points in the textbook.

3. Master the method and standardize answering questions

Strengthen the guidance of students' learning methods and problem-solving skills, and strengthen the training of induction and synthesis. Training is an effective way to transform knowledge into ability. Moderate training can gradually cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems and express their abilities in subjects. We must be good at excavating teaching materials, grasp the key points of teaching materials, and carefully select different types of questions from different angles and levels, so as to improve students' ability to transfer knowledge and adaptability.

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