《长歌行》是一首中国乐府民歌。文字清新优美,内容贴近学生。它可以启发他人。对于六年级的学生来说,对比课文后的注释和译文不是问题。因此,我在教学中大胆放手,让学生自己阅读理解,根据课文中的注释,自己理解这首诗的大意,对不懂的问题随时记下来。自学过程,然后与全班交流。在学生理解诗歌的基础上,着重引导学生理解诗歌。读完这首诗,最感人的诗句是什么?” 学生回答说:“如果年轻人和强壮的人不努力,老人会伤心”,然后他问:“诗人为什么会有这样的理解,诗人你怎么看会有这样的想法?用诗中的句子回答。” 我引导学生重新阅读和探索,与诗歌和诗人进行对话。同学们可以根据自己的理解找到相关的句子,然后我会带领同学们感受“朝露易朽”、“花草枯萎”、“百川归海”的意象美。诗中描绘的场景恰逢学生生活的积淀,学生与诗人、诗歌产生共鸣,体会到美好的时光转瞬即逝,一去不复返。这种教学方式改变了逐字学习古诗的方法,强调学生的 感知,将感知中的诗意内化,学习一首完整的诗歌,让学生畅所欲言:学完这首诗,你想送给谁?学生们可以更好地表达自己的经历,有的说送给不喜欢学习的同学,有的说是给自己的,诗情画意在谈话中得到升华,内化到学生的行为中。
当然,这节课还有一点值得反思,那就是当课堂生成与课前设计的教学过程不一致时如何处理。这堂课在多媒体教室里。上课前,我认真备课,按照教案制作精美的课件。当我引导学生找到诗句回答为什么诗人有“少年壮士不劳苦,老人忧伤”的想法时,我设计学生回答第四句“百川东出海,何时归西”,然后第一句“葵在青园,朝露在等太阳”,第二句“阳春不得泽,万物辉煌”,终于回答了第三句“我总怕秋天到了,昆凰花花落叶。” 而且我按照这个教学流程制作课件,但是学生上课没有按这个顺序回答,所以我在教学的时候手足无措。当我紧张时,我的思维变得僵硬,我不知道如何继续。后期的教学,所以后期的教学环节有点乱,充分说明我们老师备课的时候,不仅可以备课本,还可以备学生。要更全面,以便在教学过程中得心应手。但是学生在课堂上没有按这个顺序回答,所以我在教学的时候感觉很茫然。当我紧张时,我的思维变得僵硬,我不知道如何继续。后期的教学,所以后期的教学环节有点乱,充分说明我们老师备课的时候,不仅可以备课本,还可以备学生。要更全面,以便在教学过程中得心应手。但是学生在课堂上没有按这个顺序回答,所以我在教学的时候感觉很茫然。当我紧张时,我的思维变得僵硬,我不知道如何继续。后期的教学,所以后期的教学环节有点乱,充分说明我们老师备课的时候,不仅可以备课本,还可以备学生。要更全面,以便在教学过程中得心应手。
(2) 培养主动探究的习惯,培养不同思考的能力。
In Chinese teaching, the reader's perception of language meaning, language emotion and language skills is largely related to his own life experience, knowledge accumulation, cognitive ability and understanding level. To this end, in Chinese teaching, students should be guided to see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, and develop their imaginations boldly. In the thinking and discussion, teachers should play the role of threading the needle and guide them skillfully, so as to promote the students' language sublimation and spiritual development in the intense discussion and the collision of thinking. Teachers should make the best use of the situation, let the students fully think about the problem, the students will express different opinions based on the existing experience and the accumulation of knowledge. Let students further understand nature, understand that knowledge is infinite, and realize that learning is never-ending truth.
Second, pay attention to reading, evaluation and perception, and make classroom teaching "live".
1. Create a situation to stimulate interest.
A relaxed and pleasant teaching atmosphere for students is the primary condition for effective teaching organization. At the beginning of teaching, a situation of going to the "Pinyin Kingdom" was created. Through observation, comparison and analysis, students can experience and find similarities and differences. , which is conducive to helping students read accurate pronunciation and recognize shapes clearly, which is in line with the age characteristics of lower grade students, and the students are highly motivated.
Ingeniously set up teaching games, learn Pinyin in the game. The students in the lower grades are curious and active, and still retain their interest in games for preschool children, and even look forward to game activities. As a teacher, you need to play tricks to attract students. For example: after teaching 23 initials, I designed a game of "queue up". I distributed the initials cards to the students, and said, "Now I will ask the initials to line up. Let's see who stands right and fast." This game not only It can consolidate the knowledge previously learned, and train students to concentrate, think quickly, and act quickly, killing two birds with one stone. There are many other effective game methods like this: "click the name", "touch the word card", "picking the stars", "spelling game", "drumming to pass flowers", "magic tricks"...
2. Import pictures to stimulate interest.
At the beginning of the teaching, show the pinyin map and let the students recognize it. On the one hand, it stimulates their interest in learning. On the other hand, using the map as a way to find a home for pinyin by recognizing the corresponding pinyin, students will connect their own life experience to complete the map, and use the map as a guide. Using this as an opportunity, the students completed the initials, finals and spelling with great interest, which not only followed the cognitive rules, but also allowed students to learn actively.
Students can organize two-person cooperation, in the cooperative middle school Pinyin. For example, the activity of letting two people at the same table be each other's "little teachers", one reads Pinyin, the other acts as a junior teacher, and asks each other for exams. Students are not less interested in the exchange of roles between junior teachers and students, and experience the experience of being a teacher. A sense of accomplishment and the joy of learning. In the phonics teaching of pinyin, two people's cooperative learning can stimulate interest more. For example, in the game "Find a Friend", two people at the same table hold the initial card and the final card. The teacher says a syllable. The students find the initial and final in the music of "Find a Friend", and then spell it out together. Students have strong interest and enthusiasm in cooperative learning, and have a wide range of participation and good results. There are many ways of cooperative learning, such as: learning group cooperation, large group cooperation and so on.