4、 积极组织全班老师深入课堂听课。本学期每人听不少于10节课(青年教师和行政干部不少于15节课)。
6、 积极配合教学部开展的论文评选和校刊的编写工作。
一、Continue 进一步推动课程标准的详细解读
1、 取得成绩:从上学期的讲课、讲课比赛、理论考试、检查和调查,整体课程标准解读工作比暑假前有了很大的进步,无论是课程标准解读的写作手稿和学习目标的叙述更加准确具体,将知识、能力、情感三个维度的目标区分开来。现象大大减少。这是一个可喜的变化和积极的进展。值得肯定。只要你做任何事,只要你坚持去做,就会有结果和收获。过程中有一个过程。
2、存在的问题: ①教学目标不明确,难度定位不准确,课堂效率低。个别教师的教师设计(指导稿、教学计划)在学习目标的描述上还是一样的,仍然把三维教学目标分开。课堂教学目标没有分解、细化、整合。
在有限的 45 或 40 分钟的课堂时间里,学生看什么、读什么、记住什么、做几个问题、讨论什么问题、老师说了什么、纠正什么、强调什么、评价和评价测试什么形式,什么意思,每个环节预计需要几分钟等,要清晰、明了、预先设定好,一分钟不能浪费也不能浪费。
5、相关活动: ①前往学校教研组,仔细查看老师的教学设计和课程标准解读学习情况,与老师进行平等交流对话; ②深入课堂,认真听课,及时评价课文,及时了解老师请倾听老师的声音,最大限度地帮助老师; ③拟于学期末举办优秀课程标准解释稿征集评选活动,积累实效。现在很多教师的指导稿都是习题集的重印,是歪曲的试卷。指导稿普遍缺乏明确恰当的学习目标、有效的学习评价和学习活动过程的预设。因此,有必要进一步推动课程标准的解读,努力改变这种状况,规范导稿,提高实用性,真正使导稿发挥其“课前路标、课中考场、实验室”的作用。课后和考试。前好导师的作用。
总之,通过开展多层次的交流研讨,每位教师要充分掌握课程标准解读的技术要领和操作流程,认真落实课程标准解读成果。每堂课的教学准备和实施过程中;教师要树立“标准-教-评”相一致的教学思想,牢固树立“目标意识”和“以目标为中心的理论”,准确准确地描述课程标准的内容,科学制定课堂教学策略,明确课堂活动 公司的目标、过程和评价方法将继续推动课程标准的详细解读。
思想是行动的先导。 “以班级构建课堂教学模式”可以说是一件新鲜事。 First of all, we must understand and recognize it comprehensively and accurately through learning. Although every school will organize teachers to study intensively at the beginning of the school year, from the past, this kind of study is superficial, even formalistic, and the effect is not very good, so it is necessary to study again. The first teaching and research team leader meeting in the new semester is a seminar and training meeting. Through learning, every teacher participating in the meeting should understand the purpose, meaning, basic requirements, method steps of the class-based classroom teaching model, and clarify several political subjects. The lesson types and activities are arranged, and teachers’ opinions are sought, and finally reached a consensus. This is equivalent to training the teaching and research team leader and key teachers in advance, so that future work will be better.
We must resolutely get rid of the vague understandings of "uselessness", "burden theory", and "mysticism".
(二)Classification of Political Subjects
The new lectures are divided into regular new lectures, current politics teaching, and comprehensive inquiry classes. The review classes are divided into unit reviews and topic reviews. The lectures are mainly topic-based special practice lectures.
Determined by the characteristics of the political subject, whether it is classroom teaching or examination questions, there are indispensable fresh political materials. Therefore, current politics teaching is a unique class different from other subjects. To maintain the continuous and in-depth development of current affairs teaching, it is necessary to start from two aspects: current affairs competitions and examination questions. Seriously organize the annual Zhengzhou City Current Affairs Competition.
A seminar on current politics teaching for the eighth grade of junior high school is scheduled to be held in September. I hope you can make preparations early.
The development of current politics teaching should be based on normal times, and current politics competitions should not engage in surprises.
The units that have carried out better current politics teaching all year round include Yuanling Middle School, Shizhi Middle School, Experimental Middle School, Hezhuang Middle School, Eight Thousand One Middle School Longhu No. 1 Middle School, Longhu No. 2 Middle School, Xinyan Middle School, Xindian No. 1 Middle School, and Xuedian No. 1 Middle School. Among them, Yuanling Middle School and Bay Thousand One Middle School not only have practical exploration, but also theoretical research. At present, preliminary research results have been formed, and they will be promoted to the city after they are improved.
2、question type special training lectures
Some question types, such as analysis questions, multiple choice questions, observation and thinking questions, are more difficult, and students lose more points in the exam. This is a question type that students have been deeply troubled by over the years. It is necessary to conduct special exercises and carry out special research. . Through research, we can truly master the characteristics and requirements of the question type, the answering methods and skills, and the errors that are likely to occur in students' answering questions.