马丁路德金我有一个梦想视频下载 马丁·路德·金《I have (4)
There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights,"When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long asthe Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of policebrutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavywith the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels ofthe highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfiedas long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in NewYork believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are notsatisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls downlike waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of greattrials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrowjail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest-- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecutionand staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been theveterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faiththat unearned suffering is redemptive.
Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to SouthCarolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to theslums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow thissituation can and will be changed.