加尔各答驱逐舰舰 印度为什么说加尔各答级完胜052D(6)
for us to be developed on the infrastructure end like China or the
US. Till then, we simply keep pushing for a positive change.
[–]loscrimmage 22 points 19 days ago
the problem with India is two fold:
old, inflexible British style democracy
old, inflexible Soviet style government owned large
[–]Randiathrowaway17Uttarakhand 35 points 19 days ago
British style democracy
Japan, Israel, Australia and many other prosperous countries
have modeled their system after the British. Your excuse is an old
favourite, but it's a cop-out.
[–]DamnedProphecy 3 points 19 days ago
You said ever? Yes.
Compare India in 1947 to India today. Democracy has its own
perils and we have a huge population but we will definitely become
a superpower in lesser time than what U.S. took after
[–]nakedwires 2 points 19 days ago
[–]guru_modicumNorth America 2 points 18 days ago
how our country will progress ?
Reduce population by 40% for starter, now.
[–]mangomafia 1 point 19 days ago
Even assuming there's enough money, since it's all
artificially created anyway, there isn't enough raw material in the
world for India to build as many bridges and roads and cars as
China has.
China has sewn up mining contracts in Australia, Africa and