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加尔各答驱逐舰舰 印度为什么说加尔各答级完胜052D(5)

2017-12-21 08:17 网络整理 教案网

[–]iVarun 11 points 19 days ago

Stuff like NIMBY specifically.

But the quote is incorrect already.

We already make comprises on Liberty. Liberty exists on a

spectrum, there is no such thing as Absolute Liberty. India lacks

many liberties which even a place like China had, things like what

you can wear, freedom and opportunities for jobs, social-economic

upliftment, etc. These are also Liberties.

Chinese have a different make up of Liberties from that

spectrum. They lack Political liberties. Though thier make up is

changing from what it used to be even 20 years ago.

No one has Absolute Liberty and never will as long as we are

the same species. It's an illogical premise.

Liberty did nothing for the 500 MILLION Indians (200 Million

of whom were children) who died in abject poverty from 1950-2005

across multiple generations.

Poverty alleviation has higher hierarchy than the

need/compulsion to have a slightly wider swath of some sections of

Liberty spectrum at a particular stage of development.

There is NOTHING worse than Poverty. NOTHING.






[–]tyronequan 2 points 16 days ago

Like Abdul Kalam said "India's biggest enemy is poverty"


[–]whoawhoawhoayou 7 points 19 days ago

We will progress very slowly. It might take another 100 years