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2020-09-13 05:06 网络整理 教案网


小学英语作文试讲教案【篇一:英语试讲教案模板】模板: teaching aims (教学目标) 1 knowledge objects: make students read the important words and sentences2 ability objects: make students master the grammar in the text________3 moral objects:improve the interests in studying english and_________ teaching important points(教学重点) words:_________________________________ sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ teaching difficult points(教学难点) master the grammar use the words in their lives ____________________ teaching aids(教具) cards、 projectors _________ __________ ________ teaching procedure:(教学过程) step1 leading-in step 2 __________ ........ step n homework blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是课堂设计的文字表现,有相对的格式与要求。


教案的格式主 要包含文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式 这是一种基本上全部以文字方式展现出来的教案形式,在日常课堂 的应用最为广泛。 2.表格式 这是一种经常发生的教案形式,一般有小学发给学生。 (二)主要内容 上课的重要根据,通常包含:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的 类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程跟时间分配等。有的还列有教具和现 代化教学方式(如电影、投影、录像、录音等)的 使用、作业题、板书设计跟课后自我思考与评判等项目。由于学科 和教材的性质﹑教学目的跟课的类别不同,教学 设计不必具有固定 的方式。 1.基本内容 (1)课题(说明本课名称)。 (2)教学目标(或称教学规定,说明本课所应完成的教学任务)。 (3)课型(说明属新授课,还是复习课)。 (4)课时(说明属第几课时)。 (5)教学重点(说明本课所需要缓解的关键性问题)。 说明本课学习时易造成困难和障碍的知识点)。 (7)教具(或称教具准备,说明辅助教学方法使用的软件) (8)教学过程(或称课堂结构,说明教学进行的内容、方法流程)。 (9)作业处理(说明如何布置书面或口头作业)。 (10)板书设计(说明上课时准备写在黑板上的内容)。


2.教学过程的方法 书写过程中,教学过程是关键,它包含下列几个步骤。 (1)导入新课 ①设计独特活泼,精当概括。 ②怎样进行,复习哪些内容? ③提问这些学生,需用多少时间等。 (2)讲授新课 ①针对不同教学内容,选择不同的教学方法。 ②怎样提出疑问,如何逐渐启发、诱导? ③教师该如何教、学生该怎样学?详细方法安排,需用时间。 (3)巩固练习 练习设计独特,有层次、有宽度、有密度。 (4)归纳总结 怎样进行,是老师还是教师归纳? (5)作业安排 ①布置哪些内容?要考量知识拓展性、能力性。 ②需不需要提示或解释。 (三)主要作用: 1.教学活动的根据教学过程是由校长的教跟学员的学所组成的双边活动过程。如果不 认真做教学设计,教学过程中必定目标模糊,心中无数,要求不当,随心 所欲,而最后未能获得好的教学效果。 2.有利于教学水准的提升 在这个过程中,教师除了应研究教材的常识体系、学生学习课本的状 况(接受水准、心理特征跟认知规律),而且应根据课程标准的精神,分 析教材的编 写意图跟教材特点,分析教材的常识结构、体系跟深广度, 特别是要以整体为背景,分析各个别教材的特征,明确教材的规定,教材 的重点难点 ,分析知识的价值功 能,酝酿设计教学过程 ,确定教学方法。


教学水准的提升,在巨大程度上取决于对教材的钻研。 1.一般今天时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense 3.一般将来时 the future tense 4.一般过去未来时 the past future tense 5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense 6.过去进行时 the past continuous tense 7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense 8.过去未来进行时 the past future continuous tense 9.现在完成时 the present perfect tense 10.过去完成时 the past perfect tense 11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense 12.过去未来完成时 the past future perfect tense 13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense 14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense 15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense 16.过去未来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense ⅰ.warm-up 1.classbegins!goodmorning,boysandgirls!sitdown,please! 2.boysandgirl,areyouhappytoday?imhappy,too.letssinganengli shsongtogether,ok?whatsyourfavouriteseason?clapyourhands ,please.wow!wonderful! ⅱ.presentation letslearn 1.nowboysandgirls,pleaselookatthispicture.whatseasonisitnow ?yes,itssummer.why?becauseicanswim.readafterme.thisline,pl easereadthiswordonebyone.great!2.lookatthispicture!whatseasonisit?why?becauseicanmakeasn owman.readafterme.thisline,readit.verygood! 3.insummer,icanswim.inwinter,icanmakeasnowman.andinwinte r,icanskate,too.followme,please. 3.somuchforthisclass.classisover.goodbye,everyone! thankyouforlistening【篇二:英语试讲教案《unit 3 at the zoo》】英语试讲教案|《unit 3 at the zoo》 欢迎来到上海教师招聘信息网,福建中公教育考试网提供真实可靠 的福建教师招聘、教师资格证考试最新资讯,包括招聘公告、考录 进程、考试培训、面试辅导、资料下载等。


我们在福建学生招考信 息网等着你回去。 小编推荐 教师会考面试备考指导|13 个学科教案【汇总篇】(按住 ctrl 点击查看) knowledge aims: students can learn the four new adjective words thin, fat, short and thin use the new word in sentence it’s… to describe the animals. ability aims: through activities and games, students can improve their ability of listening and speaking. emotional aims: through working in pairs and groups they will love their classmates and get to love english more than before. teaching key points: words: tall short fat thin sentences: it’s… teaching difficult points: students can master the usage of the new words and sentence and use it naturally in their daily life. teaching procedures: step1 lead in greet with the students and then show them some pictures of the animals on the ppt and then ask them the questions: question one: what’s this animal? question two: what color is it?step2 presentation activity one show students another picture with a fat monkey and a thin monkey on the ppt and then ask the students to tell the differences between them, and then tell them the two new words fat and thin. use the same way to teach them another two new words tall and short. after learning the four new words, play the voice game to help them memorize the new words. activity two put four pictures of different animals on the blackboard and then ask the students to play a game, students need to do what the teacher asks them to do. t: point at the fat monkey. after playing this game, teacher adds the sentence it’s…in to the sentence and then asks the students to make the similar sentence. t: look at that monkey. it’s fat. s: look at that giraffe. it’s tall. step3 consolidation activity one: show them four pictures with a fat monkey, a thin monkey, a short giraffe and a tall giraffe, and write numbers under the animals. before playing this game ask them what can be used to describe them and write down the words under the pictures and then play the game. firstly, the teacher says number one and the students need to say the right animals, if teacher says the animal, the students need to tell the number. t: number one. s: a fat monkey. secondly, they need to play the game with the sentence they’ve just learned. t: number one. s: look at that monkey. it’s fat. and then ask them to play this game in pairs and then separate them into two teams and have a competition between team a and team b activity two:listen to the tape and then play the let’s do it part. ask the students to do the actions according to the sentence t: be fat, be fat. be fat, fat, fat! at the same time students use their hand to show a circle from small to big in front of them. they can ask their partners to do the actions according to the orders. s1: be tall. s2: (doing the action: stand up.) step4 summary and homework summary: ask the students to close their eyes and then ask them to memorize what they have learned today, and ask them to show out the words. homework: ask them to find some pictures with their family members, and then take it to the next class and introduce them to all the class. blackboard design: teaching reflection: 查看更多教案10分钟小学英语试讲教案模板,推荐您阅读:教师会考面试备考指导|13 个学科教案 【汇总篇】(按住 ctrl 点击查看)【篇三:小学语文试讲教案 1】下面附上我所写的备课中的课堂过程: story —— jenny goes to city step 1. greetings (1) good morning/ how are you. (2) whos on duty today? step 2.revision (1)拿不同颜色的粉笔,进行一一回答, 对答对的学生,给予掌声,呈上真心的目光,并奖励一个小红花。

what colour was it? it‘s red/green/blue/yellow (2)做游戏 what’s missing? its... ... 教师从不同颜色铅笔中,随意抽出一支10分钟小学英语试讲教案模板,问学生少了那一颜色, 带动学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。促使学生们所学词汇掌握的最 牢固更准确! step 3.freetalks do you like shopping?这个话题学生非常熟悉,贴近生活,纷纷举手发言, 从中引入课堂,培养教师创造性思维能力。 step 4.teaching 1)提出 2 个难题,让学生们带着问题去看故事短文,时间定为 10 分钟 jenny:how to go to the city? why she doesnt... ...? 再这 10 分钟学生阅读之后,老师写好一部分板书. 2)针对提出的 2 个难题,展开争论,回答疑问,并迅速予以学生答案的 指导 3)放 3 遍磁带短文录音,让学生们大声地去跟读 4)再对于故事短文中 4 个角色,找四名学生, 进行分角色朗读短文.最后并给与掌声,给予肯定跟奖励 5)教师把故事短文分为 4 部分,设置情景,进行逐一翻译,易于学生理 解 6)针对故事短文的知识点,一一详解分析,例 have to do sth 最好做某 事句型,并迅速做好板书,时刻使得教师看黑板,培养注意力不分散 7)情景再现,将师生分组,找四名同学,分别带上面具,试着扮演短文中 四个角色,jenny jennys mather jennys mother denny,让学生们身 临其境,去体会故事短文中含义,掌握交际中的窍门和技巧,挖掘学生们 运用语言的成就能力 step 5.homework 培养听说读写能力 1)listen the story 循环放短文听录音 2)read the story again and again 大声一遍遍朗读课文 3)write the story 正确抄写短文 4)remember knowledge on class 掌握牢记课上所学知识