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人教版高中数学选修一unit4 reading教学设计

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教学设计 课题 课型readingUnit4Reading ---Earthquake 时间2016 年 07 月 日主备 课时 1 复备王凤婷1。Let students learn more about the Tangshan earthquake。教学 目标2。Get students to learn to use some reading skills (skimming and scanning) to get useful information。 3。To improve the awareness of safety for students。教学 重点1。 To improve the students’ reading ability2。 Make the students realize the importance of safety教学 How to find the useful information quickly and well 难点 学法 Individual and cooperative learning 指导 Task-based teaching method 教法 Discussion and explanation 1。

Leading-in(6 minutes)教 学 设 计 T:Class begins! Ss:Good morning, Miss Wang! T:Good morning, sit down, please。 Let’s go for the class。 Here is a picture,do you know what happened? Yeah人教版高中英语教案下载, recently, south china is affected by flood seriously。 Do you know any other natural disaster? Look at these pictures and tell me what they are。 修改补 充Ss:…… T:Ok, as for earthquake, there are two big earthquakes in recent years, the big earthquake in Wenchuan,Sichuan province in May, 2008 and the earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai province in April, 2010。


Do you know anything about Tangshan earthquake?Ok,today we will learn something about it。 Please open your books and turn to page 26人教版高中英语教案下载, a night the earth didn’t sleep。 Please read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions。2。Reading(20 minutes)Step 1 Fast reading(4 minutes) 1。What’s the main idea of the passage? When? where? what? So,we can summarize the main idea as Main idea: Now,read the whole passage quickly and choose the main idea for each paragraph。 Please pay attention to the first and the last sentence of each paragraph。

They may be the topic sentence。 You will have 3 minutes to do it。 2。Choose the main idea of each paragraph。 A。The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan。 B。Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them。 C。The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a newlife。 D。The people were very shocked at the destruction。 Para。1 Para。2 Para。3 Para。4 Step2 Careful reading(16 minutes) 1。Choose the best answers according to thepassage。 1。The title“A night the earth didn’t sleep”means A。


the earth was wide awake all night long B。people on the earth couldn’t fall asleep that night C。the earth kept on shaking like crazy that night D。animals on the earth would not sleep that night 2。What’s the main idea of the first paragraph? A。Some animals were ill B。The water in the wells became dirty C。The signs of an earthquake D。People thought little of some strange things 3。People in the city went to bed as usual that night because A。they thought it was not strange for water pipes to crack and burst B。

they thought it was easy to experience an earthquakeC。they thought sleeping was the most important thing no matter what would happen D。they would never imagine there would be an earthquake 4。Which of the following is true of the Tangshan earthquake? A。The people in Beijing didn’t feel the earthquake B。The number of people killed was over 400,000 C。Half a million hens were killed in the earthquake D。The railway tracks became useless 5。What’s the meaning of the last sentence“Slowly, the city began to breathe again。


”? A。People weren’t sad any more。 B。The life in Tangshan began to return to normal。 C。The earthquake finally came to an end。 D。Those who were trapped were saved。 Careful reading 2。 Fill in the blanks below Before the earthquake (Para 1) _______things happened before Tangshan Earthquake happened。 The water in the village_____rose and fell。 The well walls had deep________。 A__________gas came out of them。 The animals were too________to eat。 The water pipes cracked and ____________。 During the earthquake (Paras2-3) Everything began to___________。

__________ of the nation felt it。 A huge____________cut across houses。 ___________burst from holes in the ground。 Soon the whole city lay__________ 。 _______________of the people died or were injured。 Water, food, and ____________were hard to get。 After the earthquake (Para4) The army organized teams to__________those who were trapped and to bury the dead。 Workers built__________forsurvivors。 ____________water was taken to the city。 Slowly,the city began to____________again。3。 Summary (5 minutes)Strange things happened________TangshanEarthquake happened。


Thewell walls had deep cracks。A________(smell)gas came out of them。 The water pipes cracked and burst。 At 3:42 _____themorning of July 28,1976,everything began to shake。___seemed as if the world was at an end。 Steam burst from holes in the ground。 Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt。 Soon the whole city lay in ______(ruin)。 Many people died or were________(injure)。 Everything in the city___(be) destroyed。 People were________(shock) at this and wondered how long the disaster would last。 The army organized teams to dig out those_______were trapped and to bury the dead。

Workers built shelters for___________(survive)。 Fresh water was taken to the city。 Slowly,the city began to breathe again。4。 Discussion(8 minutes)When the earthquake happens, if we are 1。at home 2。in the supermarket 3。in the classroom What should we do?5。 Homework(1 minutes)1。Memorize the words and expressions in the reading part。 2。Kick out the long and difficult sentences appearing in the reading passage。 Unit 4 Earthquake A night the earthquake didn’t sleep 1。leading-in 2。Reading Step 1 fast reading Step 2 careful reading 3。Summary 4。 Discussion 5。Homework板 书 设 计教 学 反 思