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2021-08-09 13:59 网络整理 教案网

高中生物教学计划六合集第1章一、guide 思想1.认真学习2山东省《考试大纲》、《考试须知》、《高中生物课程标准》,注意学习山东省特色的生物高考涉及政治、经济、文化等方面,以获得一定的课外知识。 2.结合学生实际,准确定位出发点,立足双基,夯实基础,瞄准高考,培养综合能力,努力提高课堂教学效率,从而全面提高生物教学质量。 3、提高学生的思维能力,突出思维过程、思维水平和思维能力的培养,强调知识的传递和再生产。 4、要特别注意学生生物复习方法的指导,不同层次的学生在生物复习过程中,作为本学期教学工作的起点和终点,都能有效提高自己的复习水平。 二、 学科目标 1. 构建知识网络体系,通过案例教学提高学习兴趣。鼓励学生探索和提高运用辩证唯物主义分析和解决问题的能力。 2.掌握一轮复习,学习考试说明,捕捉高考信息。训练高考题,力争在20xx高考中取得更好的成绩。 三、 具体教学措施 1. 继续学习教材、考试大纲和《考试须知》,及时了解和收集各类高考信息生物教案下载,认真分析研究近年生物考题,有针对性地抓教学,复习生物学科,促进学科教学质量的提高。 2.认真开展备课团活动,规范教师教学行为,重点落实备课套路和课堂教学套路,班级和班级质量,备课组做到统一进度、统一教材、统一考试。

3.进一步完善集体备课制度:每周二召开备课组教师会议,每项活动有主题,有针对性,有专人发言,有解决问题的具体方案。通过一系列的活动,将全班教师凝聚为团结协作的整体,实现智慧的共享。 4、为进一步改革课堂结构和教学方式,提高教师课堂教学水平,积极开展听、评、说活动,采取“小组备课、小组复习、完善教学计划、再教学、持续改进”。上课的方式是及时总结和反思问题,学习他人的长处,弥补自己的不足,共同提高。 5、第一轮复习的主要精力是开展双基础教学。认真分析,掌握教材重点难点,研究学生的身心特点和学习规律,通过课堂复习激发学生自觉学习,引导学生在充分调动学生积极性的条件下认真复习生物学基础' 热情知识,达到正确理解,巩固记忆,相互推论,为自己的第二轮复习打下良好的知识基础。同时,要穿插高考试卷的各类题型特点、解题思路、解题方法和技巧,逐步提高学生的解题能力。 6.重视学生生物基本技能和能力的培养。教师通过复习,努力培养学生的自学生物知识、观察能力以及对生物现象的科学分析和解读。 7、平时严格控制作业量,不使用海战术。每天的练习和作业必须精挑细选,贴近学生的实际水平。

尝试实施轻负担、高质量的教学策略,规范作业批改。高中生物教学计划第2章一、学生情况分析本期继续在高中8、11两个班级进行生物教学。在上学期末的重庆市统一考试中,两个班级学生的体量分数相比期中有了很大的提高。总的来说,学生在复习过程中已经升华了自己的知识和能力。通过第一轮复习,大部分学生在基础知识的掌握上可以达到相应的教学要求。生物的基本概念、原理、实验方面、试题得分率都很高,但也暴露了一轮复习有些问题(1)) 有同学把上一轮复习当做重复性工作高中二年级。他们只满足于掌握一些基础知识,不注重知识点、应用条件和范围之间的因果关系,以及相关知识点的联系和区别,经过一轮复习,每个知识点仍然是孤立和碎片化的。 (2)不注重教材,学生复习时专注于复习资料,大部分时间忙于做题,在答题和答题方面了解一些基本概念和原理,还处于原来的水平。对于比如什么是性状分离,显性基因,杂合子还是想当然的,在解决考概念的题型时,错误率很高。很多练习,做了很多题,但对错误没有给予足够的重视,缺乏仔细的分析过程,只关注答案。错后错的现象也暴露了考题不严的问题和不规则的答案。

二、教材分析1.教学内容:本期主要针对高考复习和考前研究。话题回顾的内容分为:1.生物环境。 2.人与生物圈; 3.代谢、微生物和发酵工程; 4.生物技术试验与方法; 5.生物前沿与发展。专题研究与训练,通过分析高考特点及解题能力,结合考前模拟研究与训练,提高能力。 三、教方法1 重视知识的结构网络根据信息处理理论,人类的记忆是一个信息处理系统。刺激过程是信息的输入,中心过程是信息的编码和存储,效果过程是信息的提取。处于无序状态的知识使大脑感到拥挤,难以开阔思路。很容易出现“打开书本什么都懂,合上书本什么都感觉不到”的无为状态。在教学中突出知识结构,不仅可以使学生系统地学习知识,而且可以更好地建立各种知识之间的联系,更有利于知识在应用中的理解、记忆和快速提取。 2 重视知识的科学探究。科学探究活动通常是指学生用来获取知识、理解科学思想、理解科学家研究自然世界的方法的各种活动。近几十年来,许多科学教育者认为科学探究是学生学习科学的有效途径之一。科学探究的重要之处在于它的过程而不是结果。通过科学探究,激发学生的学习兴趣,形成科学的思维方式,掌握这项技能,可以使人终生受益。 3 强调实验的分析和设计。实验能力是一种综合能力。

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目前生物教案下载,虽然高考不具备测试考生的实验操作能力。但它非常重视对实验内容的考察,如对实验原理、实验程序、实验现象和实验结论的分析。历届高考题的调查统计表明,学生在理解实验、分析实验结果、设计实验流程的能力方面存在一定差距。因此,在教学中应强调实验的分析和设计。复习时一定要注意对实验程序的分析,仔细分析实验中每个步骤的作用,每个处理的意义,以及步骤之间的相互关系;不仅要知道怎么做,为什么要这样做,还要考虑改变一种方法是否可行,为什么?学习如何解决问题,研究问题,找到最好的方法;一定要注意分析实验结果,不仅要记录实验的最终结果,还要让学生在实验过程中记录过程中发生的现象,并注意对结果的分析和成功实验的分析,并寻找实验失败的原因;实验程序的设计要注意,从教科书中的经典实验入手,学习前人实验设计的好方法,好的思路,继续实践实验设计,继续加强这方面的针对性训练,帮助学生理解和掌握实验设计的一般方法和规律,提高学生的实验能力,培养他们的创新精神和能力。 4 应注意问题解决错误的诊断。在平时的具体问题解决过程中,要认真分析“问题信息”,运用扎实的“基础知识”进行严谨的“科学思考”,保持良好的“心理环境”。如果做到了这些,就不会出现错误或更少的错误。

有些学生在解决问题的时候会犯各种各样的错误,比如:知识和记忆上的错误;判断题的错误;思维准确性等方面的错误。要认真分析学生犯错的原因,因材施教,提高学生解决问题的能力。注重教学过程:1.talk:知识网络,内在联系,转变问题思路,杜绝基础不扎实的借口。 (课前重新思考教案,如何做更好)2.练:试题要细化,渐变要讨论,小试卷要进课堂。一般不要用套题、剪刀、粘贴做小卷(5-6道选择题,2-3道非选择题)来解决一节课的问题(考试30-35分钟,10分钟评估)。 3.评:正确与谬误,理顺思路,找规律,求规范(学生答题尽量使用生物学术语和观点)。 4.读:老师题型跨度大,知识迁移要求高,学生跳读总结性语言,理解好,在老师的指导下回到课本,了解考试的来龙去脉通过阅读提问。 5.思:在课堂教学中,学生应该有足够的时间回吐知识和思考试题。为了引导和激发学生的思考,教师应该像机关枪一样讲到最后。 6.辅:一是看课时的个别答题和检查,二是习题集中批改和面对面批改,特别是练得优劣者,要耐心辅导。高中生物教学计划第31章指导思想以高中生物大纲和考试大纲为指导思想,把握教学的出发点、重点和难点,克服教学的随机性和盲目性。

教师要改进教学方法,重视生物实验教学,培养学生的实践精神和探究意识;推动自身教学方式和学生学习方式的转变,加强知识实施过程,提高全市生物教学质量。二、学科要求 生物考试大纲要求的能力包括:理解能力、知识获取能力、实验探究能力、综合应用能力。考试大纲要求的知识体系包括:高中生物一册、两册、一册(可选)三册。对选修部分和书中选修部分没有要求(统一考试,高考不考)。在知识模块中,需要特别关注以下内容:遗传学和突变;调节与免疫、进化与生态;代谢和增殖;微生物和生物工程;实验设计。这就要求教师在教学过程中贯彻牢不可破的基础知识这一根本点。同时,还应加强对考题、理解图表、实验设计、文字表达等能力的培养,做到清晰易行。教师要对高考习题进行广泛深入的学习,体验考题所涉及的多种能力。教师在向学生讲述典型练习时,特别注意能力方向。在教学方式上,可根据学校的学与教情况,灵活运用旁白、学习计划、多媒体等方式。鼓励教师尝试新的教学理念和新的教学方法。飞跃。任何一种教学方法都应该体现每天清清楚楚的思想,注重知识的落实。三、工作目标 1、深刻领会“双计划”的基本精神,准确把握“双计划”的总体要求,把对“双计划”的认识转化为教师的教学行为,切实提高学生的观察能力和思维能力、实验能力和自学能力。

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2.全面推进课堂教学改革,努力实现两个转变:转变学生学习方式,变学生被动学习为主动学习,主动思考和主动提问;改变教师的教学方式,将单纯的知识转移转化为正确的学生激发学习动机,引导学习方法,培养各种能力。 3.学科教研组建设取得明显成效。学科教研组要健全制度,明确职责,定期开展教研活动;尤其要研究高考题型方向,研究历年高考题型特点,有校本学习资料。 4、学生在优生率、及格率、平均分等方面的学习成绩有明显提高。四、教学评价与建议 1、评价是教学过程中不可缺少的环节,是教师了解教学过程、规范教学行为的重要手段。评价不仅是评估学生的表现,更重要的是了解学习情况,发现教学缺陷,为改进教学提供依据。评价学生要客观、公正、合理,增强学生的自信心,增加兴趣,激发积极性。评估应考虑知识、能力、情感态度和价值观。纸笔测试仍然是最常用的评估方法。教师在制作试题时应注意以下情况:命题不需要强调命题的核心内容,知识零散,知识结构良好,生物学事实简单,生物学概念,原理的理解与应用,考试与分析记忆条件、综合能力测试2、教学建议:新生第一次接触三本书时,教师要扎实扎实教学,提高学生的记忆力、理解力和练习时间。

复习班和一些暑期补课时间较长的学校,可以在11月12日前教授一些专题,如实验设计等,让学生尽早接触到实验设计、图表等,有利于知识的系统化和能力的发展和形成。五、主要措施 1、研究大纲和考试大纲 各学校教研组要定期学习考试大纲和大纲,并有详细的学习和安排。教师个人学习与集体集中学习相结合;个人解释与相互讨论相结合。学习效果要体现在教学过程中。要求教师掌握“双提纲”,熟悉“双提纲”中的重点、难点、热点,用“双提纲”指导教学,然后研究相关题型,组织教学每节课。市教研室对各校进行大纲和考试大纲学习效果评估,将“双大纲”学习作为专项考试内容。 2.深化课堂教学改革。学校要继续全面推进“自主学习”课堂教学模式,深化课堂教学改革活动,定期开展讲课、评价和评价活动,总结学生学习和教师指导的规律和经验。课堂要体现教师的主导作用,看学生是否在发展,是否以大纲和考试大纲为依据,是否体现人性化、综合性和实用性。市教研室要继续做好课堂教学改革示范学校的引领作用,积极开展县校两级交流,为课堂教学改革骨干教师提供展示成果的平台。市教研室对各中学课堂教学改革进行全面评估。三、继续开展“四清”活动。 “四清”就是尊严、日日清、周舟清、张章清。

实现“四清”的前提是为学生提供合适的学习内容、适量的作业和一定的完成时间。 “四清”运动的关键是学生要及时进行自主学习,把知识进行总结、改进和总结,使知识系统化、网络化。因此,各学科教师应努力诊断学生的学业状况,根据实际情况为学生分配适当的任务。教研组要进行监督、检查和评​​价。各高中要组织起来,有步骤、有检查、有考核,推进“四清”运动,抓住学生“错误”,反复改正错误。市教研室要继续组织学科骨干教师定章习题,把检查知识落实情况作为提高教学质量的关键环节。 4、编译好,选好,用好复习资料。将综述材料的选择作为研究的主要课题。在复习资料的选用和使用上,各高中教研组要正确处理好复习资料与教材的关系,充分发挥教材的作用和作用,坚持以教材为主体,材料作为补充,不能被材料的知识内容所替代。教材;二是坚决做到教师先选题、组题,然后学生在教材练习和现场试题上进行练习,坚决杜绝练习中的错误。各学校教研组要成立专题组,研究高考题型,研究教材结构的特点和缺陷,研究适合高考学生的实践练习。学校。市教研室对各学校教材使用情况进行专项检查,市教研室继续为学校提供国外试题可供参考。 5、做好实验教学,学校要充分发挥实验室的作用,开放实验室充分利用实验设备,做能做的实验,看仪器;不具备条件的学校要克服各种困难,利用好视频CD等视听设备,让学生体验和感受实验场景和科学精神。

人教版七年级上册生物教案(_七年级生物上册 教案_生物教案下载

教师应将实验设计的理论体系传授给学生,使学生能够使用通用设备正确操作;具有生物绘图和图像识别能力;能够收集和分享信息;并能够发挥他们的探索能力。 6.培养学生的综合应用能力。近年来高考题考查的基础知识和主要知识重点考察学生的综合分析能力。因此,在教学中,要在加强知识运用的基础上,培养学生的综合分析能力。教师要收集近三年高考试题,研究命题方向,预测可能的方向,加强对学生的训练。六、教学进度 1、9月初至11月初(期中考试),一卷学习或复习。 2. 11月中旬至次年1月下旬(期末考试),选修一卷,第一卷为必修课。必修卷2到《自由组合法》春节假期2月12日-2月25日,3、2月下旬至4月上旬(第一次调查测试)第一轮复习结束4、4月初至4月下旬(第二次调查和测试),第二轮复习 5、5月上旬至5月下旬(模拟训练),进入第三轮复习,检查遗漏,有针对性地进行实践和应用技能培训。高三生物教学计划第四章本学期教学任务高三生物教学两节课,新学期开始,我这学期的工作计划如下:一、知识 目的:让学生了解每一章的基础知识生物学的。 二、Ability目标:通过科学方法实践,培养学生的科学素养,锻炼学生的实验能力和创新能力,培养学生的探究能力,培养学生的科技意识,促进学生个性的发展。

三、Emotional Attitudes and Values:培养学生的自然观和科学世界观,树立振兴中华的责任感和使命感,培养科学精神和态度,让学生有社会决策意识做人,热爱生活,珍惜生活的热情,有积极的生活态度和健康的生活方式。 四、学生情况分析学生基础较差,需要加强基础学习。针对上述情况,在教学中,我要因材施教,遵循最佳实践,努力提高学生的学习成绩。 五、教方法和方法1、 认真学习教学大纲,挖掘教材,仔细分析学生情况,制定适合教学实际的教学计划,做到知行合一。 2、做好学生的思想教育工作,让学生有健全的心理和稳定的心态,为学业做好提供保障。 3、仔细分析每个学生的细节,详细分析细节,因材施教,让每个学生得到发展和提高。 4、 认真备课,精心制作课件,真正做好每一节课,做好每一节课。 5、认真布置作业,及时改正反馈。 6、 加强基础知识教学,提高基本技能的掌握程度和运用基础知识分析解决实际问题的能力。 7、 认真研究考试大纲和试题,认真指导学生做各种考试,及时反馈。 8、认真指导学生高考模仿训练,为学生提高高考成绩打好基础。 9、 加强学习方法的引导,培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习兴趣。在教学过程中,加强对学生学习方法的引导,提高学生的学习效率。

让学生了解如何学好生物学,引导学生掌握生命科学的基本规律,鼓励学生养成适合自身发展的学习习惯。 10、 积极参与教学科研活动。积极参加学校组织的集体备课活动,提高教学水平。高中生物教学计划第五章坚持以课程改革为中心,坚持为学校教学工作服务,大力推进校本教研工作发展。坚持以课程改革为中心,坚持服务学校教学工作,大力推进校本教研工作发展。高度重视教育科学研究的作用,探讨研究课程改革面临的各种问题,以课题研究推进教学队伍建设,促进课程改革健康发展。以各类学科评比和竞赛为契机,尽快促进青年教师成长。充分挖掘学科资源,参与学校校本课程建设。加强理论学习。本学期将重点加强《生物课程标准》、《新课程教师行为变化》及校本课程开发相关理论的学习,进一步提高学习的针对性和有效性,更新观念,引导实践。 加强团队建设。师徒结对开展有针对性的“传”“帮”“带”活动,促进青年教师健康成长。要求青年教师先听课再上课,并写出详细的备课计划。师傅每周至少听徒弟一节课,讲课,并给予实际指导。开设新教师汇报班、青年教师研究班、老教师示范班。三是成立生物奥运比赛教练组,强化比赛意识,加强学科知识培训。

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也要求群内所有同志充分利用现代教育技术,发挥网络优势,扩大我校生物群的影响力。充分发挥备课小组作用,加强集体备课、资源共享,充分发挥老教师的优秀经验和青年教师的饱满活力,以高水平完成本学期教育教学任务。质量和效率。狠抓学科教学。 Senior three must study the new syllabus, collect information on the college entrance examination, and determine the goal of the college entrance examination based on the experience gained from studying the 20xx high school third-year biology class. In view of the characteristics of this year’s senior high school students in the elective course of biology, special emphasis is placed on strengthening the teaching of basic knowledge and basic skills, strengthening training, and working hard to change students’ bad study habits; doing a good job in students’ ideological work, encouraging students’ morale With hope, students strive to improve their enthusiasm for learning. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation with the class teacher, report the situation in time, and resolve it as soon as possible. It is necessary to strengthen communication with brother schools, learn from the experience of brother schools, be modest and cautious, work hard, and try every means to achieve the expected goal in the final college entrance examination without dragging the school back. Senior High School Biology Teaching Plan 6 (一)备考校园1.Research curriculum standards, exam syllabuses, analyze the trend of the college entrance examination, grasp the dynamic changes of the college entrance examination The new textbooks, the ideas and trends of the Jiangsu Provincial High Examination Questions, and the test descriptions are particularly important. The new curriculum standards should be used in the review preparation, based on the syllabus and test descriptions, and different versions of the new textbooks (mainly for people) should be studied. Based on the teaching edition), concentrate on breaking through the core and main knowledge, researching new questions, and there is a big difference between doing and not doing experiments. This is to guide everyone to do experiments instead of memorizing them.

Fruit vinegar fermentation is also a question. The effect of experimentation is definitely better than that of back experiment. Concept, grasp the new content, and strive to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of review preparation. From the changes in education and teaching reforms in recent years, from the examination syllabus, to understand the trend of the college entrance examination reform, in the usual teaching, it is closely related to the openness of thinking, the individualization of answers, the integration of knowledge and ability, which is the core of the quality proposition. Content to train and train students. 2. Close the textbook, consolidate the foundation, and comprehensively cultivate the students' biological science literacy. As in the previous high-level examination questions, the higher scores are "genetic, mutation and evolution", "regulation of life activities", "biology and environment", The contents of the five parts of "Cell" and "Cell Metabolism" are distributed in three compulsory modules, and the college entrance examinations over the years have well reflected the assessment of core biological knowledge in the outline. Therefore, on the basis of fully understanding and mastering the curriculum standards and examination syllabus, students should be guided to learn to read and read through the textbooks, including text parts, illustrations, small materials, experiments, etc.; important biological concepts, physiological functions, physiological processes, and experimental principles , Experimental methods, etc. should be understood and memorized. Some nominal concepts and concluding sentences in biology should be written frequently to ensure accuracy, and learn to answer questions in biological terms. In the basic training, pay attention to building a knowledge network, and at the same time focusing on innovative methods. It is necessary to elaborate and concise typical sample questions, improve the skills, speed and accuracy of students' answering questions, and pay attention to the summary and collation of knowledge. 3.System training, comprehensively cultivate students' various abilities ①Cultivate students' application knowledge and the ability to answer questions The 20xx college entrance examination biological test questions comprehensively examine the candidates' abilities.

Mainly include: the ability to process information; the ability to express in words, diagrams and mathematics; the ability to explain, reason and judge diagrams, curves, experiments, etc. by comparison, analysis and synthesis; establish mathematics, The ability of physical models to analyze biological phenomena and the application ability of biotechnology, and these abilities are where most candidates lack. Therefore, in the review process of 20xx years, while laying a good foundation for students, we should also focus on cultivating the above-mentioned abilities of students. ② Cultivate students' experimental ability and inquiry ability. Biology is an experimental science, so the college entrance examination will inevitably regard experiment as an important examination content. In recent years, the examinations of biological college entrance examinations have been diversified. There are basic experimental contents such as basic experimental principles, experimental operations, experimental procedures and precautions, as well as experimental design and analysis of experimental results and experimental evaluation, as well as experimental purposes and content. Open experimental design. In order to improve students' comprehensive experimental ability, the experiments in the three compulsory modules should be carefully completed and the teaching of the "Biotechnology Practice" module should be emphasized. ③ Pay attention to the connection between biological knowledge and real life, and cultivate students' ability to solve real-life problems. Biological science is closely related to daily life, human health, agricultural production, and environmental protection. Encourage students to deeply understand the core concepts of biology in the process of connecting and solving practical problems in life, and can use the principles and methods of biology to explain and solve practical problems related to social development and real life. This has become the proposition of the new curriculum biology college entrance examination. Important ideas. 4.Research teaching methods, study methods, and improve review efficiency. Strive to build a student-oriented classroom teaching model, put classroom review efficiency in the first place, and everything must be done according to the students’ actual ability, accurately positioned, grasped the elevation, and implemented well Every aspect of teaching.

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According to the key requirements of each review stage, carefully study and design teaching plans and learning plans. In the teaching process, it is necessary to run through the thinking of "taking students as the main body and fully develop students' abilities", and focus on developing students' thinking ability and the ability to work independently in experiments. 5. Follow the latest developments in biology and the application of modern biotechnology. Pay attention to new developments in biology that have a significant impact and significance on the development of science, technology, and society (such as research on hot issues such as the Human Genome Project, cloning technology, embryo engineering, etc.) , Especially the theoretical and technical content related to elective module 3 "Modern Biotechnology Topics". Use the learned theories to explain and analyze material test questions with the background of new advances in biology. In the teaching of the elective book. 6.Research academic conditions, implement hierarchical teaching, do a good job of training students to make up for the difference. According to the specific situation of the students in the class, study the students' scores in the other four subjects, focus on target students, promote marginal students, and increase the effective number of online students. Formulate training and learning programs for students with strength and potential, and carry out key follow-up training, while grasping the basics, encourage them to extensively acquire biological knowledge and comprehensively improve their biological literacy. At the same time, each test paper is reviewed and revised. Strictly require careful examination of questions and standardized answers. Ask the poor students in class more questions, give more guidance after class, choose appropriate exercises and test questions, strengthen basic training, and gradually improve. 7. Strengthen test-taking training and improve students' adaptability. The 20xx test questions suddenly increase in volume and difficulty, which makes candidates very uncomfortable. Therefore, in preparation for the test, especially in the last one or two months, the difficulty gradient training should be strengthened. Students should experience all kinds of difficulty level test questions, and train students to not be careless when encountering easy questions, and not to be nervous when encountering problems. The test habit and psychology of slow speed when the volume is small, and fast speed when the volume is large.

8. Pay attention to the collection of college entrance examination information, analysis and research. Today's social development has entered the information age, and all kinds of information have occupied a dominant position in social activities, and the college entrance examination review is no exception. The college entrance examination information must be accurate, clear in direction, and pertinent, so that the review efficiency is high. Pay attention to relevant books (such as "Admissions News" and professional magazines (such as "Biology Bulletin", "Biology Teaching Reference", "Middle School Biology Teaching", "Biology Teaching", "Chinese Examination", etc.), check these materials, and timely Do a good job in the collection and sorting of relevant information. Through relevant information analysis, research review countermeasures, accurately guide students to review, avoid blindness, and improve review effects. (二)Schedule and teaching objectives Biological review preparation adopts three rounds of review , And the most important one is the first round of review. The main goal of the review is to consolidate the foundation, and the longest time is arranged, from the start of summer vacation to the end of January next year (the beginning of winter vacation). Then it will take 1-2 months for the first round of review. The main goal of the second round of review is to improve ability. From 20 days to 1 month before the college entrance examination, three rounds of review are conducted, with the main goal of intensive training to check and fill vacancies. Specific arrangements 1. Phase 1: Summer vacation Make-up class-the first semester of senior high school, a round of review, close to the books, and lay a solid foundation. (1)夏假修課--before the mid-term exam of the first semester of high school, complete the review of Module 1 and Module 2 to welcome the mid-term unified test. (2)Mid-term exam-winter vacation, complete the review of module 3、选修3. 2. Second stage: February-the end of April the second round of review, topic review. Topic 1: The material basis and structural basis of life; Topic 2 : Life Activities; Topic 3: Genetics, Variation and Evolution of Biology; Topic 4: Homeostasis and Regulation of Life Activities; Topic 5: Ecology; Topic 6: Review of Experimental Topics; Topic 7: Genetic Engineering; Topic 8: Cell Engineering: Topic 9: Embryo Engineering; Topic 10: Safety and Ethical Issues of Biotechnology.

3.The third stage: Comprehensive training, psychological adjustment. May 1st-June 6th actual combat drills, test guidance, adjustment status. Comprehensive training for 4 weeks. The goal is to cultivate students' test abilities, skills and psychological qualities in all aspects of the test. Through mock exams and commentary, students will further spirally improve their ability to understand, analyze, derive and apply knowledge, and enhance their confidence in winning. Adjust the status for 2 weeks. Stop any tests in the first two weeks. The goal is to give students enough time to review the analysis textbooks and classic test questions, organize them systematically, and check for omissions. And by adjusting the rhythm of students' study and life, adjust their psychological state, and strive to make the students' test-taking state reach the peak level in early June. In the last week, we will conduct a warm-up exam before the college entrance examination and give guidance before the exam.
