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2021-09-10 22:01 网络整理 教案网




从某种意义上说,老师能反思的越多,老师就越好。通过反思,可以及时发现新问题,进一步激发教师的责任感,将教学实践提升到一个新的高度。教学反思的方法和过程其实很简单:每天的教学结束后,教师做简单的反思日记;教师互相倾听,描述教学情况,交换意见;最重要的是提高教师的专业素养。素养的第一步是教师要对课堂中遇到的问题进行调查研究,这反过来又会提高教师的教学实践,养成自觉进行调查研究的好习惯。要促进每个学生身心健康,培养学生优质的终身学习能力,开展建设性学习,注重科学探究学习,注重体验式学习,促进交流合作和自主创新学习。 “学生是学习的主体”是教师普遍理解的教学原则。老师的职责不是教书,而是教学生学。改变以往让学生留在后面的习惯,引导学生自主学习。学生学习的主战场在课堂。课堂教学是一个双向活动的过程。只为营造浓厚的自主学习氛围,激发学生的主体意识。为了激发学习需求,学生才能真正发挥自己的学习潜能,进行自主学习,真正成为课堂学习的主人。学生学习英语总是一件快乐的事,因为他们对外语很好奇,对它很感兴趣,但要长期保持这种兴趣,需要花费大量的精力。

那么我来谈谈如何在课堂上调动学生的学习积极性、主动性和创造性,让学生参与到知识形成的过程中,感受“参与的乐趣”、“思考的兴趣”和“成功” “悦”。这里简单回顾一下开学以来的一些英语教学工作。一、面向所有学生,为他们的全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。创造各种场景鼓励学生大胆使用英语。比如每节课前,安排了两分钟的“一起阅读”活动,目的是让那些害羞的不想说英语的学生张开嘴,因为大家一起阅读,即使他们读错了。如果你不能表现出来,你就不会感到羞耻。这样,不想说话的那部分学生就不会被抛在后面。其次,对他们采取宽容的态度。学习中的错误和错误 过程。为学生提供独立学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分发挥和自我发展的空间。我总是在教完三个单元后及时组织学生进行比赛,有时在学习组之间,有时通过抽签确定临时组,有时通过男女比赛。总之,有多种形式。鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作和探索,培养听、说、读、写的综合能力。创造条件让学生探索自己的一些问题并自行解决。 二、关注学生情绪,营造民主和谐的教学氛围。新型师生关系是平等、友好、民主的。轻松和谐的学习环境对学生的学习和发展至关重要。作为老师,要努力融入教材,融入课堂,融入良好的师生关系。在融洽的氛围中,我一直秉承着“以情动,以理知,以行为导”的老格言。

以真情教学,以真情对待学生,以真情取信于学生。在普通的教学活动中,单一的一、呆板教学方式很容易让学生失去学习的兴趣,无法体现语言的生动性,多种教学方式可以激发学生不同的兴奋点,抑制大脑疲劳计算机辅助教学使教学方法的使用成为一个广阔的世界。无论采用何种教学方式,基本出发点都是学生,学生是课堂的主体。教室应该是学校,是学生学习的乐园。课堂教学要充分发挥学生的积极性。英语学习的特点决定了讨论法在英语课堂教学中的特殊意义。 The discussion method of the English class should have a broader content and a more free and democratic atmosphere. Not only can you discuss the problems of this class, but you can also express your own opinions in English and discuss the right and wrong at home and abroad. The discussion class is to test the teacher's ability to drive the entire class. In ordinary teaching activities, there are often students who do not use English during class or talk about topics that have nothing to do with the class. This requires frequent supervision by the teacher. Teachers should strive to use their good feelings towards students to arouse students' positive emotional response, create an atmosphere where teachers and students are emotionally blended, and enable students to have an interest in exploring knowledge and skills in a relaxed and harmonious learning atmosphere. The clever ideas and meticulous questions in teaching are effective ways to activate students' thinking and cultivate their innovative spirit. Only when students have a positive attitude towards themselves, English and its culture, can they maintain their motivation to learn English and achieve results. The stereotyped attitude will not only affect the effect of English learning, but also affect other development. The attitude is an important factor in learning English well. Therefore, I strive to create a liberal, democratic and harmonious teaching space.


Respect each student, organically combine English teaching and modality, create various cooperative learning activities, promote students to learn from each other, help each other, experience a sense of accomplishment, and develop a spirit of cooperation. Pay attention to learning difficulties or introverted learning, and create language opportunities for them as much as possible. Establish harmonious and democratic communication channels between teachers and students, often reflect on the learning process and learning effects with students, encourage and help each other, and be relevant to teaching. 三、 Strengthen the guidance of students' learning strategies so that they can learn how to learn step by step in the process of learning and application. The problem situation has a strong appeal, can stimulate students' need for learning, and trigger students' creative thinking. The English language is a constantly evolving language, and the development of modern technology has injected fresh blood into it. English textbooks are only the basis and medium for students to learn English. To learn English well, students must integrate into the ocean of English and keep up with the pace of English development. Therefore, I often input vivid English into teaching based on teaching materials at any time, so that students can feel English and express their thoughts in English. For example, the popular emails, surf internet, clone, netizen and so on. "Learning comes from thinking, thinking comes from doubt", the thinking process of students exploring knowledge always starts from asking questions, and then develops in solving problems. In the teaching process, students use their brains to think and express themselves in the context created by the teacher. In the process of problem-solving, if students' emotions and motivations can be fully mobilized, their intelligence can be fully utilized.