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2、 提倡集体备课系统。强调教师之间的协调合作、资源共享、相互学习、共同成长。每周一次由备课小组实施集体备课。备课组长根据教学内容划分主要备课负责人。主要备课人应提出备课内容的重难点分析,教学方法的组织和学习方法的指导,本单元的测试、评价和分析计划。备课小组活动还应加强教师对习题的研究,让教师在做完习题后为学生选择相应的习题,研究中考试题趋势。

3、 加强骨干教师和青年教师培训,继续充分发挥学科带头人和骨干教师在教学中的引领和辐射作用,指导各级各年级教学工作,继续重视教师培训教学,加强校本教研,通过教学督导和开展教学技能竞赛活动,鼓励广大中国教师积极参与课程改革,切实提高教学水平,促进教师专业能力的全面提升。




2、 组织组内教师的讲座和评价活动。结合本学期每位教师的教学公开课,组织教学研讨活动,围绕相应主题组织相应的公开课和讲座。通过研讨、观摩、复习等方式,从备课、上课、作业批改等教育教学的各个环节相互交流、共同提高。



3、 充分利用学校的在线教研环境,建立中文教研组QQ群,随时随地开展在线研讨,如及时授课或研讨方法与策略等。某个问题等,将教研内容整理发布在教研组的博客上,稍后交流分享。

4、 积极参与区级教研室和学区组织的各项教研活动,掌握教学信息,研究新的教学方法,提高教学水平。参加各教育主管部门组织的论文评选活动,争取产出多篇优质论文。







抓好20xx年中考教学指导。 In order to improve the teaching effectiveness of the Chinese middle school entrance examination and improve the quality of the Chinese middle school entrance examination in our school, we organized a high school entrance examination experience exchange meeting in the teaching and research group activities to give full play to the wisdom of all Chinese teachers and help teachers to familiarize themselves with the "High School Examination Instructions" and grasp the key points of teaching. Carefully study the direction of teaching and review of the high school entrance examination, prepare for the 20xx high school entrance examination, and lay a solid foundation.

The teaching plan of the junior high school Chinese teaching and research group Chapter 5

This semester, the junior high school Chinese teaching and research group teaching will deepen the reform of Chinese teaching under the guidance of the new curriculum standards, strive to change the concept of education and teaching, and vigorously improve the efficiency of classroom teaching; to fully implement the party’s education policy, comprehensively promote quality education, The goal is to improve the quality of Chinese teaching on a large scale, combined with the characteristics of the subject itself, to carry out teaching in a solid and effective manner.


Face the current low level of the overall Chinese students in our school. This semester Chinese teaching and research team will carry out relevant teaching and research activities under the unified leadership and specific guidance of the school and the school teaching office to further promote quality education, deepen teaching reforms, and strengthen Chinese classroom teaching reforms Based on the unit test, actively participate in teacher-student competitions and comprehensively enhance the comprehensive strength of the Chinese subject group.

二、teaching ideas:


(一), further standardize various teaching routines of Chinese, and pay close attention to the implementation of routines

Implement subject teaching conventions, focusing on the implementation of classroom teaching conventions. The key to the overall improvement of Chinese teaching quality is to implement routines, reform classroom teaching, and improve classroom teaching efficiency. To implement quality education in an all-round way, classroom teaching is the main position. In this semester, under the premise of comparing the new curriculum standards, truly learn Yangsi experience, firmly establish teachers’ sense of service, and transform students’ learning methods; reform the outdated, dull and monotonous Chinese classroom teaching mode, research and design scientific, novel, A lively and open Chinese classroom teaching model; Chinese classroom teaching should create a harmonious, relaxed and democratic teaching atmosphere, pay attention to creating teaching scenarios, activate students' curiosity, cultivate students' independent learning habits and ability, and highlight innovative spirit and practical ability Resolutely meet all students, take care of the learning needs of students of different levels and levels, research and implement hierarchical and classified teaching; strive to optimize the classroom teaching structure, and greatly improve the efficiency of Chinese classroom teaching.

(二)Multi-pronged approach, exploring specific strategies for "reducing burdens and increasing efficiency" in Chinese teaching

The quality of teaching is the lifeline of school teaching, and it is also an important teaching of our Chinese teaching and research group. In the context of the strong demand for "burden reduction" in the current society, we Chinese teachers must use more brains on how to achieve "burden reduction and efficiency enhancement" in order to adapt to the requirements of the new educational situation.