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2021-08-22 03:59 网络整理 教案网

The above is the summary of my teaching work this semester. As the experience is rather shallow and there are deficiencies in many places, I hope that in the future, under the guidance of all leading teachers and predecessors, I can achieve better results.

Pan Essay 7 of English Teaching Reflection Summary

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, a school year passes so quickly, and it's the end of the year in a blink of an eye. In this semester, I have carefully prepared, attended, listened to, and evaluated lessons, corrected homework, commented on homework in time, and done well in after-school tutoring work, formed a relatively complete knowledge structure, strictly required students, respected students, promoted teaching democracy, and encouraged students Learn to gain, so as to continuously improve their teaching level and ideological awareness, and successfully complete the education and teaching tasks. The following is my teaching experience and experience:

1. To improve the quality of teaching, the key is to have good classes. In order to have a good class, I did the following:

(1)Pre-class preparation: prepare the lesson.

①Seriously study the textbook, understand the structure, key points and difficulties of the textbook, master the logic of the knowledge, be able to use it freely, know what materials should be supplemented, and how to teach well. ②Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, and what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take corresponding preventive measures. ③Consider teaching methods and solve how to pass the teaching materials that have been mastered to students, including how to organize the teaching materials and how to arrange the activities of each class.

(2)The situation in the classroom.

Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to each student, put students in the main position, and mobilize students' attention in time. At the same time, it stimulates students' emotions, makes them feel happy, creates a good classroom atmosphere, the classroom language is concise and clear, and the previous repetitive problems are overcome. Classroom questions are oriented to all students, pay attention to arouse students' interest in learning mathematics, and lecture and practice in class. Incorporate, arrange homework well, homework is few and precise, reduce the burden on students.

2.To improve the quality of teaching, we must also do a good job of after-school tutoring.


Primary school students love to move and play, lack the ability to control themselves, and often cannot complete their homework on time in their studies.一些学生抄袭他们的作业。 In response to this problem, we should do a good job in the ideological education of students, and implement this work in the guidance of students’ learning. We must also do a good job of tutoring and helping students in their learning, especially in the transformation of underachievers. The student strives to start with friendliness, such as holding his hand, touching his head, or helping to organize his clothes. Starting from praise, all people are eager to get the understanding and respect of others.因此,在和差生交谈时,要对他的处境和思想表现出深刻的理解和尊重,在批评学生之前,先谈谈他们工作的不足。 .

3. Actively participate in lectures, evaluate lectures, humbly learn teaching methods from peers, learn from others, and improve teaching.

4. cultivate a variety of hobbies, go to the library to read a group of books, continue to expand the scope of knowledge, and inject fresh blood into the teaching content.

In short, in the educational era of the new curriculum reform, society has higher requirements for teachers' quality. In the future education and teaching work, I will be more strict with myself, communicate with teachers of the same level and school in a timely manner, and learn from others. Strengths, work hard, develop strengths, correct shortcomings, forge ahead, and contribute to a better tomorrow.

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