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2021-08-19 07:04 网络整理 教案网

2、 加强日常研究,确保减负增效。每学期,青年教师将参加至少一个教研班。教研组成员非特殊原因尽量多参加。下课后会及时进行评估。







1、根据班级实际情况制定好的中文教学计划。 2、 进一步做好学习规范和性教育工作。 3、第一次教研活动,讨论制定教研组工作计划。 4、学生诗歌朗诵比赛。 5、 每月进行一次考试。



2、Classic 准备和群众评价活动。 3、学生作业检查、评价。 4、student 在课堂上大声朗读。 5、 群里的老师们互相倾听,互相评价。 6、 每月进行一次考试。


1、学生班课文朗诵比赛。 2、组内老师互相倾听,互相评价。


3、讨论中期综合质量评估事项和中期检查。 4、群众备课、听课、评课。


1、音乐准备课程。 2、“一节课,多节课”,群内老师互相听课,评课。 3、 小组教师特别研讨会。 4、课外阅读知识竞赛。 5、 每月进行一次考试。


1、制定复习计划。 2、教研组整理活动资料,撰写工作总结。 3、教研组上交工作总结。 4、 为学生组织期末考试。 5、期末试卷分析。






我已经工作了十多年了。我时刻牢记学校的规章制度,严于律己。我以细心的主人翁态度对待学校的各项工作。工作责任心强,工作认真踏实,努力做学生的好榜样。 ,高质量完成学校交办的各项任务和任务。认真对待工作,严格爱护学生。我认为良好的“师德”是确保所有任务成功的基础和关键。然而,工作中逐渐出现了倦怠感。第一次工作的努力和热情逐渐消退。教育教学工作往往是简单的重复,有进取心,进取心不强,文化底蕴不够丰富。专业知识存在诸多不足,尤其是工作中缺乏思考。教学研究往往停留在感性体验层面,不能很好地结合理论与实践。



因为这份工作不是针对生产线上的产品,而是针对有血有肉、有思想、尚未定型的孩子。我不同意“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”的说法,因为教师是普通人,承担不起这样的责任,但教师必须有师德,真正为学生的终身发展负责在教育和教学中。 ,不要让孩子因为长大时遇见了你而留下遗憾。





2、XuXin 问,取长补短,弥补自己的不足。


3、 加强教育教学研究,做创新型教师。

教师教学生学习,但学生的学习兴趣不高,不能充分开发学生的探索潜能。所以在今后的教学中,我会尽量采用多种灵活的教学方式来激发学生的学习兴趣。在教学中,要认真分析教材,精心设计每一节课,及时对每一节课进行反思,认真分析课堂和班级管理中出现的问题,并及时做好反思记录,力求做到一the end of the semester High-quality reflection and instructional design.

4、teaching basic skills. Learning basic skills is very important for a teacher engaged in education. If there is no good basic skills, it is difficult to be a better student. In this semester, in accordance with the requirements of the school, we will strive to improve in Mandarin, pen writing, chalk writing, etc.

I will step into this challenging job with my passion and planning, and continue to accumulate experience in practice, so that I can grow up as soon as possible. Make yourself confident to complete this plan.


Chinese teacher preparation teaching plan 5

一、 insists on the school-running philosophy of "student development is above everything else". Actively promote hierarchical teaching and effectively improve the efficiency of Chinese classroom teaching. Facing all students, promote the overall development of students' language quality. In view of the weak foundation of students, it is not necessary for every student to have a good performance in the short term. As long as the gap with other students can be narrowed, progress is made. According to the requirements of the examination syllabus and the actual situation of the students in each class, the teaching is implemented.

二、 earnestly organize and implement hierarchical teaching and pay close attention to the foundation.

For students with poor foundations, correct the assignments on the ground as appropriate. Achieve targeted counseling based on personality characteristics. In addition, for students with a better foundation, some homework to improve their abilities should be properly assigned. For students with large mood swings, appropriate psychological counseling should be done. Some students have a solid foundation and a proactive review attitude, which can help them form good answering habits during this stage of review. For students who have not a solid foundation, we must strengthen training in this round of review so that they can develop a good habit of reviewing and answering questions.具体安排如下:

First of all, the whole thing is always unremitting. Although some students have a good foundation, teachers also need to pay attention to the improvement of the basic abilities of some students in the review. In this round of review, this part of the students are more active than other students. Generally, the time is set for them to review independently, check the quizzes on time, and then proofread the answers. The focus of composition training is still to focus on the structure and examination of questions, and strengthen the training of the central paragraph and the opening chapter.

Secondly, focus on counseling for critical students. For some students who have a good language foundation and still have room for improvement, they should be given some individual guidance for their respective weaknesses in peacetime, and remind them to strengthen the review of weaknesses in this round of review.