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教育教学改革的经验和体会。范文3教学过程中关于教材的争论之一是:这个教材是否适合农村学校的学生?有教师认为该教材时代感强,知识内容适合学生的英语水平。学习需求——英语口语交流形式多样,内容丰富,符合当下英语习惯的纯正英语。有老师认为这套英语教材不适合农村学校的学生,因为这套英语教材需要六年的小学英语基础学生开始学习。我们的大多数学生在小学都没有学过英语。老师们没有足够的时间来弥补。而且这套教材词汇量很大,对于没有基本英语基础的同学来说难度太大。教师教学进度不符合新课程标准的要求。在辩论的最后,英语教师们达成了共识:新课程要更加关注学生的学习过程,教师要加强教学反思。要注重教学反思和实践,注重课堂知识的建设,关注学生的学习过程。实际能力考核。说说新课改的亲身体会:一、新课改,新变化随着新课改的逐步深入,将给整个基础教育带来新的变化。 1、新课程目标 基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是以培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识为基础,培养学生的综合英语语言能力。本次课程改革的重点是改变过去过分强调语法和词汇知识的讲解和教学,忽视培养学生实际语言能力的趋势,从学生的学习兴趣出发,强调任务型学习的运用。 、生活经历和认知水平。该教学方法让学生在体验、实践、参与和交流方面发展综合语言技能。

新课程标准增加了情感因素、学习策略、文化意识和跨文化交际能力,体现了以人为本的教育理念,培养学生终身学习能力,培养学生健康的人格和技能发展能力。教育成功的核心。 2、新教学模式 本课程提倡任务型教学模式。教学过程应形成师生互动、主动互动、共同发展的过程。形成民主开放的课堂教学氛围。学生在教师的引导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作,实现任务目标,感受成功。在学习过程中调整情绪和策略,形成积极的学习态度,促进实用语言能力的提高。 3、新的评价机制 新的评价体系更加科学、全面、完整,不仅不忽视结果评价,更注重形成性评价。新标准认为,评价应该有助于培养和激发学生的学习积极性和自信心。考试应有助于促进学生综合语言能力的提高。评价机制应包括课程评价、学生学习情况检测、教师教学检测。 二、课程改革教学问题 课程改革的形势是好的,但在实际教学过程中也存在着这样那样的问题。只要表达为:1、class教学具体问题在课堂教学活动中,也反映了很多问题。有的是教学理念的原因,有的是教学能力的原因,有的是教学条件的原因。余文森教授在《新课程教学改革的成果与问题反思》(《课程、教材、教学法》,2005年第5期)一文中讨论的四个问题,也不同程度地存在于我们的课堂中。


具体讲四点:教学目标模糊、教学内容泛化、教学过程形式化、教学方法不合理。 1.1 虚拟教学目标新课程确立了知识、技能、过程、方法、情感、态度、价值观三合一的课程和教学目标。这是发展性教学的核心内涵,是新课程推进素质教育的集中体现。 新课程的课堂教学非常注重追求三维目标的有机融合。在传授知识的同时,也注重过程方法和情感体验。但是,由于在三维目标的设计和运行中缺乏理论指导和实践经验,在实施层面出现了教学目标的虚拟化现象。突出表现在以下三个方面。首先,知识和技能目标应该是不切实际的。知识技能目标是三维目标的基本目标。然而,由于片面的理解和概念上的偏差,在很多课堂中,最明确的知识技能目标缺失或变得模糊。二是过程和方法目标存在“脱节”现象。首先,由于“过程、方法”维度的目标是以往课堂教学中被忽视的新要求,一般教师对此类目标的设计能力不强。有的老师意识很清楚,但在设计和操作上却很明显。土地上出现了“脱节”现象:脱离了知识技能的目标,脱离了教学内容和教学任务,脱离了学生的发展,从而使过程和方法失去了价值。第三,在情感、态度、价值观和目标上存在“标签化”现象。

简而言之,多维目标和目标定位不当,往往导致教师在教学中忽视对方。 1.2 教学内容泛化 由于缺乏有效的课程资源开发利用经验,教学内容泛化出现在实施层面。突出表现在以下三点:一是教材遗漏。许多教师在课堂教学中忽视学生对课文的阅读理解,添加内容过早或过多,甚至背道而驰,只谈从网上检索到的信息,补充大量学生感兴趣的生活资料。 in.课本被遗漏了,教学活动失去了认知的支持。其次,为了语境化而设置语境。情境的设定应该是自然的,而不是“为了上下文而设定情境”。第三,与现实的联系成为一种装饰。与教学内容挂钩的现实必须是真实的现实,而不是传授知识1.3教学过程形式化新课程课堂教学方法具有多元化的景观,但不可否认的是,多元化的背后,流露出浮躁、盲从和形式化倾向,学生的内在情感和思维并未真正被激活。首先,“对话”变成了“问答”。可以说,新课程倡导的对话教学超越了传统的自主教学。但在实践中,许多教师将对话等同于师生问题。事实上,课堂上发生的一些师生问答实际上并不是教学对话。二是合作有形式,无实质。目前大多数课堂的小组合作学习处于自发和随机状态。很多教师在应用小组合作学习的组织形式时强调形式,对其内涵缺乏深刻理解和反思。

第三,有探究的形式,没有探究的现实。应该承认,这也是当前探究性学与教实践中的一个突出问题。 1.4 不合理的教学方式表现在对现代教育技术的使用或滥用。农村学校教学方法的运用进展甚微,甚至有走下坡路的趋势。不仅计算机辅助教学跟不上,就连原来的幻灯片和录音机也越来越少用了。信息技术的应用极大地改变了传统意义上的学科教学。但是,也出现了一些不容忽视的问题。集中表现是刻意追求使用多媒体带来的课件泛滥。在多媒体教室里,有些课变成了幻灯片。灌溉成为当下的“电灌溉”;有的班级变成了“网吧”,学生们自成一派。我们发现,在课堂上,学生可以清晰地亲自操作和完成实验,但结果却被课件的模拟演示所取代;显然,学生需要通过文字描述来实现自我想象、联想、体验和感知,但它们是教师精心制作的多媒体图像,被同化为一种认知和体验。这些认知偏差亟待澄清; effective ways and methods for the integration of information technology and subject teaching urgently need to be studied. 2、The problem reflected from the learning status of the students 2.1 Junior high school students are very polarized. In classroom observations in some schools, it is found that nearly 20% of students who do not respond in a class seem to be listening but not learning. There are also nearly 20%, about 40% only listening but not writing, and only 10%-20% of the students have an active participation look on their faces.


Roughly estimated from this situation, 40% of students’ learning difficulties are due to attitudes, and another 40% of students’ learning difficulties are due to methods. It is self-evident that such a state of learning is worrying. 2.2 The questionnaire survey of students with heavy learning psychological burden shows that nearly 70% of students think that the learning burden is too heavy. In fact, students are not only burdened because of the number, but also because they are not very interested in the content of learning, which results in a heavy psychological burden on learning. The main reasons are: teachers’ teaching can’t better connect with students’ real life, students can’t realize the source and value of knowledge; classroom teaching and homework from content to form are monotonous and boring; parents and teachers pay too much attention to exam results, which leads to students Psychological pressure and rebellious psychology. 2.3 Junior high school students have serious mental health problems. At present, teachers do not know enough about students’ psychological development laws and mental health, and lack the educational ability in this area. They often use simple education to face psychological problems with various reasons, which leads to students’ psychological resistance, early love, and running away. . Coupled with the deficiencies in family education and counseling, the "education" does not work well with the "education". 三、 Suggestions and Countermeasures From the survey, we deeply feel the arduousness and difficulties of our city’s junior high school curriculum reform. It is our duty to think and seek countermeasures. My suggestion: 1、Change the way students learn. Our education today is for students. Continue to learn and lay a solid foundation for lifelong development. Another goal of the new curriculum is to change the way students learn. Emphasize the cultivation of students' independent learning, cooperative learning and exploratory learning methods.

2、The new curriculum of changing the role of teachers requires us to change the way students learn and build a learning platform for them to be independent, experience, explore, cooperate, and communicate. Then the key to the change of learning mode is the change of teaching mode. The change of teaching mode is also the change of teacher's role. The new curriculum advocates a "task-based" teaching mode. Students should be allowed to participate in teaching activities independently, cooperatively, and exploratively in order to complete their learning tasks. Under this model, it is necessary to change the role of teachers in order to establish a democratic, teacher-student equality, and emotional integration of new student views and teacher-student relationship. Therefore, for students, the role of the teacher should change from: manager to organizer; instructor to participant; controller to helper; leader to guide; arbitrator to facilitator. From the perspective of the curriculum and the teacher’s own development, the role of the teacher should change from: a teacher to a researcher, and a teacher to learn to reflect and innovate; the implementer becomes a developer, both the implementer of the curriculum and the developer of the curriculum; the implementer Become a decision maker. 3、 Treat "poor students" correctly. Many teachers complain that there are too many "poor students" in the class, and consciously or unconsciously show their dislike for "poor students". This is a terrible misunderstanding. To treat poor students correctly, it is important for teachers to have two hearts in dealing with poor students. The first is love. Every poor student has its shining point and cuteness. Only when you love with your heart and have love, will you truly care about the poor student and work hard to transform the poor student; the second is patience. Complicated and difficult process. In the education process, there are often repetitions. Therefore, we must persist in grasping and grasping unremittingly to achieve practical results.