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Classroom teaching and research activities summary 4

On the afternoon of June 3rd, teacher Yu, a district teacher and researcher, visited the Central Primary School of xx Town to guide our school's music classroom transformation teaching work. Teacher Yu listened to the lectures of Zhou x and Lin, and all music teachers participated in the activity.

小姐Zhou teaches the fourth grade "Valley Quiet". At the beginning of the class, Teacher Zhou used two cartoon images of cuckoo mother and baby to stimulate students' interest in learning, and the students used the clarinet to imitate the cuckoo's call. After that, Ms. Zhou guided the students to read the lyrics through rhythm practice, striving to experience middle school singing songs in a changing experience. Finally, the students play the role of cuckoo and join the singing of the song with fun.

小姐Lin went to the first grade "Barber". At the beginning of the class, Teacher Lin had dirty hair after working as a "painter" and needed to go to the barber shop to wash his hair and get a haircut as an introduction. Ask the students to tell what sounds are in the barber shop? The students’ attention was suddenly attracted, and they all spoke: the sound of cutting hair "click", the sound of hair dryer "oh", the sound of washing hair "clap" and "shasha"... After that, Teacher Lin instructed the students to use Percussion instruments similar to these sounds participate in the song. The students learned knowledge by playing.

After class, the two teachers gave a brief explanation of their class design. Teacher Yu also expressed his affirmation of the two lessons and pointed out the areas that need to be modified, such as: students' voices should be sung loudly, and then the intensity of the songs should be controlled by different expressions; the shape of the team in the creative activities of the students in the classroom Changes and so on. Teacher Yu also hopes that teachers will pay more attention to students and the classroom in teaching.

I believe that with the care and help of expert teachers, the teachers in the music group of our school will gain more in the transformation of the music subject.

Classroom teaching and research activities summary 5

From November 22nd to November 25th, 20xx, four mathematics teachers from different schools and a group of five people went to Tai'an to participate in the "Shandong Province Primary School Mathematics Moral Education Excellent Curriculum Selection" on-site observation activity. In the past few days, I have listened to mathematics classroom teaching demonstrations by xx outstanding teachers from various cities in Shandong Province. It is the wish of every teacher to walk into the classroom of a famous teacher and see the demeanor of a famous teacher. I am very grateful to the school leaders for providing me with such an opportunity to learn and improve myself. After returning, teacher Mao from the teaching and research section called five people who went to Tai'an to attend a seminar for more than 2 hours, and gave us a task to organize a "Lide Shuren, Incorporate into the Mathematics Class" at our respective schools. The theme teaching and research activities conveyed the learning spirit of this trip to Tai'an.

After returning to school, I communicated with Principal Du and the former director about the holding of teaching and research activities. The two leaders attached great importance to this teaching and research activity and personally planned and arranged this teaching and research activity with me. Principal Du asked me to host this meeting alone. It was the first time I acted as the host of teaching and research activities involving the entire school’s mathematics teachers. I was both nervous and excited. Principal Du and the former director gave me detailed guidance and encouragement, and I have the confidence to undertake it. For this task. The two leaders first asked me to prepare the speech draft, and asked every sentence I said in the meeting to appear on the speech draft, and then checked and read the speech draft that I had written, and again made suggestions for improvement.

On the afternoon of December 21st, the teaching and research activity of "Lide to foster people and integrate into the mathematics classroom" was held in the school's recording room. All mathematics teachers attended the meeting. Principal Qiu also attached great importance to the conference and planned to attend, but missed it because he went to study abroad, but before leaving, he made a request that every teacher who participated in the conference should write down their experience and experience and post them to their respective blogs. He will pay attention to reading.

This teaching and research activity is divided into the following steps:

一个。 Listen to "Chicken and Rabbit in a Cage" taught by Zheng Lingling of Linyi Puyuan Primary School.

Focus on two aspects when attending class:

1、Where are the elements of moral education infiltrated in the classroom?