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2021-08-01 17:23 网络整理 教案网




(7)不重视现代教学手段的应用。多媒体教室利用率低,远程教育教学资源应用不多,教师使用远程教育设备的积极性不高. 虽然有的老师采用多媒体教学,但整节课采用多媒体代替黑板书写,教学内容的呈现采用投影仪。节奏快,学生思考和实践的时间和空间不足,不合理和不合理。不科学。



(9)体育课 有的老师课前没强调。很多学生穿凉鞋,甚至拖鞋,上课戴钥匙。很多学生戴红领巾上课。也有几个体育老师排队背着太阳,学生面朝太阳,这些都不符合体育课堂的一般要求,虽然都是细节,但也应该引起我们的注意。对密码和哨子的使用不是很熟悉,性不强,概括性不够。




较大的学校在课程安排上存在不足,无法正常开展示范实验和组织实验。一些易碎易耗的仪器和药品没有及时补充,仪器管理不善,无法配套,一些示范实验无法完成。此外,一些大型学校实验室配置不足。 10个班级只有一个实验室和一、两套实验设备。结果,同时上课的老师只能在黑板上“做实验”。




一、 加强教研组建设,加强年终备课组(或教研组)集体备课活动,组织教师学习现代教育教学理论和课程标准,并重视同行互助和专业指导的作用。教研活动要围绕教师教学实践中发现的问题、教师教学中的困惑等问题,设置有效研究的时间、地点、演讲人、课题内容,注重教学反思,并要求教师注意发现和思考教学的各个方面。要解决问题,就要设法找到解决问题的方法和手段。学校应将反思作为教学常规的重要组成部分。


三、 加强教学方法和学习方法的研究,科学安排教学程序。 In order to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, it is necessary to strengthen the study and understanding of the new curriculum standards, continuously strengthen knowledge accumulation and storage, strengthen teaching methods and study methods, and in-depth study of basic teaching links such as lesson preparation, class, homework, tutoring and examinations, and grasp The laws implied therein. To prepare lessons, it is necessary to prepare teaching materials, and more importantly, prepare students' learning methods and teaching methods. It is necessary to proceed from the actual situation of the students, arrange the teaching steps scientifically, choose the appropriate teaching methods, and fully embody the teaching principle of "Teacher-led and student-centered", which is conducive to motivating students to be masters of learning. Arrange the teaching steps scientifically and reasonably, pay attention to organizing all classroom activities around the training of teaching goals and ability, teach the characteristics of teaching materials, pay attention to the scientific and systematic nature of teaching materials, actively create problem scenarios to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, and use heuristics more , Discussion, conversation and other teaching methods, to achieve a combination of lectures and exercises, to prevent "full school", fully stimulate students' interest in learning, mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and initiative, and inspire students' thinking. Teachers should pay attention to concise and accurate language expression, writing on the blackboard should be neat, teaching attitude should be natural, and all classroom teaching should be in Putonghua.

四、 Establish a correct view of students. Schools should not divide fast and slow classes prematurely, pay attention to every student in the class, so that more students can actively participate in class activities. Actual classroom teaching is an important place for students to learn. Especially for rural students, it is difficult to guarantee the time for most students to go home and study. Therefore, in class, we must be based on the actual situation of the respective class, carefully prepare lessons, carefully design teaching links, and actively create situations. , Pay attention to more students as much as possible, carefully set up examples and exercises, change the teaching method of teachers' "full teaching", strengthen the training of students' main activities, so that they can learn something in the classroom.

五、Strengthen teaching management and pay close attention to teaching routines. It is necessary to further establish and improve a humane teaching quality management system, improve the quality control system, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, effectively improve teachers' professional quality and teaching ability, promote teachers' efforts to improve teaching methods and methods, and continuously improve the quality of education and teaching.

Through the launch of this "Into the Classroom Month" activity, we have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the teaching management, routine work and classroom teaching of teachers in each school. Through face-to-face communication with frontline teachers, teachers and researchers have, Participate in teaching practice activities together, and have a clearer grasp of the confusion and problems that teachers have in teaching practice. This will help us create a good school-based teaching and research atmosphere in the future, and provide schools with practical guidance and assistance in many aspects in teaching. To better serve front-line teachers, help front-line teachers improve their professional quality, promote teachers' professional growth, and provide more reliable first-hand materials for the decision-making of education administration departments. From this, we also feel that the theoretical level of education and teaching and the ability of teaching and business guidance of teachers and researchers in various disciplines need to be further improved. We will use this event as an opportunity to strengthen theoretical learning, update educational concepts, and continuously improve our own quality for better and better Lay the foundation for effective instruction and teaching. Continuously explore teaching and research models that meet the needs of the times, and carry out various teaching and research activities. In response to the problems that teachers have in their teaching practice, we organize and carry out project research, and we can really solve problems with teachers, and provide help within our capacity for teachers' professional growth.