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出生的英文的过去式 2017-2018学年高一英语北师大版必修1课件:Unit 3 Section Ⅴ Grammar(7)

2017-12-28 12:04 网络整理 教案网

It can be quite cold here in winter.这里的冬天有时会很冷。5.表示推测,常用于疑问句或否定句。 cant 表示否定意义的可能性,意为“不可能”。That cant be Lucy — she’s in New York.那不可能是露西, 她在纽约呢。What can he mean?他会是什么意思呢?[即时演练2]完成句子①大厅里太吵闹以至于我们不能听到自己说的话。(2015·浙江高考改编)It was so noisy in the hall that. ②门口不可能是邮递员,(现在)才六点钟。出生的英文的过去式(江西高考改编) at the door. It’s only six o’clock. ③——在打篮球方面,无人能与姚明媲美。——噢,你真是姚明的铁杆粉丝。(湖南高考改编)—No one Yao Ming in playing basketball.—Oh, you are really his big fan.we couldn?t hear ourselves speakIt can?t be the postmancan be compared with三、ought to和ought not to1.表示有义务或责任。

As a student, you ought to listen to the teacher carefully in class.作为学生,课上你应该认真听老师讲课。2.表示建议或劝告,语气较should强。ought not to“不应该”。Your face looks red, so you ought to see the doctor at once.你的脸看着红红的,你应该马上去看医生。You oughtnt to smoke so much.你不应抽那么多的烟。3.表示推测,这种推测把握比较大。Ask John. He ought to know.问问约翰吧,他应该知道。4.ought to have done表示“本该做某事(实际上未做)”;ought not to have done表示“本不该做某事(实际上做了)”。You ought not to have spent too much time on playing computer games.你不应该花那么长的时间玩电脑游戏。5.ought to的否定式、疑问式及反意疑问式。I ought not to go.我不应该走。

Ought I to go?我要走吗?We oughtnt to go, ought we?我们不应该走,是吗?[即时演练3]完成句子①这周末你应当去看望你祖父母。You your grandparents this weekend.②你本不该把这个秘密告诉别人。You the secret to others.③他该给你道歉,对吗?He ought to apologize to you,?ought to visitought not to have toldoughtn?t heⅠ.选词填空oughtnt, ought to, can, cant, must, mustnt, don’t have to, have to1.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it be rather cold sometimes.2.—Isnt that Ann’s husband over there?—No, itbe him. I am sure he doesn’t wear glasses.3.—Shall I tell Tony about it?—No, you. I’ve told him already.cancan?tdon?t have to4.You drive into a street with a “No Entry” sign.5.—Mum, can I go to Charlies birthday party tonight?—Yes, you can, but youreturn home before 10 o’clock.6.—I didnt tell my parents that I would leave home.—Youhave when you left home since you are living with them.7.We ought to help each other in our work, we?8.In some parts of the world, you boil the water before drinking it.mustn?tmustought tooughtn?thave toⅡ.单句写作(完成句子)1.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ改编) (你可以写任何相关的东西) so long as its interesting and informative (给予知识的).2.You (应该做) as he says because he is always thinking of you.3.You (不应该浪费) any time playing video games.You can write anything relevantought to doought not to waste4.(2015·浙江高考改编)When it comes to my class, I have to say that (我不能忍受一些同学的自私).5.He (不得不照顾他妹妹) yesterday because his parents werent at home.6.(2014·安徽高考改编)The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, (因此你不必太担心).I can?t stand some classmates? selfishnesshad to look after his sisterso youdon?t have to worry so much