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出生的英文的过去式 2017-2018学年高一英语北师大版必修1课件:Unit 3 Section Ⅴ Grammar(4)

2017-12-28 12:04 网络整理 教案网

The problem requires studying with great care.=The problem requires to be studied with great care.这个问题需要仔细研究。6.be worth后的动名词要用主动形式表被动含义。The movie is worth seeing.这部影片值得一看。7.不定式to blame, to let用作表语时,通常要用主动形式表被动含义。Who is to blame?该怪谁呢?The house is to let.此屋出租。8.表示开始、结束、运动的动词,如begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, end, run, move等。The shop closes at 6 oclock p.m. every day.这家商店每天下午六点关门。[即时演练5]用所给词的适当形式填空①(湖南高考改编)Weve had a good start, but next, more work needs(do) to achieve the final success.②Workat 7 o’clock this morning.③The book is worth(read) again.to be done/doingbeganreading四、使用被动语态应注意的问题1.不及物动词(短语)无被动语态,容易出错的有:appear, die, disappear, end, fail, fall, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, agree with, arrive at, succeed in, happen to, take part in, belong to, break out, come true, take place, run out, come up, come out等。

Three days later a rash appeared.三天后出现了皮疹。Very little of the house remained after the fire.火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.狮子和老虎属于猫科动物。[即时演练6]完成句子①根据最新报道,这种天气持续不了多久。According to the latest report,.②据报道,火灾是在夜间突然发生的。It was reported that during the night.③在过去几年里,中国发生了巨大变化。Great changes in China in the past few years.the weather won?t lastthe fire broke outhave taken place④不论你走到哪里,生不生二胎这一话题都在被提及。The subject of whether to give birth to a second baby wherever you go.⑤洪水受灾区的食物供给就要用完了。

我们必须在全部用完之前立即行动。(重庆高考改编)Food supplies in the flood??stricken area.We must act immediately before there’s none left.comes upare running out2.在主动语态里,动词see, make, hear, watch,notice等后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to,但变为被动语态时to必须补上。They made him go there alone.他们让他自己去那里。(主动语态)He was made to go there alone.(被动语态)3.带介词或副词的动词短语(如look after, put on, pay attention to)用作被动语态的谓语时,它们原来所带的介词或副词应保留下来。She often looks after the old.她经常照看老人。(主动语态)The old are often looked after (by her).(被动语态)[即时演练7]完成句子这起事故已经被调查。This accident has.②有人看见一个陌生人走进这幢大楼。