because of_because of 后面接什么_because of造句(14)
redy 补救
ive 原谅
ke an apolo 道歉
shoulder the responsibility 承担责任
He wrote a letter of apolo to the hostess.
He wrote a very forl letter of apolo to Douas.
I feel very ilty for what I have done to you.
Please acceptst cordial and hulest apoloes for…once re.
Dear Ashley,
Please acceptdeepest apoloes forstake in rerd to leakincustor infortion to people frothe other departnt.
It was notintention to create such an awkward and earrassinsituation for our departnt.
If there was any od that ca out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have own and learned alternative approaches to these situations.
Please feel free to letof your thouts and concerns over this tter. You can reachat eil.
I wastevaluable ti, trouble and effort to write down this letter ……….
trifles. Maybe we should notnicate with an overpowerinand doneerinstyle ,seekinto convince or iose one's thout to another. what we need best is trust, tolerance ,understandinandnication andleave plenty of space for another.
When we were in cold war ,for just a second, I flatter self that you were so sad for ,just for ,only for .hahaha…. As the sayines,only the people who in your heart y hurt you deeply. By this token, I’an iortant person for you.
Look back to our past happy days and for the old ti’ sake, iveforslit offence.As Shakespere wrote,the course of true friendship never did run soth.So do not vea cold shoulder any re,I can’t live with it. This is a lose-lose situation, not a desirable oue. 这已经不是我们第一次为一些小事接连不断地发生争吵了。我们的沟通不应该是试图压倒对方的气势,想要将自己的想法强加于对方。我们最需要的是信任,包容,理解,沟通和给对方留下足够的空间。