because of_because of 后面接什么_because of造句(12)
I have read yournts personally to learn froyournts and experiences and I quite aee that the points you raise are unacceptable and assure you we will do everythinwe can to rectify the I have
addressed the issue with the parties concerned so that we y all have the opportunity to learn froit.
I do hope that despite this you will aee that overall the services and facilities of the hotel t with your expectations.I assure you that total custor satisfaction is always our al and we strive to achieve a hi level of seaess and personalized service. This is after all what sets us apart frothepetition and kes us truly “Shanai”.
We are very conscious of the iortance in providina consistent hi level of service standards to all our ests and create a st favorable iression with each and every stay.
Please do not hesitate to callany ti if I can be of any assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Directions: You were unable to attend Mr. Sth's exanation on International Business Enish Writinbecause you t sick that rnin Write a letter to express the reasons for not beinable to attend it and apoloze.
Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not si your own na at end of the letter. Use "WanHua" instead. Do not write the address.