because of_because of 后面接什么_because of造句(10)
We appreciate China's efforts to see to the well-beinof our crew.In view of the trac incident and based ondiscussions with your representatives, we have aeed to the followinactions:
Dear Mr. Wan
Thank you for choosinto stay at shanai Hotel, (and for takinthe ti toplete ourSurvey).I was st concerned to learn that you felt that you had a less than satisfactory experience durinyour ti in our
establishnt.Please acceptsincere apoloes on behalf of the hotel.
I have read your forpersonally to learn froyournts and
experiences whilst stayinwith us.I quite aee that the points you raise are unacceptable and assure you we will do everythinwe can to rectify the I have raised the tter of the nner and service standard of our associates, roointenance issue, with the parties concerned so that we y all have the opportunity to learn froit.
I do hope that despite this you will aee that overall the services and facilities of the hotel t with your expectations.I assure you that total custor satisfaction is always our al and we strive to achieve a hi level of seaess and personalized service. This is after all what sets us apart frothepetition and kes us truly “abcdef.
Mr.wan I hope that your travel plans will brinyou back to Shanai in the near future, so that we y have the opportunity of takincare of you ain and to show you that these reettable events were not a true
exale of our usual hi services and hospitality.In the anti if I, or any oftea can be of any further assistance to you please do not hesitate to contactat your earliest possible convenience.