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教学内容:let’s read 教学目标:

1.能够理解并会朗读Let’s read部分的课文,并提问课后问题。

2.基本掌握今天进行时的用法。 教学重、难点:

1.重点是理解并恰当朗读课文,能看懂会说Let’s read 中的对话,尤其是复习巩固以后进行时的用法。 2.难点是可灵活采用Let’s read中的语言。 课前准备:

教师准备本课时所需的词卡。 教学过程:

Step 1 Preparation 1.出示第二单元A let’s learn部分的词组卡,学生同学之间可以开火车的方式操练How do you feel? I feel sick.I have a fever…

2.教师出示第二单元的单词卡,学生同学之间操练句型。 3.教师提问:We’re going to have a farewell party.How do you feel? 学生自由回答:I feel…..Step 2 Pre-reading 出示照片或动作展现,引导学生用目前进行时来描述。例如:I am …ing.He / She is ….Is he / she …? 诸如此类的句子。

Step 3 In-reading 1.General reading 让学生迅速浏览,并提问: A: Is Liu Yun happy? B: How many gifts? Check the answers. 2.Detailed reading 让学员仔细阅读,回答(在课本上划出答案):

A: What are the gifts? B: What does Liu Yun give in return? Check the answers.(3) Read and write 让学生继续细读,完成基础锻炼上的题目。 Check the answers.跟读 Read aloud . Step 4 Post-reading 1.学生分角色朗读对话,提出不理解的语句,教师解答答疑。 2.学生进行小组访谈训练,然后进行演出,教师引导学员在原有对话的基础上进行改编和创新。 Step 5 Progre 1.Do the exercises. 2.Homework: A:听Let’s read部分的录音,读帮父母或同伴听。 B:模仿本课写一篇课文。




长三角千校网络结对项目2014年结对学校微课教学大赛教案设计 unit 9

what does he look like?

(go for it ,7b,2012) ma rong oct 29th,201

4Ⅰ、teaching aims and demands: 1、knowledge objectives

(1)the students will be able to master the following curriculum words:


(2) the students will be able to know the following non-curriculum words and phrases:

curly、medium、(be)of medium height、(be)of medium build

2、ability objectives

the students will be able to describe people’s physical looks properly in the given situations or their daily life. 3、moral objectives

help the students build up the positive attitude towards people’s looks.tell them we can’t change our looks, but we can expre our smile.

Ⅱ、teaching key points :

the students will be able to master the words and use the target languages to describe people’s looks.Ⅲ、teaching difficulties:

the students might find it a little difficult to learn phrases “(be)of medium height、(be)of medium build”.Ⅳ、teaching methods : task-based approach.

Ⅴ、learning strategies:


Ⅵ、teaching aids:

1、medals 2、computer for multimedia use


Ⅶ、teaching procedures: step1 warm-up and leading-in

1) gue the new friend-- sherlock holmes. 2) tell the students holmes needs their help. step2 presentation and consolidation

1) show some pictures from the movie“sherlock holmes ” to teach new words.straight、tall、height、thin、heavy、build、curly、medium、(be)

of medium height、(be)of medium build 2) task1 opposite words

give students some words and phrases, let them say the opposite meaning.3) task2 find some differences

show some similar pictures and let the students find differences.

4)show some pictures and tell the students “we can’t change our looks, but we can expre our smile. step6summary

1) review the words and phrases about people`s looks. 2) add some more words to describe people`s looks . step6 homework

1、describe their looks

Ⅸ teaching reflection

【篇2:英语微课 教学设计】



be going to与will的区别

一、教学目的:人教版八年级上册里unit6教学be going to 结构的用法,unit 7教学重点为will 两种都表示未来应出现的事情或动作。所以有必要搞清楚两者之间的明显差别

二、教学内容:be going to与will的区别(八年级上册units6-7)

三、教学方法: step 1显著区别:

1.be going to will 则较远一些,如: he is going to write a letter tonight. he will write a book one day.

2.be going to 表示按照主观判定将来必定出现的事情,will表示客观上将来势必出现的事情。 he is seriously ill.he is going to die. he will be fourteen years old next year

3.be going to 含有“计划,准备”的含义,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:

she is going to lend us her book. he will be here in half an hour.

4.在if状语条件动词的从句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:

if it rains tomorrow, ill stay at home. step 2 选用原则 1.关于“打算”

a.原先作好的准备用be going to。

“kate is in hospital.” “yes, i know.i am going to see her this afternoon.”

“凯特在住院。”“是的,我明白。我今天要去看她。” b.说话时即时的准备用will。

“kate is in hospital.” “oh, really, i didn’t know.i will go and see her at once.”

“凯特在住院。”“哦,是吗?我都不知道呢。我得很快去看她。” 2.关于“预料”

a.在有迹象说明的状况下的预料用be going to

look at the clouds.it’s going to rain.


my god! we are going to crash.天哪!我们快撞车了。


b.在没有迹象说明的状况下进行的设想用will英语课文教案模板范文,be going to皆可。 i think the weather will be nice.

i think the weather is going to be nice.


do you think the car will start?

do you think the car is going to start?


c.当动词表示心里活动时,表示预测的语句需要用“will” i think she will like the cake i made for her.




Unit 9 What does he look like?

(Go for it ,7b,2012)

Ma Rong

Oct 29th,2014


Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:

1、Knowledge objectives (1)The students will be able to master the following curriculum words:

straight、tall、thin、heavy、build (2) The students will be able to know the following non-curriculum words and phrases: curly、medium、(be)of medium height、(be)of medium build

2、Ability objectives

The students will be able to describe people’s physical looks properly in the given situations or their daily life.

3、Moral objectives Help the students build up the positive attitude towards people’s looks.Tell them we can’t change our looks, but we can expre our smile.Ⅱ、Teaching key points :