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三、老师资格认证申请(一)老师资格申请有地域限制,原则上应向工作单位所在地或户籍所在地的教师资格认证机构申请,或向教师资格认证机构申请。 (二)接受在职教师和离(退休)教师资格申请时间为2001年10月15日至31日;接受教师资格申请时间为2001年10月15日至31日。社会人员教师资格为2002年3月15日至31日,申请教师资格认定的,应在受理申请期内向相应的教师资格认定机构或依法接受委托的高等学校提出申请。 . (三)Applicants 申请教师资格认证应向教师资格认证申请在规定时间内代理或依法受理。委托院校提交以下基本材料:1.《教师资格认证申请表》(见附件一)一式两份;2.身份证原件及复印件;3.学历证明原件及复印件; 4.体检合格证(见附件五);5.公语水平考试成绩证明原件及复印件;6.《申请人思想道德评价表》(见附件二);7.近期2寸无头半身) - 正面正面照两张; 8. 申请教师资格的社会人员的户籍原件、复印件和工作单位证明(或乡、居委会证明);教育学和心理学学习资格证书复印件10. 申请中职实习指导教师资格的,还须提供专业和专业的原件和复印件。技术资格证书或工人技术等级证书。以上





9、10 的原始材料经教师资格认证机构或委托高等院校审核后退还申请人。 (四)申请人提交的证书或材料不齐全的,依法接受委托的教师资格认定机构或高等学校应及时通知申请人在受理期限届满前补交。必要时广东省教师资格认定网 教育教学能力测试教案模板,教师资格认定机构应要求有关单位提供更详细的证明材料。(五)申请教师资格认定的申请人,按相关规定缴纳费用,但学校正式教师,退休(退休))教师、师范毕业生无需缴纳认证费用。

取消了质量专业技术人员的职业资格许可和认定_广东省教师资格认定网 教育教学能力测试教案模板_国务院决定取消的职业资格许可和认定事项目录

四、教师资格认证特许经营条款(一)各级各类学校教师教育专业,可直接向所在单位或所在单位的教师资格认证机构申请相应教师资格认证。户籍所在地。申请个人只需提交《教师资格认定申请表》(一式两份)、毕业证、普通话水平考试成绩证明、体检合格证由我院指定的县级以上医院出具。教师资格认定机构及申请人 单位或户籍所在地乡(镇)政府、街道办事处提供的申请者思想品德鉴定表 提交《教师资格认定申请表》(一式两份) ), 普通话水平测试等级证书毕业证书、学校出具的《申请人品德评价表》、一学期成绩单给学校。由学校所在地的教师资格认定机构申请教师资格认定。取得毕业证书后,教师资格认定机构直接对相应的教师资格进行资格认定。 (三)为) 本科及以上毕业生可在毕业前最后一个学期任教。可持有毕业前最后一个学期学校出具的《教师资格认证申请表》(一式两份)、普通话水平考试成绩证明、《申请人品德》。 《评估表》和成绩单,向毕业后拟任教学校或户籍所在地的教师资格认定机构申请。经教师资格审查委员会审查合格并通过教育教学能力测试的,将获得毕业证书。此外,取得教育学、心理学补充课程资格证书后,教师资格认证机构应当认可相应的教师资格。 (四)四)12.31,1993年离退休(退休)教师,在1993年12月31日前办妥手续的,可视为具有教师资格要求,可按自愿申请原则,在确认教师身份,提交本人填写的《教师资格认定申请表》(一式两份),由原教学学校所在地相应的教师资格认定机构颁发教师资格证书。(五)Retired 1994年1月1日以后办理手续的(离退休)教师,可向原教学学校所在地相应的教师资格认定机构申请,并提交《教师资格申请表(一式两份)、毕业证书》 and the Applicant's Moral Character Appraisal Form issued by the original teaching school. For those who graduated from non-teacher education majors, they should also be accepted in accordance with the educational and teaching ability assessment methods and standards Test. (六)高学院学院 plans to hire professors, associate professors, or those with a doctoral degree to apply for the qualification of teachers in colleges and universities. There is no unified requirement for the Putonghua proficiency test and the education and teaching ability test.

五、Teacher qualification certification organization (一)The educational administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level is the teacher qualification certification organization. The Provincial Department of Education is responsible for the organization, guidance and supervision of the province’s teacher qualification certification. (二) Teacher qualification accreditation agencies at all levels and colleges and universities entrusted in accordance with the law should establish teacher qualification expert review committees. The municipal (referring to prefecture-level listed cities and Shunde City, the same below) and county-level teacher qualification expert review committees shall be related to the corresponding educational administrative departments. Responsible comrades, education and teaching experts, special-grade teachers, senior teachers and other personnel; the expert review committee of higher education teachers’ qualifications is composed of relevant persons in charge of the higher school (or provincial education department) and professors of related majors (the number of expert review committees is generally not less than 9 persons). The teacher qualification expert review committee will set up a number of professional groups (generally composed of 3-5 persons) according to the needs of the work, in accordance with the testing methods and procedures established by the Provincial Department of Education to carefully assess the applicant’s basic education and teaching qualities and abilities Investigate, put forward review opinions, fill in the relevant columns of the "Teacher Qualification Certification Application Form", and be signed and sealed by the expert team leader. (三) According to the provisions of Article 13 of the "Teacher Qualification Regulations", teachers at all levels are qualified The accreditation agency is carried out in accordance with administrative divisions: 1.Kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school teacher qualifications are recognized by the county-level education administrative department. 2. Senior middle school teachers, secondary professional schools, and vocational senior middle schools' cultural courses, professional course teachers and internship guidance Teacher qualifications are applied by social personnel or school teachers belonging to the county (district), which shall be reviewed by the county (district) education administrative department and reported to the municipal education administrative department for confirmation; if the teacher is a municipal or ministry (province) school teacher, the school Recognized by the education administrative department of the city where you live.

3.技工学校’s cultural, professional and internship instructor qualifications are applied by social workers or teachers from county (district) affiliated schools, and shall be reviewed by the county (district) labor administrative department and reported to the municipal education administrative department for confirmation ; If the application is a municipal or ministry (provincial) school teacher, it shall be reviewed by the municipal or provincial labor administrative department and sent to the education administrative department of the city where the school is located for identification. 4.High school teacher qualifications are recognized by the Provincial Department of Education. The colleges and universities that accept the entrustment in accordance with the law shall report to the Provincial Department of Education for approval after determining the qualifications of the college teachers for their posts and the personnel to be hired. (四) Teacher qualification accreditation agencies at all levels shall make a conclusion on whether or not they are recognized based on the inspection opinions of the teacher qualification expert review committee. Anyone deemed unqualified by the expert review committee shall not be recognized as a teacher by the teacher qualification accreditation agency. Although it has been verified by the review Educational and teaching ability is qualified, but the teacher qualification certification agency determines that it is unqualified based on the comprehensive inspection of ideological and moral evaluation and other conditions, and it shall not be recognized as a teacher. (五)老师Qualification certification The working procedure is: the applicant submits to the teacher certification agency Apply and submit application materials; teacher qualification accreditation agencies or entrusted institutions of higher learning conduct a preliminary review of the materials submitted by applicants; teacher qualification expert review committee examines the education of non-teacher graduate applicants through interviews, trial lectures, etc. The basic quality and ability of teaching, and expert review opinions; the teacher qualification certification agency will make a decision on whether to recognize the application within 30 statutory working days from the date of the termination of the application period and notify the applicant.