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2021-08-07 22:58 网络整理 教案网


At the same time, it also lays a good foundation for the following difficult breakthrough links. 5、 This article is named'记', is it a narrative, and why? (Summary) (三)Detailed inquiry: (powerpoint presentation, flash courseware) 1、import: If you ask everyone to recite this article, what do you think can be done quickly and effectively? (From the shallower to the deeper, Solve the simple paragraphs first, and then proceed to the complex paragraphs) 2、 The less content paragraph is 1、6 paragraph, please read it silently and talk about the characteristics of the nuclear boat introduced in the text? 3、 List the inquiry questions: the text is How to express the characteristics of the nuclear boat? Let’s talk about it in detail with the content. 4、 organize students to explore: Question design: (1) What is the size of the nuclear boat? (2) How many objects and people have been carved by the sculptor on this small nuclear boat ?①What did the sculptor carved on the nuclear boat, and what are their characteristics? ②As a part of the ship, the cabin is even more insignificant. The author emphasizes the number of windows and the ma ny words in the description of the cabin. Do you think there are What's the intention? ③How many people did the sculptor engraved on the nuclear boat? ④How did the sculptor carefully place these characters? (Please find out the introduction of these characters in the text.) Supplements about the background of the nuclear boat The materials are presented in a PowerPoint presentation. ⑤Describe the expressions and attitudes of the three people on the bow. Students read sentences describing the expressions of Su Ma, Lu Zhi (Huang Tingjian) and Buddha Yin respectively, and talk about the sculptor trying to render what they are here and now What kind of mentality? ⑥ When the author explains the three people on the bow, who is the most inked?为什么? ⑦What kind of atmosphere is rendered in the description of the expression of the'Zhouzi'? Why write it like this? Organize students to discuss and perform.

The text is divided into two performance scenes, one is Su, Huang, and Buddha Yin. One is the look of two boats. ⑧After familiarizing with the text, ask students to talk about the cabin, bow and stern one by one. Don't read the book, speak in the original language (you can also use your own words). In the narrative process, the sculptor's ingenuity in conception, skill and the author's meticulous observation should be emphasized. (Flash courseware description: a platform for students’ self-inquiry results display) The description of the order will be boring if traditional teaching is followed. After the individual study and exploration by the student, the explanation will be combined with the courseware, which is conducive to the student’s image and accurate understanding and Grasp the difficulties of teaching. ⑨In what order is the explanation of the above content? ⑩(Summary summary, scene reappearance) Breakthroughs in teaching difficulties are all assisted by flash courseware. The scene reproduction of flash courseware makes students deeply feel the exquisite craftsmanship of nuclear boat carving. At the bow, you can appreciate the elegance and chicness of the literati, and at the stern, you can enjoy the leisure and casualness of the boy servant. The boring and dull feeling of the explanatory text was wiped out and disappeared, and the admiration and admiration of the artist's superb skills filled my heart. (四)MITTraining (powerpoint presentation) Please choose a craft that will leave you a deep impression, and write an explanatory essay in accordance with the order of description in this article (total one score, one total, secondary one first and one after) The language should be as vivid and concise as possible. The focus of ability transfer is twofold: one is the order of description, and the other is language characteristics. (五)板书Design Description: Clearly reflect the order of description of the text, which can be completed by students' exploration.

五、Integration of Information Technology and Chinese Teaching Modern information technology has built an individualized, interactive, and open dynamic teaching environment for Chinese teaching that combines multimedia, network and intelligence. The role of information technology is unquestionable. There are three personal feelings: (1) Use when you use it, and use it when you can; (2) Strengthen the learning of personal information technology, powerpoint presentation/authware/flash should be some, it is best to be proficient; (3) Whether it is multimedia or network, it must be combined with language The characteristics of the subject, appropriate use. Fill In Your Name Here
