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⑺Page 138: It was discovered that Chinese characters can be separated or formed into many new characters.

⑻Page 162: ① It is found that many Chinese characters have the same parts. ②It is found that many antonyms can be said by virtue of the cylinder on the picture.


Accumulate and accumulate every day

This part of the content is mainly to guide students to accumulate good words and good sentences, excellent paragraphs, review and consolidate the words they have learned, and conduct comprehensive exercises on the basic knowledge of Chinese.在教学中,应鼓励学生独立完成习题,积极积累词句,将积累的词语运用到口语和书面语中。

Oral communication

The content of the eight oral communication in the textbook is closely related to the topic of this group, and is close to student life. Students will have something to say.

Some oral communication teaching should be prepared in advance, and teachers should assign tasks to students at appropriate times. When teaching, we should pay attention to creating situations, stimulating interest, and instructing students to let students communicate. When students communicate, teachers and students should pay attention to listening. If they find language problems, they should correct them in an appropriate way and standardize their oral language. Teachers should also be good at discovering children’s wonderful language full of childishness, and give timely affirmation to make students more active in their thinking, freely and happily participating in oral communication, so that oral communication lessons can become a teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, purposeful and hierarchical The process of oral communication.

In addition to special oral communication classes, teachers should consciously cultivate students' oral communication skills in normal classroom teaching, encourage students to actively and boldly communicate with others in daily life, and continuously improve students' oral communication Communicative competence.


The purpose of designing this column is to encourage students to study independently and learn Chinese in daily life, and to provide students with opportunities to express themselves and exchange learning achievements with their classmates. The display content designed in the "display stand" is just an example. The teacher should change or supplement the display content according to the actual teaching and the actual life of the students, give the students the initiative to choose the display content, respect the wishes of the students, and let the students fully display My own learning gains and talents in all aspects. In addition, teachers should pay attention to guiding students to display content related to language learning, such as words learned in extracurricular reading, words learned in advertisements, trademarks, and signboards; literacy cards and vocabulary collection manuals made by themselves; Poems, diaries; self-collected proverbs, idioms, pictures related to in-class learning, etc.

Two other points to explain:

1.About the phonetic notation of new characters.

All the new words in this textbook are marked with the original sound. Some words and other words should be pronounced softly or with a tone change (for example, "jia" in Chuangjia should be pronounced softly; the last two characters of Huang Chengcheng and red should be pronounced once). These are all reminded in the teacher's teaching book. Teachers are asked to pay attention to them in teaching, that is, when teaching new words, read them according to the original sound, and read them softly or in a tone in the text.

2. In order to facilitate the teaching of teachers and the learning of students, we have compiled the following supplementary books, wall charts and cards that are compatible with the teaching materials of this volume. The specific varieties are:

Teacher's teaching book, simultaneous reading (published by People's Education Press)

Teaching Wall Chart (Published by Anhui Education Press)

Chinese reading aloud audiotapes and slides (published by the People's Education Electronic Audiovisual Publishing House)

Teaching plan, synchronized exercises (published by Yanbian Korean National Publishing House)

Vocabulary cards for teachers and students (published by Tianjin Education Press)