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学习笔记:2014新版pep六年级英语上册第一单元教案表格式.doc 16页

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粤华学校小学部2014-2015学年度第一学期教师课堂资料目录第 1 周序号目录内容备注一周教学计划1份二每周教案汇总3课时三毎周堂清题3份四周清考试试题1份五教研组活动材料1份六……七……年级:六年级学科:英语制作:杨晓英审核:粤华学校小学部周教学计划一览表2014-2015第一学期学 科英语年级六年级周次 1星期教学内容堂清题和课余作业安排教研活动安排(含公开课)一入学考试课堂练习:组织集体阅卷课外作业:二1单元A部分Let’s talk课堂作业:完成课时学练测X |k | B| 1 . c|O |mP1、研读教材常规作业检查课外作业:单词抄写三1单元A部分Let’s learn &Let’ s chant课堂练习:完成课时学练测互相听课课外作业:背诵Let’s chant四1单元A部分Let’s sing课堂作业:学生能够按背诵对话。课外作业:完成活动手册五1单元A部分综合复习课堂练习:单词听写课外作业:课时学练测阶段复习训练主备课人杨晓勇周清命题人杨晓英计划审查人杨晓英说明:1、此教学计划安排表在每天备课组活动时研究确认,并于每周四上午下班前将电子文档上传江伟老师处;2、同高一同学科两个以上备课组需要进行集体备课,教学进度、教学内容、各层次学生都需要应完成的作业一定要统一;3、堂清题和课外作业要指明题源;堂清题需附电子稿。

4、周教学计划应按照学期教学计划建立,注意可控性和实用性。学部教学常规检查将以周教学计划为根据。课堂教学设计学 科英语任教年级六任教班级501主备学生杨晓英辅备老师备课时间9月2日上课时间9月2-5日课时第1课时课 题Unit 1 How can I get there A Let’s talk学生学习目标目标与要求X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m1.能够听、说、认读四个方位词:south, east, west, north2.能够听、说、读、写短语:turn left, turn right, go straight3.能够听、说、认读句子:“How can I get to the museum? Go straight for five minutes.”并可进行关键词的更换操练Unit 1 How can I get therewW w .X k b 1.c O m课 堂 教 学 过 程一、辅助环节( 约5 分钟)(一)、板书课题 Unit 1 How can I get there A Let’s talk(二)、揭示目标X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m重点:掌握四会短语:turn left, turn right, go straight难点:straight的读音跟拼写Step One:GreetingsStep Two:Revision1. Revise the places. First the students say the places. Then show a map to revise the places.2. Asking the way: How can I get to the…?First the teacher asks the students. Then the students ask and answer in pairs.3.The teacher asks: How can I get to the science museum? The students answer. Then the teacher says, there is a science show in the museum. Let’s go and have a look.(二)自学( 约 8 分钟)Step Three: Teach “north,south,east,west”1. Show the magnets. Look!They are magnets. What letters can you see on the magnets? The students answer “N, S”. Ask them the reason.2. Show “N , S” on the screen, Tell them “N” is the first letter of “north”, teach “north”. “S” is the first letter of “south”. Teach “south”. Tell them attention to the phonic of “th”.3. Show compass. Tell them: Compass is one of the Four Inventions of China. We are very proud of Four Inventions. We’re very proud of China. Ask the students to find out the other two letters“W, E”. 新 -课 - 标-第 -一-网4. Show the letters and the meaning on the screen. Show the words “east”, “west” on the screen, too. Teach the words “west, east”.5. Pointing. Point to the directions.三、后教环节( 约12分钟)Step Five: Talk about the cities’ location of China.1. Show a map of . Get the students to look at the directions on the map. Tell them on a map, north is up, south is down, west is left, east is right.2. Ask: Where is Hainan? Show the answer on the screen. Hainan is in the south of China.3. The students talk about the location of other cities in pairs.Step Six: Asking the wayAsk: How can I get to the …? ?Then the students ask and answer in pairs.四:当堂训练环节(约 13 分钟)1、堂清考试:投影检测题,见堂清附件2、督促学生独立完成作业;3、批改部分未完成的作业或小组检测,教师抽查;4、列出堂清不过关教师(也能课后进行)。


教学反思:课堂教学设计学 科英语任教年级六任教班级601主备学生杨晓英辅备老师备课时间9月3日上课时间9月2-5日课时第2课时课 题Unit 1 How can I get thereA Let’s learn& Let’s chant学生学习目标1.能够听、说、读、写以下句子:hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore.2.能够唱、说、认读句子:science museum. X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m3.能够在现实生活中灵活运用短语“Where is the library? It’s near the post office.”并进行关键词的更换操练,力求做到语音准确,语调自然。一、辅助环节( 约5 分钟)(一)、板书课题Unit 1 How can I get thereA Let’s learn& Let’s chant(二)、揭示目标wW w .X k b 1.c O m1.熟练掌握本单元的重点单词:hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore.。2.能够在现实生活中灵活运用短语“Where is the library? It’s near the post office.”来询问路线Step 1.Warming-up1.教师拿出图片,师生进行如下问答:T:Where is the trash bin?S1:It’s near the table.T:Where is the picture?S2:It’s on the wall.T:Where is the book?S3:It’s ….2.教师示意学生合上眼睛,然后把自己的书放到某学生书桌里,学生睁开眼后,教师对学员说: T:(配合动作表情)I can’t find my book. Where is my book? Can you see it?…… S1: Oh, it’s in my desk.T: Oh, yes. Thank you.……如此运用学习用品反复操练两三次,让学员复习已学内容,为新授课作铺垫。

Step 2.PresentationX |k | B| 1 . c|O |m1.教师依据学校里的事物进行提问。如:Where is the board? It’s on the wall. Where is the teacher’s desk? It’s near the board.2教师将课前准备好的短语教学挂图呈现给教师,让学员学会这种场所的英文表达。T:同学们,图上的这种地方你都去过吗?那你了解如何用英文表达这种场所的名称吗?一起来学一学吧!教师向同学们教授新词汇,多种形式激发师生的学习兴趣。3.教师做出更难过的样子说:“I’m not feeling well. Where shall I go?”引导学生可依照实际状况作出正确的选取。教师再次询问学生:“Where is the hospital in our town? Is it far? Can I go by bus or on foot?”联系上节课所学的内容,引出本课时的重点句型。4.教师对同学们说:“I want to buy a new book, where is the bookstore?”引导学生用“It’s …”句型来提问。


Step3: PracticePair work”的课堂图展现给师生,请学生认真看图,然后来做小小设计师,把表示场所的名称写在挂图上。教师令学员从多方面来考量,来规划一下自己心里的城市,并在学校里选几名学生只是小记者去访谈这些小小设计师,逐个提问:“Where is the bookstore?”由小小设计师根据自己的规划来进行陈述。Step4:老师使教师朗读“Let’s talk”部分的内容,然后按照以下的截图,用短语问答“Where is…, It is ….” 阅读对话,回答疑问。Step 5.Summary四:当堂训练环节( 约13 分钟)新 课 标 第 一 网1、堂清考试:投影检测题,见堂清附件2、督促学生独立完成作业;3、批改部分未完成的作业或小组检测,教师抽查;4、列出堂清不过关教师(也能课后进行)。教学反思:课堂教学设计学 科英语任教年级六任教班级601主备学生杨晓英辅备老师备课时间9月4日上课时间9月2-5日课时第3课时课 题Unit 1 How can I get there新 课 标 第 一 网B Let’s talk学生学习目标1无法理解并会朗读Let’s read部分的对话,能完成排序练习。

2能够让学生简单认识中、西方地图不同的标示。’s talk板书设计Unit 1 How can I get there X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m课 堂 教 学 过 程一、辅助环节( 5 分钟)(一)、板书课题Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Let’ talk(二)、揭示目标 重点: 能够听、说、认读Let’s read部分的访谈难点:能够及时对话中发生的新时态和指点路线的新语言,如:What are you going to do after school? Get off at the cinema. Then walk straight for three minutes.热身wW w .X k b 1.c O m(1)教师放本单元歌曲的录音,学生跟着齐唱两遍。2、预习师生日常对话。3、新课呈现Let’s read(1)教师用简笔画画出今天放学后的一些场景,告诉学生:School is over. I want to buy a pair of shoes after school。