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2019-08-17 21:02 网络整理 教案网

第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)2. Products of RefiningPara.6Dealkylation of a selected reformate stream using chromate-aluminum carbide catalyst gives a product which is purified to be purer than that formed form coal tar.翻译:用铬酸铝碳化催化剂的选择性重整产品的烷基化产生的产品经提纯后的纯度比用煤焦油的高。 Reading Material 8: Coal-Conversion ProcessesP86Line 4The nature of the organic species present depends on the degree of biochemical change of the original plant material, on the historic pressures and temperatures after the initial biochemical degradation, and on the finely divided mineral matter deposited either at the same time as the plant material or later.翻译:存在的有机样的性质和最初植物的生物化学变化程度有关,和初始生化降解后那个历史时期的压力和温度有关,和很细的沉积矿物质有关(它们同时或在其后沉积)。

和很细的同时或随后沉积的矿物质有关。 P87Coal Processing to Synthetic Fuels and Other ProductsLow Temperature Carbonization.Lower temperature carbonization of lump coal at ca 700℃ primarily used for production of solid smokeless fuel, gives a quantitatively and qualitatively different yield of solid, liquid, and gaseous products than does the high temperature processes.翻译:低温干馏块煤基本在大约700℃用来生产固体无烟燃料,产生的固液气产品的性质和量都不同于高温工艺。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)P88LiquefactionFor the resulting liquids to be suitable chemical feedstocks the H:C ratio must be improved in favor of more hydrogen. Clearly this can be achieved in two ways—either by adding hydrogen or by removing carbon.翻译:对于最终适合作化学原料的液体,H:C的比例需提高氢占的量。

并且煤大分子中富碳少氢,催化气化技术可将 氢富集到焦油和煤气中,得到富碳的半焦产品,同时也使煤中氢的潜在优势获得充分利 用。立方烷的二氯取代产物有______种(4)某烃类化合物 a 的质谱图表明其相对分子质量为 84,红外光谱表明分子中含有碳碳双键,核磁共振氢谱表明分子中只有一种类型的氢。成煤时代最晚煤化程度最低的泥炭发热量最低,一般为 20.9 ~ 25.1mj/kg ,成煤早于泥炭的褐煤发热量增高到 25 ~ 31mj/kg ,烟煤发热 量继续增高化学工程与工艺专业英语 教案,到焦煤和瘦煤时,碳含量虽然增加了,但由于挥发分的减少,特别是其中氢含量比烟煤低的多,有的低于 1% ,相当于烟煤的 1/6 ,所以发热量最高 的煤还是烟煤中的某些煤种。


第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)怎样写科技论文摘要 一 概述:摘要是正文之前的一段概括性文字,它高度概括了正文叙述的内容,突出正文重点,是对正文实质性内容的介绍。摘要应能使读者迅速准确地判明该论文的主要内容是否合乎自己所需,有无通读全文的必要。二 摘要的分类:1 陈述性摘要:指明文章内容,具有高度概括性,不加资料性说明,不包括量化的资料,只能对文献作轮廓性介绍,一般较短。包括:所做的工作;研究的问题;得出的结论;提出的建议。资料性摘要:简要地叙述论文的主题,研究中所采用的方法,主要研究结果及数据和研究的结论等项内容,特别适于描述试验和专题论述,重点放在与众不同之处。不仅介绍正文有什么,且介绍是什么。将正文中的主要数据作为其重要组成,但只叙述,不列图表。三 摘要的组成:标题:一般是短语而不是句子,不使用缩略语、分子式,标题的第一个词和每个实词的第一个字母要大写。作者:写明单位和地址。内容:包括目的、方法、成果、结论。以成果和结论为重点。关键词:作为索引和检索需要,表明文章的特性。四 行文规则:1自成一体并忠实于正文。2不常用术语首次出现应写全称,若准备在后文中缩写,则首次在全称后用括号给出缩写形式。

武汉工程大学过程装备与控制工程专业高校排名_工程类专业和工程经济类_化学工程与工艺专业英语 教案

3力求简练,避免重复标题内容。4避免用笼统写法,如:several, some.5时态多用一般现代时,一般过去时,现在完成时;常用被动语态,很少用第一、二人称作主语。6信息应具体。如:Azo dyes are prepared by the coupling of diazonium salts.(偶氮染料是用重氮盐的偶联方法制备的),不如写成: Azo dyes are prepared when a phenol or amine is treated with a diazonium salt solution. (制备偶氮染料是当苯酚或芳基胺与一种重氮盐溶液相处理而成的)五 常用句型:起首句的表达:(1)主语(一般是说明文件性质的名词)+谓语动词(主动态)+宾语第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)或其它成分主语名词有:article paper report scheme thesis design invention study review work publication document 谓语动词有:analyze attempt concentrate (on) concern derive determine discuss investigate demonstrate describe develop illustrate introduce deal with句子的重点在宾语部分,并可通过多种修饰成分引出摘要的主要内容。

(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.。到80年代早期,ibm的g. j. chaitin公开了他们的图染色寄存器分配算法之后,编译器的分配能力获得长足进步,形成了现在这样的编译器主导的寄存器分配格局,这个寄存器分配算法是ibm内部进行的一个risc早期试验项目的一部分,但是我并没有看到有公开资料表明他们当时已经意识到risc的寄存器数目将带来的性能暗示,而在图着色算法走向公开、成熟之前,risc的理念就已经定型了,所以我也不认为risc构建过程中有非常注重寄存器数目的考量,寄存器数目只是risc发展中一个有意无意的副产品。(1)摘要应写成报道式摘要,按照摘要四要素(目的、方法、结果、结论)来撰写,直接切入主题(不要论及论文研究的基础和背景知识,不要进行自我评价),且中文摘要字数要达到200~300字。

高效引发剂半衰期短 , 聚合前 期反应很快 , 反应速度不均匀 , 氯 乙烯的聚合时间 较短, 聚合放热迅速。近年来,谢剑炜领导的团队还采用生物标志物核查技术深入系统研究了芥子气的体内转化代谢途径,解决了国内外一百多年来芥子气面临的难题,不仅发现芥子气原型在体内存在脂肪蓄积问题,而且还在体内发现了新的芥子气代谢毒性分子,二乙烯砜,并发现芥子气进入体内后,并不是文献一致认为的先加合后氧化,而是先氧化成二乙烯砜再加合,并且代谢酶转化比例高达90%,并进一步证实芥子气的氧化应激和谷胱甘肽耗竭等主要毒性作用并不是芥子气导致的,而是他们发现的新毒性分子二乙烯砜引起的,为医学干预提供了全新的靶点,有望解决芥子气难防难治的历史。分 类 代号 jl1 jl2 硫化橡胶类 jl3 jl4 jf1 均质片 非硫化橡胶类 jf2 jf3 js1 树脂类 js2 js3 硫化橡胶类 非硫化橡胶类 复合片 fs1 树脂类 fs2 ds1 点粘片 树脂类 ds2 ds3 聚乙烯、乙烯乙酸乙烯等 聚氯乙烯等 乙烯乙酸乙烯、聚乙烯等 乙烯乙酸乙烯改性沥青共混等 fl ff 聚乙烯等 聚氯乙烯等 橡胶(橡塑)共混 氯化聚乙烯 聚氯乙烯等 乙烯乙酸乙烯、聚乙烯等 乙烯乙酸乙烯改性沥青共混等 三元乙丙橡胶 橡胶(橡塑)共混 主要原材料。

聚合物和溶剂和实验室其它废弃物丢弃在一起。 Experimental反应物1:sebacoyl chloride 溶剂:carbon tetrachloride反应物2:hexamethyleneadipamide 溶剂:sodium hydroxide and water反应后处理:Wash the polymer thoroughly with water and finally with a 50% acetone solution. Allow the washed polymer to air dry.第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)High Molecular Compounds (Ⅱ)Ⅱ. ADDITION POLYMERSIntroductionAddition polymerization usually must be catalyzed by a base, by an acid, or by free radicals. Three stages are involved in all addition polymerization reactions, no matter what the catalyst: these are initiation, propagation, and termination. In the initiation step, the catalyst molecules attack the monomers to give intermediates which, during the propagation stage, are capable of attacking other molecules of monomer with lengthening of the chain. In the termination step, chain growth is stopped by elimination of a group from the reacting end of the chain or by addition of a group to the end of the chain to form a molecule which is no longer a chain carrier.Initiation:Propagation:Termination:Free radical-initiated polymerizations follow a similar course but with radical, rather than ionic, intermediates. If two or more monomers undergo addition polymerization together, the process is called copolymerization, and the product is a copolymer. Should one of the monomers (even though present in only minor amounts) from which a copolymer is formed contain tow or more groups capable of undergoing addition polymerization on the copolymer will be insoluble as a result of cross-linking.Preparation of Polystyrene(1) Polymerization of Styrene with Benzoyl Peroxide. To a large test tube add 20ml of toluene and 5ml of styrene. Then add 0.3g of benzoyl peroxide and place the test tube in a beaker of water, which is maintained at a temperature of 90oC-95oC. After 60 minutes, remove the test tube, allow the contents to cool for 5 minutes, and note the viscosity of the solution. Pour the solution into 200ml of methyl alcohol contained in a 400-ml beaker. Collect the white precipitate of polystyrene by filtration, using a Buchner funnel, and wash the precipitate on the funnel with 50ml of methyl alcohol. Remove the precipitate form the funnel and spread it out to dry on a large, clean sheet of filter paper.第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Place 3ml of acetone in a clean test tube, add 0.2g of the dried polymer, and stir the mixture for several minutes. Is the polymer soluble? Use this same procedure to detrmine the solubility of polystyrene in water, ethyl alcohol, benzene, carbon tetrachloeride, and petroleum ether (Note 4). Place approximately 0.1g of the polymer on a metal spatula or spoon and warm it gently over a flame until the polymer melts. To the molten polymer touch a glass stirring rod or a matchstick and pull away gently to draw out a fiber. How would you describe the properties of the fiber as to brittleness, color, and strength? Compare the properties of this polystyrene fiber with those of the Nylon fiber. Allow the molten polymer on the spatula to cool. Describe the appearance of the cooled polymer. Scrape this material from the spatula, place it in a test tube, and determine its solubility in acetone. Did melting change the solubility of the polystyrene?(2)Polymerization of Styrene with Aluminum Chloride. To 5ml of styrene contained in a 150-ml beaker add carefully, in small portions, 0.3g of anhydrous aluminum chloride. The reaction is extremely vigorous (Note 5), the temperature rises rapidly, and the styrene becomes brown black in color. Allow this mixture to stand for 15 minutes. Describe the properties of the product. Add 50ml of methyl alcohol, stir the mixture, and heat it to boiling for several minutes with stirring. Cool the mixture to room temperature, decant the alcohol, and compare the properties of the polymer with those of the product of Part 1.Dissolve the remainder of the polymer in 25ml of benzene, add the solution to 100ml of methyl alcohol, and allow the precipitated polymer to settle. Decant the alcohol and air-dry the polymer. Have the polymer properties changed? Compare the polymer formed in Part 1 with that formed with aluminum chloride as catalyst. Note 4: Because of their high molecule weight, polymers may go into solution more slowly than organic molecules of low molecular weight. In determining polymer solubility, allow the solvent and solid polymer to remain in contact for at least 15 minutes before estimating the solubility. Warming of the polymer solvent mixture on a steam bath will speed solution.翻译:因为分子量大,聚合物溶解比低分子的有机分子慢。