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化学工程与工艺专业英语 教案_武汉工程大学过程装备与控制工程专业高校排名_工程类专业和工程经济类

Para.5 supported palladium catalyst:负载型钯催化剂Finally this is then mixed with the other ingredients to produce the emulsion paint.翻译:最后醋酸乙烯聚合成聚醋酸乙烯,然后和其它成分一起职称乳胶漆。Sulphuric Acid Introduduction Such is its importance as a raw material for other presses that its production was, until recently, considered a reliable indicator of a country’s industrial output and the level of its industrial development.翻译 :作为其它工艺的原料它是这样重要,直到最近还被认为是一个国家工业生产力和工业发展水平的一个可靠标志。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)2. Raw materials This involves injection of superheated water and air into the deposits of sulphur via drilling. The resulting aerated liquid sulphur-water-air mixture is buoyant enough to rise to the drill head where it can be separated into its components, and pure sulphur is recovered.翻译:这包括通过钻孔注入过热的水和空气到硫矿中,最后鼓风进入的液态硫-水-空气混合物有足够的浮力升到钻孔顶端被分离,纯的硫的得到回收。

Uses of Sulphuric Acid Para. 2calcium fluoride (the ultimate source of about 70% of all the fluorine in fluorinated compounds)氟化产品中的所有氟的大约70%的主要来源是氟化钙 Exercises2 1 NH3 2 ammonia, absorber 3 NaCl, NH4Cl 4 CO2 5 NH4Cl 6 rotary dryer 7 light sodium carbonate 8 sodium carbonate第 页 教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea P68 Para.1Indeed, until the invention of the Haber process, all nitrogen-containing chemicals came from mineral sources ultimately derived from biological activity.翻译:发明哈勃工艺之前,从无机源得到的所用含氮化合物基本是从生物活动(生物方法)的得到的。

Para.2Essentially all the nitrogen in the manufactured chemicals comes from ammonia derived from the Haber-based process.翻译:基本上生产的化合物中所有氮均来自氨,而氨是从以哈勃工艺为基础的工艺上的到的。 (more molecules than any other compound, though because it is a light molecule greater weights of other products are produced )解释:虽然因为氨的分子量小,要生产分子量大的其它化合物,所以(氨的产量仍这么大,所以生产氨的)摩尔数比其它化合物更多。The Haber Process For Ammonia Synthesis Introduction.All methods for making ammonia are basically fine-turned versions of the process developed by Haber, Nernst and Bosch in Germany just before the First World War.翻译:所有生产氨的方法基本上一致很好地说明了Haber 、Nernst 、Bosch 在第一次世界大战前在德国发展起来的工艺。


Modern plants have trended to operate at a low pressures and high temperatures (recycling unconverted material) than nearer-ideal early plants, since the capital and energy costs have become more significant.翻译:自从资金和能源成本变得更重要以来,现代化的工厂和更接近于理想(理论的)条件的早期工厂相比,倾向于在较低压力和较高温度下操作。 Nitric Acid Production.方程式后 It might, at first sight, seem that the overall reaction to the acid would be easy; unfortunately, there are complications as nature is good deal less tidy than chemists and engineers would prefer.翻译:可能第一眼变成酸的反应看起来很容易,遗憾的是有很多复杂之处,因为自然界没有化学家和工程师希望的那样好。

Reading Material 7:Haber- Bosch Process Scheme:Rapid population growth needs more and more food supplies.Increase in yields per acre must rely on nitrogen fertilizer.It is necessary to make use of nitrogen in the air to produce more and more nitrogen fertilizer.第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)4. The method of Cavendish ( that nitrogen and oxygen were sparked together to form oxides of nitrogen from which nitric acid could be prepared.) demanded extremely high temperatures (2000~3000oC) and therefore uneconomic amounts of electricity. In 1903 Haber showed that show that ammonia could be synthesized at the not unreasonable temperature of 1000oC if an iron catalyst was used. However, the yield was infinitesimal and of no commercial significance.Then Haber improved the process on the conditions of 200 atmospheres (402kPa) and a temperature of 5000C. Bosch and Mittasch scaled up the process and Bosch developed a cheaper method for preparing hydrogen by passing steam over coke.British棗 error conclusion on the process (expensive) developed instead the cyanamide process.1920s, Haber-Bosch process 棗r〉British and American ——〉high pressure synthesis第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Unit 8Petroleum ProcessingP79Para.2The processes used include various cracking units (which make small molecules from large ones), polymerization, reforming, hydrocracking, hydrotreating, isomerization, severe processing known as coking, and literally dozens of other processes designed to alter boiling point and molecular geometry.翻译:所用工艺包括各种裂解单元操作(可以把大分子变成小分子),聚合、重整、加氢裂解、加氢处理、异构化、像焦化这种苛刻的工艺和很多旨在改变沸点和分子几何形态的其它很多工艺。

化学工程与工艺专业英语 教案_武汉工程大学过程装备与控制工程专业高校排名_工程类专业和工程经济类

Constituents of PetroleumPara.1No one constituent exists in large quantity in any crude.翻译:没有一种组分在原油中大量存在。 Para.3These branched chain materials perform better in internal-combustion engines than n-paraffins and hence are considered more desirable.翻译:这些支链物在内燃发动机里的使用性能比直链的好,因此认为它们更理想。 P80Lesser ComponentsPara.2With the general adoption of catalytic cracking and finishing processes, it was discovered that the occurrence of metals present only in traces (Fe,Mo,Na,Ni,V,etc.) was troublesome as they are strong catalyst poisons. 翻译:随着普遍接受了催化裂化和后处理工艺,发现金属只是痕量存在也很麻烦,因为它们是很强的使催化剂中毒的物质。