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来吧,所以,________________。4.课件展示第四节:用直线画出雾的单词。顽皮的雾再次隐藏了_______,所以,________________。“为什么要使用两个偶数”;理解“偶数?偶数”;显示“偶数?偶数” 例句 5. 阅读第 5-6 小节: 雾太恶作剧了数九歌教案怎么写,它隐藏了很多东西。如果它隐藏了自己呢?3.板书设计备课时间:年、月、日、上课时间:日、月、日、周、第20节。雪儿的教学目标1、认识10个生词和1个偏旁“字”。2. 正确、流利、情绪化地大声朗读课文。3.了解课文内容,了解雪与云的变化过程。教学重点是认识10个生词,知道雪会变成云。教学难点 通过“雪童变成”和“雪童飞到空中变成了非常漂亮的白云”两句话,学生可以理解雪和云之间变化的关系。教学时间 2 教学准备课件、生词卡片 教学过程 集体备课思路 个人补充调整 第一课时 1. 谜语的引入激发兴趣。天上种下小白花,一夜北风花开。六片花瓣千变万化,飘飘飘落。②看图说话,初步感知文字 1. 展示前4张图片。要求:仔细看图片,想想看,告诉我每张照片上画了什么?2. 说出名字并说说 3. 小白兔睡着后发生了什么?学生可以边看图边自由想象,提问,听老师讲故事。

4. 你能给这个故事加个标题吗?让我们看看编书的阿姨和叔叔给这个故事起了什么名字。2.自读课文 正确阅读课文,看图,读图旁边的句子,画出你不认识的单词。3.检查自读情况及读后正确发音 (1)注意读准生词,尤其是:让、去、烧、知道 (2)能读:“累、兴趣、柴、救、但是“和和弦词”“(赵)” 4.阅读讨论 1.雪童救出小白兔,他去哪儿了?(1)即阅读课文中的句子(2)指导阅读第八段(读赞美,爱) (3)说说小白兔看到白云会说什么。 2. 雪童是怎么飞上天的?(利用课件让学生了解雪化成水,水蒸发成云的常识。适当的展开:衣服晾干后,地上的水消失是水分蒸发的结果。) 3.阅读课文并思考:雪童会回来吗?我什么时候可以回来?(继续阅读课件:云化雨云化雪的过程。) 五、阅读说明: 1、你喜欢雪童子吗?你想对雪童说什么?2. 通过大声朗读表达你的感受。7.黑板书写设计在第二课中复习和导入。识别新单词和短语。二、阅读课文,理解内容 1、讨论:雪童救出小白兔,他变成了什么?先分组讨论,然后按名字回答。(雪童救了小白兔后变成了水)雪童是怎么飞上天的?将会回来?(让学生观看课件,水蒸发到空气中形成云的过程,云化雨云化雪的过程) 2.本课因不注意拼音而大声朗读,付费阅读时注意单词的正确发音,正确处理轻柔的声音。阅读。云化雨云化雪的过程) 2、因不注意拼音,指导本课朗读,朗读时注意单词的正确读音,正确处理轻柔的声音。阅读。云化雨云化雪的过程) 2、因不注意拼音,指导本课朗读,朗读时注意单词的正确读音,正确处理轻柔的声音。阅读。

Such as: "up" resting "breath" on the house, on the tree, on the ground, read out the beauty of the snow and clouds, the happiness and sadness of the little white rabbit, he / flew into the air and became a / white cloud, a flower /Very beautiful and beautiful/Baiyun, the second half of the sentence "very beautiful and beautiful" and "white cloud" should be read slower, expressing praise and love. 3. Think about it and talk about it. 1. Look at Figure 8. Talk about what the little white rabbit will say when it looks at the white cloud. 2. What would you like to say to Snow Boy? Fourth, the sequel to the story "Snow Child is Back", imagine what the little white rabbit will do and say when they meet with the Snow Child. 5. Lesson preparation time for blackboard writing design: Year, month, day Class time: Year, month, day, and week of the subject, language field, seven teaching objectives , Cliff. 2. Recognize onomatopoeia, understand their function, and be able to choose appropriate words according to the meaning of the sentence. 3. Understand the idioms about the weather and feel the unpredictable changes of the weather. 4. Understand the characteristics of anthropomorphic sentences, and be able to try to say anthropomorphic sentences. 5. Connect with the reality of life and observe the pictures. Teaching focus 1. Cultivate students' ability to tell stories completely through rational imagination, and to describe the stories told in fluent language. 2. Through comparison, learn new words that are easy to misspelled. Cultivate the habit of summarizing and sorting out typos. 3. Familiarize yourself with and try to recite "Number Nine Songs" to understand the number nine solar terms after the winter solstice. Experience the emotions that people yearn for and love for spring, and feel the beauty of life.

Teaching Difficulties Continue to deepen students' understanding of the importance of reading and stimulate their thinking and love for reading. Teaching time 2. Teaching preparation and preparing courseware. Collective lesson preparation ideas in the song teaching process. Individual supplementary adjustment. 1. Lesson 1. Literacy gas station. 1. Invite the children to read and recognize with the help of Pinyin. hǎi tān yē shù bèi ké Beach coconut shell shā mò hú yánɡ luò tuo Desert poplar camelɡāo yuán xuě lián jùn mǎ Plateau snow lotus horse xuán yá qīnɡ sōnɡ xiónɡ yīnɡ Cliff pine eagle , read by train, read together with the whole class. 3. Classify these words according to certain criteria. 4. Teacher: Do you think our country's Chinese characters are interesting? Second, the use of words and sentences. 1. Try to read and see who can read the words correctly. Review the steps of using radicals to look up characters in a dictionary. Step 1: Determine the radical of the character to be searched, and count how many paintings the radical has. Step 2: Find the page number where the radical is located in the "Radical Directory". Step 3: According to the page number, find the radical of the searched word in the "Character Checking Table". After counting how many pictures are left after removing the radicals, go to the corresponding position to find the word you want to look up and the page number in the text. Step 4: According to the page number, find the word you want to look up in the text.

Observe its pinyin, meaning and word formation. 2. According to the method just now, the students check by themselves: Deficit, Shen, Dan, State, Nai. If you can't check, you can ask your teacher or classmates. The first page code of the radicals to be checked removes the page numbers with a few characters in the radicals. (1) Invite students to spell freely with the help of pinyin. Clouds open, fog scattered, breezes, ice and snow, wind and rain, clouds and fog, cold winds, biting goose feathers, heavy snow, lightning, and thunder (2) Can you tell us about the situation when these weathers come? (3) Which of these weather conditions do you like? What do you dislike? Why? (4) What other words do you know to describe weather conditions? Say something. (5) I will choose one or two of them to speak. 4. Learn anthropomorphic sentences. (1) Read sentences freely. ① "I want to hide myself." Mist hid himself. ② Feng took my towel and handkerchief, wiped the sweat, and threw them on the ground. He took his sister's round hat and rolled it away as a hoop. (2) Do you find these sentences interesting? Where is the fun? (3) Feel the characteristics of the sentence: describe the fog and the wind as people, and give them the actions or thoughts and feelings of people, which is called personification. The use of anthropomorphism can not only make the described things vivid and vivid, but also clearly express the author's feelings for the described things. (4) I will also write anthropomorphic sentences. (5) Invite students to report and communicate. 3. Design of writing on the blackboard 4. Teaching reflection 2nd class hour 1. Introduction of conversation to stimulate interest Teacher: In this class, we will conduct training on reading pictures and writing words. Can you write confidently? 2. Look at the pictures and say the words 1. (courseware) Show the pictures: Teacher: Please observe the pictures carefully, and then tell me which words come to your mind? Students: After students observe, say the words that come to mind.